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DA Dreamup Creations

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DA Dreamup Creations

#263069 Posted on 2022-12-05 17:16:08

So DA has a thing for core members* called dreamup where you give a prompt and the AI makes art for you, I prompted 'horse', and this is one of the 3 it gave me...
Am I trippin' or is something off about the horse's hindquarters and back leg??

*non-core still gets 5 free prompts, so if you have DA go ahead and try it :D

Last edited on 2022-12-05 at 18:38:34 by Kali Pickles Horses

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#263073 Posted on 2022-12-05 18:25:38

No your not seeing it wrong, I can also see the way that it is, though the front legs are also a little off.. He look stubby and short when you see it the way that it is

And does it have two tails? There's a black tail to the right and a white tail flowing up, is that normal?

I do like the background, it's pretty and gorgeous!

Last edited on 2022-12-05 at 18:26:27 by Lizzy

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#263075 Posted on 2022-12-05 18:37:42

yeah... seems ai isn't as good as we thought. He does have 2 tails, and at first, it looked like he had two butts too. and I just realized one of his hind legs looks broken in several places, plus dislocated xD

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#263076 Posted on 2022-12-05 18:58:56

Oh man, this poor horse needs to be- out of Old Yeller's style of how you say it, but I'm not saying it for obvious reasons, but it's quite true.

And two butts, that's hilarious!

Oof yeah the horse is in misery.. And yeah, AI isn't there for electronics yet, but they are for now and how fast they are being developed.

Though I will print this out and hang up on my wall, I still love it even though the horse is in misery.

Let's name the horse Ol' Jimmie, since I can't tell if the horse is a stallion or mare, but fits the scenario perfectly- unless a better name can be put up..

Oh better! Chantilly Lace! That's the horse's name! I really love this name since it goes so well with every horse!

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#263077 Posted on 2022-12-05 19:22:58

ooh, Chantilly Lace, perfect!! and look at the front leg, looks a bit... plump xD geez it looks like it should have 5 legs but one was amputated, guess that's the backstory now :3 and btw here are the other 2 it gave me, the chestnut is my favorite :D

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#263079 Posted on 2022-12-05 19:34:36

I can see why you love the chestnut horse because I love the chestnut as well, it's the only horse that looks normal, but in a sense, and yeah it is the backstory now to Chantilly but hey, all horses are perfect!

But I seriously love Chantilly and the chestnut, what name do you want to call the chestnut horse? I'm sure it would go great with the chestnut! Though I do love all horse names, they are all great and I love them!

Though for the 2nd one that you showed me, I'll name the bay on the left Gilly and you can name the bay chincoteague on the right! But you name them however, I'll agree anyways, now I love all the horse AI pictures and that's me admitting something!

Though the chincoteague's poor front leg is bent, the horse also dislocated an arm :( but I still love the backgrounds, I'll use the 5 prompts to get perfect backgrounds and use them!

Also a quick note: Gilly (bay horse on the left) has some hair floating up from a mystical place, that's actually kinda cute since it could be a pet or something more!

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#263080 Posted on 2022-12-05 19:40:10

I was thinking Epona maybe, from the Zelda games, but idk. I love Gilly, and how about Wilow for the other?  I just realized willow's arm looks like it had a rubber band around it for too long xD And Gilly's feathering(?) looks kinda like bird feathers tbh. Ooh, Tilly and Gilly! I just realized that, guess Chantilly's new nickname is Tilly, so Willow can't stay, I'd like them to match :D Maybe Willow and her nickname Milly? Willy doesn't sound too good...

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#263082 Posted on 2022-12-05 19:49:20


Oh Epona is a good name!

Oooh that's great, all matching names! So perfect, why did I even respond with orders? I should ask first on what you wanted to name Gilly, though matching nicknames are a perfect combo for remembering!

Like Tilly took a tumble, when Milly saw a mumble, while Gilly was off cantering, kinda matches the way.. I'm gonna be honest, the end with "was off cantering" was a bit weak and didn't end up matching the rest, I would love to be consistant with the nicknames, but the end will be good.

Unless you have something better? I know you do, since I kept making these little orders in my last reply, so I'll reply if you have something better, but if not then we can just roll with it, oh we can make art for them!

Now I realized that! That would be cute and really adorable to show off art for the horses! Well in the Art and Critique Forum since it would be rubbing it in a little bit, but still!

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#263084 Posted on 2022-12-05 20:11:04

Lilly took a tumble, Milly heard her mumble, and Gilly sat and bumbled. Idk lol. I would love to make art for them, hopefully, all 4 in one piece. I imagine Epona would be like a mother to the rest like they're her full-grown adopted foals :3

I actually named Willow after my rl pony, who I call Pillow and Whomping Willow xD

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#263145 Posted on 2022-12-06 16:37:31

Oh wow, that's a better rhyme, thanks for that.

