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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#267941 Posted on 2023-04-06 19:28:15

Lunaris nodded in silence before she looked at Nature, the black mare quickly glanced at Lunaris before looking back at Eclipsetess, the vines were doing good and Eclipsetess was just sleeping normally now, but bones cracked from time to time and that caused Eclipsetess to flinch a little bit.

Though Lunaris took a couple of deep breaths before she confidently walked up against Nature, the mare just looked at Lunaris as the dark blue mare backed off a little bit but she stayed where she was, and Nature took that to note and left Lunaris where she went.

As Lunaris looked at Eclipsetess and examined her closely, her coat was beautiful and attractive, much like everyone else's, though Lunaris summoned of what seemed to be an extremely old book that was withered and destroyed, and looked gold with the papers yellowed of age really badly, but Lunaris gently turned each page as Nature focused on Eclipsetess.

"Ah! Heheh! I've got a perfect spell to quickly heal Eclipsetess, but it does make her feel young and full of energy, oh and the spell resets broken bones perfectly as well. Can I perform it? To help?" Lunaris asked Nature, the black mare looked at the deep blue mare before she stopped her magic.

Lunaris quickly realized that Nature was letting her do her own spell, but Lunaris did quickly make the spell as showed Lunaris's fake white wings, as a circle appeared and made Lunaris float of the ground, though white chains appeared and wrapped around Lunaris's wings as Nature's eyes widened.

But just as the spell was conjured it was finished, but white chains did appear on Lunaris's fading in and out of existence wings, Nature just realized which spell Lunaris performed for Eclipsetess, though Eclipsetess did wake up before just letting her body rest for the time being, Minette just got up and layed down besides Eclipsetess to make her more happier.

"You.. Didn't need do that, you know you'll be in pain right? You're gonna worry me now.." Nature told Lunaris, Lunaris hunched over as she tried looking up at Nature, the poor mare took Eclipsetess's injuries and put them on her body instead, just so Eclipsetess would be healed up.

"I'll be fine.. And plus, I want to prove that I want to help, instead of being a castaway- a runaway, I'll do my job this time, even if I'm not allowed too, I'll still do my tasks right to help everyone out. That's why we gotta have better horses out there for other herds and kingdoms." Lunaris told Nature, Nature just looked away as she blushed in embarrassment in a way, Lunaris just giggled as Nature told Lunaris her next task.

"Now go, you want to help, go now." Nature nudged Lunaris, the dark blue mare got to walking and trotting and then running as Nature sighed and rolled her eyes, Nature still couldn't believe she blushed in embarrassment, she was actually confused by herself now.

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#267948 Posted on 2023-04-07 06:14:55

     Nysa looked over at her mother walking off a short ways, as she followed. Solstice wasn't too far away from Eclipsetess. Close enough she could keep an eye on her friend, but ar enough she had some privacy. Though Solstice just started grazing a bit as Nysa laid down beside her and rolled around. Solstice looked at her filly smiling as she nibbled on her short and fuzzy multicolored mane.

     Namir didn't move away from Eclipsetess. He said nothing letting her rest, but he did groom her softly and carefully. hoping it'd relax her and distract her from the pain while she slept. Solstice occasionally looked up checking on them before she went back to what she was doing. Though Solstice noticed Lunaris walking up to Nature, but she stayed put with Nysa. Namir pinned his ears slightly when Lunaris came over, but that was his protective side talking.

     Though Namir snorted a bit when Lunaris asked to perform some sort of healing spell on Eclipsetess. Instead of saying anything though, Namir looked at Nature letting her make the choice since he trusted her. That and Nature knew this mare far better than anyone else. He just remained by Eclipsetess's side watching as Lunaris performed the spell. Solstice looked up and watched with a small smile, but she couldn't help but to overhear what Nature and Lunaris said.

