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(NEW, DA made) Moon Whales Species

ForumsMiscellaneous Chat → (NEW, DA made) Moon Whales Species

(NEW, DA made) Moon Whales Species

#267992 Posted on 2023-04-08 20:27:10

Here's a link to DA about the information, age/height, weight, and everything about Moon Whales!! From Females to Non-Binary, see how they work by reading this 4 minute long text about these majestic creatures! Hailed from the inspiration about the Blue Whale species, this "New" species might help the Blue Whale population a little more with popularity.

Here's the DA Link to this new species of inspiration from the Blue Whale population, the Blue Whale species is a majestic mammal with beautiful songs, and echoes to hear from! There's a youtube video with dreamy whale songs with the briny deep by Jason Lewis/Mind Amend!

I will also copy the samething from my DA profile to hear, so that no one has to search or use my link to see the very informative species, so that is coming into play after I do the Moon Whales Species gender descriptions first, including Calves since the babies need them!

I think I will make the descriptions different Literature, so that its easier to read instead of HOURS of scrolling through the Species, and also easier for my brain to compress and think about how the whales work and act together- well the personality is already there so I don't need to do that.

And I already know how Solstice's (HorseGirl's character) Moon Whale already acts and looks like, so I will add Solstice (HorseGirl's character) to the female/cow description, and then cut it when I add it to the Species list, so that its easier to read it shortly and provide a better example then different examples.

But surprisingly enough, I want to add a little more depth for the male/bull description and also add it to the calf so that when calves branch to being male I can talk about the differences that male calves have to go under the stages to reach its maturity to reach full bull/male adulthood.

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