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Mystery Tag/Signature Giveaway (#3!!)

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Mystery Tag/Signature Giveaway (#3!!)

#257409 Posted on 2022-05-06 16:41:28

Sasan' hair-brained idea:
Hear me out. 😆 I want to try out my tag and/or signature making skills since it's been a while since I did anything like that. I had a few ideas but thought it might be fun to make a game/giveaway thing about it. 🐵

So here's my idea post an idea for a tag/sig - I will choose one of them and make either a tag or a signature or both! Everyone who posts one or more ideas gets entered to win whatever I end up creating!

The winner would get:
🐴Either the PSD for them to recolor &/or sell at their discretion*
🐴If they can't or don't want that I could do a recolor for them and it could be their solo art 

How to enter:
🐴Comment an idea for a tag it can be as wild as you want go into detail if you have a vision or give me something vague it might inspire me 
🐴One 'point' for each idea! 
🐴Repeats won't count unless they're different enough 
🐴Please separate your ideas with bullet point!

How to win!
🐴Ultimately it will be a random drawing! At the end I will assign everyone who enters numbers based on their entries (for example someone may get numbers 8, 9 and 10 for making three contributions) then I will used a number generator to select the winner
Point boost to the idea I use:
🐴I will choose an idea I like after a day or two
🐴The player whose idea I choose will get 5-10 extra points**  
🐴I may decide to combine ideas if so both people will get the extra entries

*If the winner gets the psd I will give them complete rules they're not terribly restrictive mostly dealing with attribution and profit

**I may change the amount of extra entries the chosen idea person gets since I'm not sure how many entries I'll get and I want them to be much more likely to win but not necessarily a sure thing 💖

I've used some of my old signatures as header images but here's a larger selection so you can get an idea of what might be the outcome.

Any questions? Does this make sense?? Does this sound like a good idea? Let me know 🤗
I'll leave this open for a day or two? We'll see

Last edited on 2022-07-12 at 13:41:19 by Sasan

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#257417 Posted on 2022-05-06 17:23:18

Maybe, hear me out

A horse in a fruit orchard (could be wild, or fenced in. maybe apples?) proudly standing over a pile of fruit with one in their mouth? with golden hour sun lighting, like they've been working all day? :)

Last edited on 2022-05-06 at 17:26:09 by Virtigoe

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#257421 Posted on 2022-05-06 17:38:50

Good idea Virtigoe! It could be a draft horse.. or a pony.. or both! 🥺

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#257422 Posted on 2022-05-06 17:47:42

im thinking either a huge draftie who's standing over the pile, or a tiny pony who's being engulfed by it lmao 

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#257424 Posted on 2022-05-06 18:02:19

Hear me out....

2-3 horses in a fenced-in pasture with a cowgirl/boy on the fence either sitting or standing on it holding an apple or carrot out to the horses as they are grouped together next to the fence or running up to it trying to see who gets the apple first. Maybe some trees or mountains in the background.

Last edited on 2022-05-06 at 18:02:43 by ТϻɌanch

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#257425 Posted on 2022-05-06 18:12:28

OMG, your artwork is amazing, I love it so much. 
My ideas will be pretty vague 

  • A horse standing in the clouds (bonus points if it has a rainbow) lol

  • A horse (or group of horses) running along, against a sunset with a bird (eagle perhaps) in the sky 

  •  Jousting knight while on a horse 

  • A horse portrait, surrounded by flowers (maybe for a tag)

  • A horse in the snow next to a snowman 

  • A depressed-looking horse in the rain 

  • Horse and foal in a meadow surrounded by flowers 

  • Horse racing around a track (horse racing basically) 

  • A draft horse, plowing a field 

  • A horse barrel racing 

  • Cowboy on a horse, maybe surrounded by cattle

  • Two horses galloping in a stream 

  • Arabian horse in traditional tack

Hope they all make sense, I find it hard to express what is in my head lol 

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#257427 Posted on 2022-05-06 18:16:22

i'm not that great at complex ideas lol, but a few things i'd love to see:

• a draft horse and a pony greeting each other over a fence.
• a foal (or foals) chasing butterflies, maybe with their dam grazing in the background.
• wild horses exploring old ruins like an abandoned town or ranch.
• a horse dozing near a hay bale, having fallen asleep while eating.

love your art as well, i realize i've been seeing tags and sigs of yours around for years now and always liked how detailed they are

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#257435 Posted on 2022-05-06 19:45:37


 - A warmblood galloping in the ocean during the sunset (sun still up in the sky a bit) with seagulls and waves crashing onto rocks

 - quarter horse barrel racing with tack and a rider 

 - A mustang standing on a small cliff looking out in the distance with smaller horses below?