     Solstice then looked towards her home Isle. The day of the fire. Eclipsetess pushing her into the water. Solstice could almost feel how her burns stung once the water touched them, but she remembered Eclipsetess doing a similar spell. Though Solstice came back over as Lunaris left, "Wasn't sure if she would have taken my advice, but looks like she did...what task did you give her?" she asked.

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#267950 Posted on 2023-04-07 08:01:40

"A simple one, somewhere nearby so that if she messes up she can take some advice from and probably you since its been awhile for her to do something like this, but I'm sure she's not gonna bother you since she does carefully plan out my advice into her own solutions, but actually the spell that Lunaris performed is one of her most favorite spells. Its where she switches injuries for injured horses, since Eclipsetess has broken ribs, Lunaris took that from her and switched her perfectly good ribs so that Eclipsetess could do her daily things while also focusing on everything else and her daughter." Nature told Solstice the first part of the question that she asked, and then decided to tell Solstice of what Lunaris did.

"She's a real sweetheart, at times when she's not pressured to do so, but she does put on a smile and show her compassion to everyone. Sad that no one actually spent their extra time with her when she was staying for that little bit before she left, she could've had a mate as well.. And foals, but they chose their actions and Lunaris took her's, and that she wanted to keep scavenging around in space for that rock. But she knew when to return, I guess she got lost in space and probably deep space too since the green glowing rock was very rare to get and only someone like Lunaris could go out there and look." Nature spoke once more, but she realized that she was talking and it made her seem sad at first but Nature smiled to be happy that Lunaris was starting to get more active and more happier now that she's trying her best.

"But I bet that dark blue mare knows a spell on how to achieve your magic, she does have that book since she was born really far before Scorn was even turned immortal, heck probably even before his lineage was even started, so she does have really old antiques that even Orion couldn't get! But she'll let someone make a perfect copy of that book right now in this year, sometime when.." Nature looked around as she spotted Lunaris talking with a mare, she could tell how hard Lunaris was trying to cheer up that mare she was talking to with.

"Anyways, you should spend some quality with Nysa, take her out by the beach and try to teach her how to swim. I mean we all have instincts, but we'll never know if Nysa will like the water at all, so best to do that now then later. You might see an even happier filly then she was before." Nature suggested to Solstice, the suggestion seemed quite nice when Nature explained it to Solstice, the two don't probably need the quality time, but it does never hurt to try and see how it goes.

"Hey, if you see your friend Oceanus, why not give her this if she's on the beach? She might help Nysa out and you can just watch, though there is that Mint mare and her friend.. What was her name I heard before? Alm- arma- ama- amarillo! That's it, Amarillo and the mint mare could also help to shield Nysa from the darker parts of the shallow beach." Nature asked Solstice, Nature handed Solstice an object with a sea horse engraved in it, it was probably for something for Oceanus to work on or just a spell that can help better with the Sea Ponies.

"Oh and if Oceanus hands this back to you, and it starts glowing the sea color blue, then you and Nysa are in great hands of Sea Pony protection, in case either of you go lost at sea and Oceanus can find you if the necklace starts glowing that sea blue, it does admit a sound that only Sea Ponies can hear underwater. Its like a thing to call a wolf or a fox, a whistle? That's probably it, but Sea Ponies can use that sound to track your very location. They are like us but in the water, so they are mysterious when wanting to be mysterious." Nature told Solstice the outcome of what would happen if she or Nysa got lost, or Solstice was lost with a lost horse at sea, or even Nysa got lost to sea with someone else.

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#267952 Posted on 2023-04-07 10:03:19

     Solstice nodded, "Well it'd be good for her to start off small after everything." she said, "Though she asked if we wanted her to leave or not..I told her to talk to you and make things up after everything..that it wasn't my decision to make, but after everything you said I'm a little surprised she took the advice." Solstice said. Though Solstice looked over at Eclipsetess, "Well that showed she was trying to make amends, but Eclipsetess did something similar the day of the fire." she said returning her gaze to Nature.

