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#261626 Posted on 2022-10-26 18:45:16

I'm just curious and wanted to know, but- can we have a book forum where IF anyone wanted to write a book they could? I dunno if it's a repeated suggestion, but it was just a thought, and well.. I'm never online anymore or barely, and I've made some books on other forums in games, other equine games I say, they are all good, but I love to create books!

And well if this gets no support then it's fine, but- I've been making books since 5th grade, and- well I can put a simple sentence into a storyline and it would come out perfect in every way, I have been doing forum suggestions since I posted forum books and how to properly correct my grammar. Almost correct my grammar, I just publish and edit since I catch myself at the end..

Anyways, it would be fun to make books in a forum where people could vote for the best book to get more views, more views = more publishing chapters, and it would be fun to add comments as well to see the reader's perspective and maybe dabble in the perspective a bit? It would have to be a thought for the mods though!

Anyways here's some reasons to why and maybe what I said already makes more sense to you? (hopefully)


1. If you just published you're first book and it's- a bit messy, some experts or authors should give out handy tips from the comments, and also make colorful titles! (well- maybe not exactly colorful, but fun to pulled into the book)

2. Writing plot, theme, setting, introducing, and the climax (I did that sentence SO WRONG!), these are the VERY MOST IMPORTANT THINGS TO A BOOK! And they should be taken either lightly or hardly, it's depends on the author of the book.

3. Light (what I just said in #2) books should be tagged as "Children's Books" since they are fun, happy, and having a relaxing but exciting mood to it. Hard books should be tagged as "Adult Books" since they are more bruding, dark, and a little bit unsettling for newcomers to read a book.

4. Since this IS MY first post on here, for people to understand what I'm talking about! Rules for the book are just simple: One section should split into multiple sections so that author's that want to make Adult Book's should be in the section(s) labeled "Dark, chilling, etc etc" because of that. People that don't want to read a normal happy go lucky book can switch over to the other section that they so desire, and that ones THAT DO want to continue reading happy go lucky books may stay in the same section if they so please. Making more then book is okay, but they should also have some catogories in them so that people won't have to stress out what catogory to pick! And the same-like catogry as well so that it's easier for some people.

5. Bookmarking, I know people bookmark A LOT, so how about making a second bookmark just for the books that author's and readers make? Like if we didn't have that then people would have to search their bookmark tab just to find the book that they wanted to read.

6. Any title should be allowed as long as they are friendly in a section that is allowing it to have, same goes for the Mature Book section.

7. Book reviewing, I know book reviewing is a big thing in the book industires and everything around it, so if the reader or author likes the book that they are reading then it should be in a blog just to get a little bit of fame, or maybe just post it around some sites but not brag about it.

8. Reads a book has, I know reading the amount of reads a book has is also big in the industry so that if we have a counter for how many a reads has to a book, then the author should be notified if they reached a goal of views.

9. Goals, goals are VERY OR HIGHLY IMPORTANT in the industry as well, so setting goals in the book that an author or reader is making should have an amount of reads they want as a goal, or commenting as a goal too! Anything that is reachable in a game is reachable. Including the TOP BOOKS!

10. Cover Art, cover art also attracts people in to just read a book, you can make art right? Then making covers is the exact samething! Except what is limited, using an app called Canva should be allowed as nothing inappropriate is in it, it's just making dashboards, wallpapers and everything else imaginable! I use it for my cover art as well!

11. The limited extent of the words, word counting is ALSO IMPORTANT for a book, the longer a book is the more the reader wants to read it like an actual book, so as long as they get to type, no limiting is allowed, unless someone breaks a rule.. THEN YOU CAN LIMIT SOMEONE FOR TWO MONTHS! Because they will have edit to continue the storyline.

12. Offline and Online reading, being offline sucks (not actually saying anything bad, just clarifying that!) and you have to login daily, so if you want to pause on your reading then you are welcomed to do that! When you need to login, then you can see your book on the login page and see how many views it has!

I think that is it for the reasons, but I may have more reasons in stock, so be prepared! But, that is all since I wanna continue but I can't, mostly because of my time at night, gotta sleep at a certain point you know!

But I just put it here as an experiment, it doesn't need to be upvoted if no one wants too, but be warn: I am an author so I WILL BE PUSBLISHING BOOKS IN THE DESIHNATED FORUM, just for fun though, I love to write more then read, so reading a book is the exact same since I apsire from it.

So that is it, and sorry if it's a repost of a suggested already suggestion! I didn't read the suggestions yet, so I am terribly sorry!

But for now, I am just gonna be how I am, I will be excited and happy to see if the mods made the forum for everyone and me, but since it was my idea, can I please be in charge of the forum? Since it would be a big help to the mods and maker of this game, and I can also look over drafts people send to me if they do want to make some books for entertainment! But can I also make the first book? So that people understand how much work it is put in to make a single chapter? 1000 words for me is an hour, but three chapters with 1000 in them is four to five days, and it would make me happy to just write and overlook and see if there's grammar mistakes as well, since I would take it to Google Docs to check grammar and copy those grammar edited words and bring them back here.

Just a thought y'know! And I would love to be in charge of something besides frozen horses, and the amount of drafts depends on my depature if I go AFK again.. So that they mods would have to freeze my account until I get back on since the drafts would lag the server if they weren't done right away!

Last edited on 2022-11-05 at 15:25:10 by Lizzy

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