 - A horse rearing on a cliff that reaches the clouds with the sun

 - A pony wearing a cowboy costume (just thought it would be cute)

 - Two wild stallions fighting with mountains and clouds in the background as well as a small source of water?

 - A warmblood galloping in a severe thunderstorm with lighting and trees

 - Group of warmblood horses galloping in a pasture (maybe a foal in there)

 - horse and rider going on a trail ride (with maybe a doe or buck?)

 - showjumping with mountains in the background

 - cutting practice or at a rodeo

 - reining at a rodeo

 - polebending in a arena

 - maybe one having to do with the olympics?

 - A horse on land meeting a horse from the sea

 - underwater horse finding a shipwreck

 - underwater horse coming across a shark

 - horse and rider bonding

 - person riding a draft horse on a open trail

 - A person leading both a draft and a pony (draft behind pony)

 - a horse swimming in the ocean with dolphins

 - A person lunging a horse with trees and mountains in the background

 - horse making friends with farm animals

 - thoroughbreds racing on a racetrack with jockeys

 - Arabian being shown in a halter class

will edit with plently more lol

Last edited on 2022-05-07 at 13:10:59 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#257453 Posted on 2022-05-07 08:07:36

This is so fun!

I’d love to see something show jumping/ eventing themed 
- show jumping on the beach
- jumping with a vineyard theme

Or western ranch type riding themed? Cutting, reining, roping
- horse and dog herding cattle 

My other thought is wild mustangs is a desert scene or a cowboy/girl or two with their horses in the desert, and wild ones in the background 

Maybe a horse grazing in a vineyard 

Horses in a field with a castle in the background 

I’ll edit this as I think up things c: 

Last edited on 2022-05-07 at 08:37:56 by ηεⲃυℓα

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#257461 Posted on 2022-05-07 09:54:48

Loving all the ideas 😍🥰 there's so many good ones! Maybe I'll end up doing a few rough sketches then the next round could be a vote where we choose which one?

Also thank you everyone for your kind words about my art 🥰 

Last edited on 2022-05-07 at 09:57:35 by Sasan ☄

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#257472 Posted on 2022-05-07 13:26:04

Beautiful art!! 
I just have on idea
A stallion who's looking over a ledge, and in the valley is his herd, and his mane and tail are being blown by the wind, and its very green, bright, and sunny :D 

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#257473 Posted on 2022-05-07 13:37:46

So glad to see you see you again! Missed you and your gorgeous art ♥ 

Here’s a few ideas. Mostly background concepts. I’m sure whatever you decide on will be lovely though ♥

Wind swept coast with seagulls, California poppies, and sea grass

Everglade with Spanish moss and alligator, draft horse peering off the dock 

Cedar forest with blue bells and wild flowers sunbeams falling thru the trees mare and full lying in a clearing mare nuzzling her sound  asleep foal

Shetland ponies amongst daffodils and lily of the valleys near a stream

One to two Arabians crossing vast dessert sand dunes camel or palm trees in the far distance 

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#257523 Posted on 2022-05-08 13:45:59

Ok I'm going to close this when I get home at like 6pm PST! I'll probably be too tired after work to do any sketches so I'll start those tomorrow!! 😊

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#257621 Posted on 2022-05-11 11:15:30

An edit to voting:
After people started voting I realized I'm pretty attached to all these and will likely finish all of them eventually! Please vote or change your vote to the order you would like to see done! 😊
I thought I was gonna lose my mind because all of my sketches turned out like garbage at first so I gave up a liiittle bit. But this morning I decided to pull myself together and make some okish sketches. I usually put color down under my sketches but did not have the mental energy for that LOL SO here are the concepts to vote on: 

#1: underwater horse finding a shipwreck (ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ)

#2: This one came from two inspirations: wild horses exploring old ruins like an abandoned town or ranch. (Forgotten Land (Bubbles)) Horses in a field with a castle in the background (ηεⲃυℓα)

#3: My other thought is wild mustangs is a desert scene or a cowboy/girl or two with their horses in the desert, and wild ones in the background  (ηεⲃυℓα)

#4: One to two Arabians crossing vast dessert sand dunes camel or palm trees in the far distance (magnolia)

#5 A horse in a fruit orchard (could be wild, or fenced in. maybe apples?) proudly standing over a pile of fruit with one in their mouth? with golden hour sun lighting, like they've been working all day? :) (Virtigoe)

Last edited on 2022-05-11 at 13:00:07 by Sasan ☄

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#257623 Posted on 2022-05-11 12:02:40

I LOVE/VOTE for #3 desert with riders!!


Last edited on 2022-05-11 at 13:16:10 by ТϻɌanch

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