     "When we were swimming to this Isle, we had some sea ponies help out, but I was already tired and in pain from some burns from that point. When we got to the shore, I was exhausted, but Eclipsetess reversed it...she wanted me to go ahead, but I couldn't leave her after she risked herself to find me..I'm lucky she did." she said gratefully as she had a small smile on her face.

     Though Solstice looked over at Lunaris, "It sounds like she tried her best at things, but it's what she does from now on that's important. The past is the past, and I'm sure she's learned her lessons." Solstice understood some of what Lunaris went through, but maybe she had to prove herself to Solstice as well in order for her to trust her. Either way Solstice looked over to check on Nysa, but she couldn't help but to giggle a little.

     The filly was running, jumping, and playing around with another butterfly she found, and seemed to be having a blast. Solstice smiled as she watched the filly for a minute as she listened to Nature. "I suppose it's not a bad idea. She likes learning new things, and we've yet to bring her to the beach. That and because it's been quite the day...a little fun on the beach shouldn't hurt." she said seeming to really enjoy the idea.

     Though Solstice turned her gaze back to Nature when she mentioned Oceanus, "Well I doubt she'd be out here without a good reason, but I can do that if I see her. It'd be good for Nysa to meet her too." Solstice smiled, "Pa'li too. I think he often stays at the rocky part of the beach, but he likes his privacy." she said unsure of the last time she saw the sea pony stallion. It must have been longer then she thought.

     Solstice looked at the object Nature had given her as she listened while examining it, "Well that's good to know, but I'll let Oceanus decide on that..I mean if it weren't for you informing her that day on the beach...the opposite would have's not the same wearing this new necklace least now I can keep the family tradition going." she smiled before she looked at Nysa then back at Nature, "Well I guess I'll go take her..don't be too hard on Lunaris she's trying." Solstice said before she had goodbye and trotted over to Nysa.

     "Nysa there's somewhere I want to take you. Just the two of us." she said nuzzling the filly. Nysa got excited as Solstice giggled, "Stay close then. Don't stray away from me too far." she said before they both left. Though it wasn't long before Nysa started running ahead excitedly, "Nysa wait! You don't know where we're going!" Solstice called out trying to catch up with her, but Nysa had her beat, "My I never realized how fast she was." Solstice said to herself as she kept running until she found Nysa slowly dipping her hoof in the sand unsure of it as Solstice slowed down giggling.

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#267953 Posted on 2023-04-07 12:02:37

Oceanus was laying out in the sun, though she was curled around something small and scaly, much like that of herself, but Oceanus looked up at who was at the beach now, even a little head poked out as Oceanus got up when she realized who it was and was surprised to see her- well Oceanus was supposed to not expect the unexpecting really..

Though Oceanus turned around as soon as she got up, a little foal was up and behind her, Oceanus nuzzled the cutie and looked back at Solstice and the new foal at the beach, well it was also knew to the foal behind Oceanus, though the mare could sense something that Solstice had.

But the little foal was nudged to the water as his scales were showing from his body, even Oceanus rolled in the shallow water for a little before shaking off the excess water from her scales as they disappeared into her coated body, though her hair and tail was longer and there was a small sharp bump on Oceanus's forehead..

But Oceanus waited for Solstice as the mare quickly yawned and stretched before shaking off again, the foal came out as well as Oceanus nuzzled him gently, like he was sick or something, the big mare just watched the sea foal as he was being playful now and was excited to meet Nysa and the new mare with her.

"Who's the non-sea foal and the non-sea pony?" the sea foal asked Oceanus, the mare just told the colt that it was her friend and her friends foal, by guessing it as Nysa did resemble her mother perfectly.

"But I wasn't there during her birth I bet, so the foal won't know who I am, but I just wanted to show the sand first for your first Isle, I know your mother would love to come and play with you but she's busy with your other two siblings." Oceanus told the foal, he was a good listener and was patient as his reflected that of Oceanus's daughter Ceto.