And I could also make some art too since I was thinking about it, I was thinking of making a new page for DA Created Creations, and that sounds like a world! That would be so adorable!

And Willow named after your rl pony? That is an honor!

And sorry for not replying back, I didn't realize it and I was being busy, and yeah..

I was also making a new site for DA Dreamup Creations, DA Dreamup mares X stallions that go together also renaming it to DA Mares X Stud Pairs, and even DA created OC's, including Epona, Chantilly (Tilly), Willow, and Gilly, also who's Epona again? It's really hard for me to remember since I had so many things on my plate this evening and awhile..

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#263153 Posted on 2022-12-06 18:43:27

DOn't worry about not replying, I had to go to bed then today I was at Lowes getting supplies for a rabbit shack :3 And I rode Willow a little bit today as well :D Epona's the pretty chestnut, the only one who came out normal xD I love the rhyme of DA Mares X Stud Pairs, it's so easy to remember :3

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#263156 Posted on 2022-12-06 19:09:40

Ah, you must be really tired then, and yes it is, I am so good at coming up with things, but you are better at more greater things then me, I can tell, and you have a rabbit? They are so fluffy and adorable!

And alright for Willow, she must've been happy to ride out!

Ah alright, thank you for reminding me! I appreciate that! And yeah the only one normal, heh, and thank you for complimenting on the rhyme!

I didn't even realize it was a rhyme until I posted it, hah, I make myself laugh and yes it is easy to remember you are also right on that!

Last edited on 2022-12-06 at 19:10:19 by Lizzy

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#263157 Posted on 2022-12-06 19:20:58

haha, I'm not super tired... yet. But maybe I am bc the sentence "I am so good at coming up with things, but you are better at more greater things then me, I can tell, and you have a rabbit?" made me read it 4 times before understanding x'D and I have... 9 rabbits😬 it started with 3, 1 girl and 2 boys... then the girl had 9 babies and we couldn't keep the parents, 3 of the babies turned out to be boys so they're separated. But hey, the male/female rabbit ratio has stayed consistent😅

Willow was a good girl, but she wants to trot everywhere, it's hard to keep her at a walk. I ride bareback most of the time to exercise without the hassle of saddling, and I can ride the trot bareback, but Willow is a little bouncy creature. and we don't even know what breed she is, so I call her a Grade Pony, much easier that way.

The un*intentional rhymes are always the best ;) 

*had to edit, I type too fast xD my bad

Last edited on 2022-12-06 at 19:46:34 by Kali Pickles Horses

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#263158 Posted on 2022-12-06 19:39:07

Haha yeah intentional rhymes are the best, oh sorry about the sentence I guess it's confusing to read that, I can edit it if you want so it's easier to read it.

9 rabbits?! Hot dang, wow only 1 girl and 2 boys? Oh yeah, 9 is definately too high sometimes, sad that you couldn't keep the parents, heh yeah the ratio has stayed consistent. I couldn't spell consistent for like a letter or two..😅

Oh good! Good horses are the best horses, she really is a "Little Explorer" ha get it? Because she's a pony? And yeah, riding bareback is bouncy, considering which horse you ride, but yeah.

I could guess what breed Willow is, I know my breed of horses- I just keep forgetting that there are other breeds..😅 Hah can't always remember the names but know the breeds that's how people are nowadays, for like- riding horses and y'know, all that jazz.

Actually, I remember that my grandmother once had a rabbit, the little rabbit had a marking that looked like a butterfly, I don't remember the poor baby's name, but she sadly passed, I had some little rabbit toys for her to cuddle with, at least she didn't actually chew the plush one. I guess she loved the sweet cuddly fluffy plush of stuffing and not food stuffing.

Oh and the female rabbits marking, the butterfly marking, it was actually on the right side of the rabbits cheek to look like a butterfly gave her a little kiss, it was adorable and she was a little attententive explorer. Even though I wanna type intentive explorer but I chose attentive..

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#263160 Posted on 2022-12-06 19:52:26

Yeah, but at least they 'work' in a petting zoo lol so they pay for themselves, otherwise, we'd only keep 2-3. 

She is quite the explorer, on her first trial ride she was puffing at shadows on the ground xD C'mon Willow, you've seen your own shadow before, these ones are no different.

I don't have a pic of her on my laptop, but she's 11.2hh, mahogany-ish bay with light points, muscle-y but plain build, and short, sturdy legs. Great at jumping. She has a naturally short mane, and a scruffy tuft of a forelock lol. Wide barrel, strong hindquarters. Not sure if this is enough info to base something of a guess on, but it's all I've got until I get a pic of her lol. I'm guessing something like a Dartmoor maybe.

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