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Auroras and Snow [Round One Closed]

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Auroras and Snow [Round One Closed]

#263753 Posted on 2022-12-16 20:49:55

Aurora Tags


  • Cost for just an icon is 100k or 1 EVC, cost for just a signature is 250k or 2 EVC, and a bundle of icon and signature is 300k or 3 EVC

  • One character per slot per round, one slot per person per round

  • Please provide a back up, just in case my skills aren't there

  • Please do not resell for more than you paid

  • Do not remove my signature

Deer Creek's Frost with Blue Sleigh

Deer Creek's Mauve

Random bay with Red Sleigh

Rye's Kabuki

Nebula's Phanix

Sleigh Colors:
 Red         Pink        Green
Purple       Grey      Blue

1. rye
2. nebula
3. wey

Tag, Sig, or Both
Sleigh Color
Backup Reference
Anything in particular you want to be sure I include or pay attention to

Last edited on 2022-12-17 at 22:18:48 by Nen

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#263754 Posted on 2022-12-16 20:53:27

1. Rye

Tag, Sig, or Both: Both
Reference: Kabuki
Sleigh color: Whichever fits best
Backup Reference: Any from here
Anything in particular you want to be sure I include or pay attention to: Kabuki does have stripes around has body; they can be hard to see if you're not paying attention

Last edited on 2022-12-16 at 20:55:30 by Rye

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#263755 Posted on 2022-12-16 20:54:05

1. Rye
2. nebula

Both please
Reference: Linden
Backup Reference: Phanix
Other: Red sleigh please c:

edited to fix slots c:

Last edited on 2022-12-16 at 20:54:23 by holly jolly ηεⲃυℓα

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#263756 Posted on 2022-12-16 20:56:05

1. rye
2. nebula
3. wey

both c:
Reference: fluerry
Backup Reference: adrestia
Other: blue if you do fleurry, pink if adrestia c: 

Last edited on 2022-12-16 at 20:56:31 by wey

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#263757 Posted on 2022-12-16 20:59:27

o.o hoping for another round

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#263773 Posted on 2022-12-17 00:15:09

For Rye!

I also ended up doing a darker red sleigh...since you're team red this year! Plus it fits Kabuki's vibes. Also I did put the stripes, but I don't know how well they actually show up... let me know if you want me to try to adjust it?

And I plan to do at least one more round, Bubbles!

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#263774 Posted on 2022-12-17 04:58:44

When you open it again; I think I'll splurge for a combo. 💜

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#263904 Posted on 2022-12-17 21:27:32

For Nebula! I ended up doing Phanix...because the spots were v overwhelming for my finals brain @.@ Also let me know if Phanix is too dark in the sig?

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#264119 Posted on 2022-12-20 18:41:21

I just checked in here and I love mine! Thank you c: 

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