"But grandma, you know I'm not born with scales like yours, everyone knows that I'm a sick colt. You could tell in the kingdom and outside.. I wasn't born like the other foals.. Nor even considered as one.." the colt told Oceanus, she just sighed and acted so gentle with him, she was just happy to have him right here.

"Oh Carcinus, you'll always be different and loved by many, you were just born under thunderus waters, you should've been born on the beach.. Much like your mother was, but she loved you too much and wanted you born in the royale kingdom to be really recognized as royale blood." Oceanus told Carcinus, he blushed as Oceanus only made him smile and back to his happy self, though he did notice Nysa and Solstice as he only examined from afar.

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#267954 Posted on 2023-04-07 12:48:20

     Nysa ended up sliding to a stop once she came across the sand. She looked down at it confused but also curious. She hadn't seen sand before. Not even the beach. Though she sniffed the sand and shook her head as some of it got in her nostrils. Nysa just snorted before she slowly stepped in the sand as her hoof sunk in it a bit as she stepped back. By then Solstice had caught up to her, "Mom what is this stuff? Or even this place?" she asked unsure of the sand.

     Solstice smiled as she stepped into the sand a bit before she looked back at Nysa, "It's called sand. It feels a little weird under your hooves at first, but once you're used to it you'll like it." she said with a smile. Nysa only looked at her mother then back down at the sand. Neither of them had noticed Oceanus or even the little colt with her yet. Though after Nysa thought about the sand for a minute she stepped into it and walked to her mother. "See? Not so bad."

     Though Nysa forgot about the sand when she heard the crashing waves. Well she heard it a little bit ago, but she didn't pay attention until now. The filly looked up seeing the waves and the water as she seemed intrigued by it. Solstice looked up at the waves as well, "This is called a beach Nysa. You'll have fun here." she smiled as she looked back at Nysa. "Why don't you look around a bit? Just don't go out of my sight this time!" she said as Nysa already ran off a bit, but Solstice couldn't blame her.

     Nysa ran down the sandy shore a bit as Solstice walked behind. She did look at the bridge then her home Isle as she sighed. Though Solstice's attention quickly went back to Nysa. Nysa just ran down the shoreline a small bit until she noticed a large mare she hadn't seen before. Nysa halted to a stop with her ears perked as she was full of curiosity of the mare, but she soon noticed a small colt in the water...with a weird tail. Nysa was confused though, "Mom!! Come look at this!" she said hollering a bit.

     Solstice cantered over and slowed down unsure of what Nysa wanted her to see until she noticed Oceanus. "Mom that colt had a weird looking tail?" she said looking at Oceanus and the colt curiously. Nysa only flicked her ears and she flicked her small tail around since she was enjoying herself, but as always she was very curious. Though Nysa didn't know anything about sea ponies.

     Solstice smiled as she looked at Oceanus, "It's good to see you again Oceanus. It's been awhile since we've last seen each other." she smiled noticing the change in her friend's look. Seemed like something changed about her each time Solstice saw her, but she didn't mind. Nysa looked up at her mom confused and asked if Solstice if she knew the mare. Solstice nodded, "Yes Nysa I do. She's a sea pony, and so is the colt with her. On land they can look like us, but in the water they have scales tails..I guess you could say."

     Nysa looked at Oceanus and the colt still curious of them while Solstice brought her attention back to Oceanus. "How are things going for you? Is the kingdom well?" she asked before she looked at the colt, "And who's this?" Though in that moment she remembered what Nature had given her as she pulled it out and gave it to Nature, "Nature wanted me to give this to you if we saw you on the beach."

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#267955 Posted on 2023-04-07 13:21:15

"The kingdom is well and blooming of more life then ever, but I am doing fine, even when I'm aging now." Oceanus said, her long hair seemed curly now, maybe a sign of different combing this time.

"Oh and this is my grandson, Carcinus, you could guess who's his mother. Unfortantely she's- again with two more foals on the way, I swear that my family iscursed with fertility or something; I have lots of siblings, and now my daughter is married now and has one colt and two more foals on the way. I swear Sea Pony life is still an adventerous one." Oceanus said, though she looked at the object that Solstice handed her and she took it and examined it.

"Ah I see why she appointed you to give it back to me, and if she explained what would happen, then have it as a charm. I already unfortantely have so many of these that I can't have anymore at the moment, even selling or gifting these away seem so valuable." Oceanus told Solstice, though like Nature predicted and explained, Oceanus handed the object back to Solstice, though its eyes did glow the same color as the ocean blue water.

"Who's the mare and filly grandma?" Carcinus asked Oceanus, she just looked at him as he stepped out of the water and went back into his foal form of being on land.

"This is Solstice and I presume her daughter?" Oceanus asked nicely, Oceanus did give Solstice those eye's of who she was with and is longingly going to be with forever and ever.

Carcinus was curious of Nysa, though he seemed to be days younger then Nysa, but still the same age to talk, he was also relatively different as well, his scales were kio-like from here and there but still had Ceto's scale color and eye color under all the different koi scales..

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#267956 Posted on 2023-04-07 13:43:56

     Solstice smiled, "Well that's good to hear. I'm sure your mother is proud of you..and all of your siblings." she said before she looked at the colt, "Grandson? Wow...I didn't know Ceto was going to be a mom, but twins? Wow. Seems like a lot has happened since that on the beach a little while back now." she said glancing over at the spot where it all happened before she looked back at Oceanus and Carnicus, "It's nice to meet you Carnicus." she said.

     Though Solstice looked at the object a bit, "She did tell me..well she's the reason we're here too." she said with a small laugh, but Solstice took the item back as she looked at the glowing eyes Solstice then used her magic to put it somewhere safe. "Nature did tell me, but we've been lucky plenty of times with getting your help as well as other sea ponies help." she said gratefully before she looked down at Nysa.

     Solstice looked at Carnicus when she heard his question. Solstice only smiled and nodded, "Indeed. This is Nysa. Faith was actually the one to name her..but it was such a long night when I had her.." she said remembering how tired she was, "Orion's back with the herd. It's been a long day for us...that's for sure." she said with a small sigh, "Though Nature suggested I teach her to swim, and I agreed..that's why we're here. Maybe you and your grandson could help? I'm no swimming expert." she giggled as she looked at both of the foals, "They do seem quite curious of each other..well Nysa is always curious and observant."

     Nysa looked at her mom confused when she said swim. "Swim? Like get in the water?" she asked as Solstice nodded. Nysa was a little unsure about it, but Solstice nuzzled her softly telling her it would be alright, and that she'll be right there. Nysa nodded a bit though once she realized she was old enough to do something. "Okay mom! I'll try!" she said perking up again as Solstice smiled.

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#267957 Posted on 2023-04-07 14:53:40

"Grand! My grandson will be in the water first, though it'll be a new experience at first Nysa, but the water will be regulated to how your body heat is affecting it, and that's still good because you'll be used to swimming in water in no time! Though as long as your mother says you are observant then you'll know what to do." Oceanus said, Carcinus smiled and trotted over to the water as he jumped in his own way.

Carcinus then waited as Oceanus walked over and took a step at a time until her tail was fully transformed and she was just standing in the water now, though Carcinus must've be in the deep a little bit as his head barely stuck up from the surface but Oceanus could tell where her grandson was.

"Well the water might be cold to your hoof at first, but diving right in will only make you feel how you are before but just soaked in water, and don't wrorry: We'll only keep you in the shallows until your a perfect swimmer and can handle the deep shallows a bit, and we'll be right here. And your mother is going to watch out for anything that shouldn't be or be right there when there is trouble with how you are processing the water." Oceanus reassured Nysa on that, though her hair was no longer on her neck since she was how she looked as a sea pony would look like.

Though Carcinus was ver excited for Nysa to get into the water, mostly because it was exciting to see a new sea pony or horse to enter the water for the first time, whether old or young it was still exciting anyways, though Oceanus just smiled, sighed, and rolled her eyes as Carcinus was just purely excited..

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#267964 Posted on 2023-04-07 17:00:51

     Solstice nuzzled Nysa as Nysa did the same in return. Nysa watched Carnicus jump into the water as she flicked her ears curiously. Solstice smiled as she looked at Oceanus, "Oh she is..I saw how you were watching Nature a little bit ago when she was caring for Eclipsetess." she said as she looked at Nysa just looked down embarrassed, but her mother only nibbled her mane a bit.

     Nysa then watched as Oceanus walked into the water as she watched her transform to her natural form. Nysa was fascinated by it. Solstice giggled before she walked over to the water. She dipped her hoof in before looking back at Nysa, "The water is fine. Nothing will happen. You can trust Oceanus." she said calmly before Solstice waded further into the water. At least until the water was up to her stomach. 

     Nysa stayed back at she looked at her mother. Though she slowly walked over to the water as a small wave crashed onto her hooves which startled her a bit. Solstice knew this was completely new for her, so she let Nysa process it and take her time. Nysa looked up at them before she slowly walked in. Though Nysa seemed to have stepped on something as she tripped.

     Solstice came over and helped her before anything happened. Solstice stayed by her side, "Just one small step at a time. The deeper you go the harder it will be, but I'll be here with you." she said as Nysa nodded. Once she felt ready again, she took a few more small steps as Solstice stayed with her until Nysa got deep enough she almost couldn't touch. "We won't rush you Nysa..just take your time."

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#267965 Posted on 2023-04-07 17:11:24

"Agreed." Oceanus said, though she waded a bit more further to scout for a little bit before returning to where she liked to lay down in the water, also a good tactic to being hidden in the water, though she did watch Nysa and Solstice under the water, at least to scare off anything that decided to try and attack as small fish or curious as a crab.

Carcinus then swam a little further as Oceanus plopped her head to see where he went, though that was when Carcinus jumped out and looked like a golden koi fish somehow, that colt always liked the land instead of the sea, must've inherited from an ancestor or something close.

"Always a show off at such an age, I wonder how he got the golden scales, must've inherited it from his father." Oceanus laughed at the first part, but she muttered the last bit to herself as she did examine Carcinus before he went back into the water.

"Carcinus, you might want to head back onto land, I know your body won't like the water for too long you know. But you'll have it to suck it up when we go home, I know that sounds rude/is rude, but I have to tell you your limits know. Since I am your legal watcher." Oceanus told Carcinus, she flat out told Nysa and Solstice that Carcinus was sick with a mutation of some sort or something that didn't allow him to be in the water long.

"Alright, I'll watch from the sand, close to the smaller and calm waves. So that my body starts getting used to that before I head deeper into the water." Carcinus told Oceanus, she nodded as Carcinus went back onto the land as he did it without a fuss, which Oceanus was proud of what Ceto taught her son.

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#267966 Posted on 2023-04-07 20:37:42

     Nysa looked at her mother a bit unsure of things as she looked at Oceanus. She could feel the current which made things slightly difficult for her to take another step, but it was hard for her to even touch the bottom where she was standing. Solstice helped her before she made sure she was alright, "We can go back if you want. Once you learn you'll enjoy it, but it's also a good thing to learn when you're young. I may have learned that the hard way.." she said mumbling that last bit.

     Nysa seemed to find a way to keep herself upright, "No-no. I'm fine!" she said wanting to keep trying. Nysa just really never did anything like this. It was always that she was too young to do anything all the other foals were doing. That was all. She wanted to do this, but it was all new to her. That's all. "I'm fine mom! I want to learn!" she said before she looked at Carnicus.

     The both of them watched him jump out of the wayer. Nysa was in awe as she watched him, and she couldn't help but look at his golden scales. All of this was new to her, but she was really curious about sea ponies. Solstice noticed Nysa's reaction. Though she said nothing, "Well his scales are quite the sight, but colts are colts. Always have to be the one showing off."

     Though Solstice was surprised to find out about Carnicus's inability to be in the water long even for being a sea pony. At least he seemed okay with it as Solstice watched him go to shore. Though before she realized it, Nysa just leapt forward unexpectedly. She felt ready, so she just tried swimming. Solstice quickly realized Nysa wasn't beside her anymore as she tried going after her, "Nysa! Be careful!" she said worried just as much as any mother would as she swam after her.

     Nysa ignored her mother, and kept going. At first, she struggled unsure if her small legs could handle it, but she seemed to find a good rhythm. After that it was still a bit challenging, but she was doing it. "I'm fine mom! Look!" she said as she swam around a bit. Solstice was still worrying a bit telling her to be careful and all. It seemed like Nysa had gotten it, but Solstice just watched in case she lost rhythm. Solstice started thinking whether or not it was a good idea bringing her down here, but that's what mothers did.

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#267977 Posted on 2023-04-08 12:02:29

"Don't worry, she'll be fine with you, and I'm still here as well." Oceanus told Solstice, the mare glided through the water with it just rippling but still light and smooth.

Though Oceanus did perk up and looked off into a direction as off in the distance some creatures were bobbing their tails up and down, though there was more then one, so it was pod but Oceanus only giggled as Carcinus saw the pod and immediately jumped into the water as he went and submerged under the water to dodge Nysa and Solstice, but he did quickly catch up to the group of creatures as Oceanus only giggled like the first time she met Solstice and her group way before.

"Well well.. Carcinus you better be cautious with that pod! Who knows which dolphin is the pod leader!" Oceanus exclaimed to Carcinus, he nodded and went swimming as the dolphins had bobbed up and down sometimes, though the dolphins had spikes when they're back portruded from the water but didn't to sting Carcinus as they circled him for fun.

"Don't worry, the more creatures that stop where they are, the more they are curious of you two here, since only you two have been only on the beach. And without fear from anything, except from the Great Deep, you'll make even more powerful allies in the Deep. The Great Deep might be too much, but I won't say anything worrisome about that. Maybe after Nysa grows up, so that you don't have to worry about her when she's older." Oceanus said, though a smaller dolphin swam up as Carcinus was retrieving the tiny creature, well not tiny as the baby dolphin was the same height as Carcinus.

"I hope that the moon whale you met Solstice had a calf, meaning that you can see how different moon whale calves are, very cute babies of the sea. As every sea pony calls them.." Oceanus told Solstice again, she seemed eager to see the calf, like she had seen no other moon whale like Solstice's.

"I wonder if Mint has married a stallion yet.. Probably not, but she should.. Maybe she doesn't know the joys of family, aside from not having any and just inheriting her home.." Ocenaus told herself, it seemed like the mint mare Mint does not have anyone to be linear/romantic with nor had any family like she's supposed too, maybe she had poor skills at finding love and had no family at a younger age either.

"OH! That reminds me, I'm supposed to ask Cupid if he can find and match horses together.." Oceanus spoke aloud, like she forgot and then remembered, but Cupid? That would be interesting since there are so few god's that aren't usually known until they are remembered from the Heavens.

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#267983 Posted on 2023-04-08 13:11:14

     Solstice just sighed as she kept a close eye on Nysa, "I know I know. I just can't help it. You know how my brother is..seemed like I picked up on worrying all the time." she said, "I don't know how my brother just kept going when he was constantly worrying those years ago.." she said mumbling that last part to herself. Nysa just kept swimming around having a blast, and ended up going to slightly deeper waters, "Nysa be careful!"

     "I'm perfectly fine mom! I'm being careful!" Nysa said. Well the filly was surely more ambitious than her mother. That was for sure. Though they both looked over when they noticed some marine life not too far from them. Nysa looked over seeing Carnicus jump back in the water. Nysa just swam over to the creatures curiously. For her first time swimming, her legs should have been tired by now, but they weren't. Not one bit. 

     Though Solstice just kept a very close eye on Nysa. She was starting to think about what Nature and Azulia had said earlier about the animals attracted to her, but she didn't say anything about it. "Oceanus I'll always worry about her. How could I not as I'm her mother, but also because of what we've been through?" she said, "I just hope she won't go through anything like I did.

     Nysa swam over to Carnicus and the dolphins. She was having a blast. Solstice just swam a bit closer to ease her worries some, "I've only seen her that one time...after y'know.." she said pausing looking out to the deeper waters, "From what I learned they are similar to the moon unicorn they are connected with, so I wouldn't doubt she'd have one. I'd like to see her again with Nysa. I already know Nysa will like her..." she said as she went back to watching her filly.

     Though Solstice seemed to think quietly for a few minutes. She seemed to have zoned out slightly. At least until she realized she had, "'s just been a long day and last night was a long one too.." she said apologizing before she looked at Oceanus, "I...met my parents this morning...still doesn't feel very real." she said, but she was very thankful for it. How Mystic even knew, she wasn't sure, but it didn't matter.

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#267984 Posted on 2023-04-08 14:17:50

"Hm, well I can guess you and Eclipsetess met a sweet mare that was the gate guardian? I've only seen her once but I forgot her name, but it was my first time going there, so I'd doubt that you wouldn't meet the sweetest mare to sweet to even be a god- or even deserves the Isles.." Oceanus seemed to have taken great notice with Solstice's parents, maybe she'd seen them as a glance but her mother would know any horse that she met.

"Actually if you and your brother go up to the Heavens and you two walk into the Angel Realm, then you should find a pretty big mare that looks like me but has more of a dragon vibe: That would be my mother, she was the oldest living Sea Pony in the entire history, so it would make sense, unless she was in a meeting with the god's and goddesses.." Oceanus murmured to herself about the last part, but at least Oceanus provided more detail with how her mother looks and acts. That should be helpful to find Oceanus's mother in the Heavens.

Though as Oceanus was chatting with Solstice, about her telling Solstice about how her mother acts in a more vivid way, her appearence if there was water around, and without water, how Oceanus's mother wears clothing with water around, and not around, and how her eyes are completely different..

Until a big friendly whale sound traveled from quite the ways away, and that was the same sound that the moon whale sounded when she met Solstice for the first time, but the whale did splash some water from her blowhole so she could breathe in more air.

"Well look who decided to make the adventure! Remember her? Though I think I did see a male moon whale with your gorgeous connected friend, now we have to see if she truly made the adventure, she shouldn't be tired if she's so excited to meet you again!!" Oceanus said excitedly that she was practically repeating herself, she still let Solstice know that she was surprised for her whale friend to be so anticipated about seeing her again.

That was until the dolphins went to dive under for the time being, as Carcinus decided to get Nysa backing up and to the side, very slowly but Oceanus just used her magic to create a small soft push for Nysa to get out of the way, including Solstice, but Oceanus also created a barrier for the two to stop and relax for the time being. Whilst the barrier let in the water but it would make a shallow land for the two to relax while being able to lay down.

Though the more that Solstice's friend's echoes were coming, one more was also let Solstice know as he was probably the male, and a baby moon whale also used their echoing music, but the three kind of made a song that'd you listen to- more of dreamy whale music though..

But as Oceanus went next to Solstice, and Carcinus went to his grandmother, Solstice's whale friend pulled up as she surfaced, then another MUCH BIGGER male moon whale also pulled up, their baby surface yet and that was strange as Solstice's whale surfaced alongside her mate, but their baby didn't come up to breathe in air.. Which was worrying all to be said..

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