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Division Tabs (breeding/pasture)

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Division Tabs (breeding/pasture)

#255987 Posted on 2022-04-06 07:40:52


Allow stable owners to unlock (with levels + money) new stable tabs, where they can utilize different options when sorting and storing horses.

Stable Tab:
what we have already, nothing would change here.

Breeding Tab:
This would function in a similar fashion to how clubs work, providing (and using) the same coding and options presented in both the search function.

This unlocks at level 25* and starts with 1 free stall slot; these are limited to a total of 25(?). Each slot would cost a flat amount that then has an additional cost scaled off total wealth on the account. Why? Simple: this would simply account for a) inflation, and b) reflect sort of a real life parallel, are you a backyard breeder? or are you a full scale breeding operation that is breeding the next olympian? You could add additional checks to make sure players don’t transfer money to avoid the additional tax.

What does unlocking the breeding tab allow?
It would allow the player to ‘retire’ horses to stud. Horses in a players breeding barn would offer small % increases in dropping NSS points and higher confo.

Why offer NSS/confo bonus? As the current showing system is set up, NSS is not going to go away any time soon. It plays an integral part in earning money when showing, and greatly impacts your ability to stud/sell horses. It takes actual years to drop NSS from foundation lines below 45, which in my opinion, is a reason why its hard to retain new players, or just players in general. It takes SO long to do anything, with little else to do on the site. This helps incentivize breeding smart and rewards players who are putting in the effort. There shouldn’t be a punishment for wanting to play the game. The confo % would also fall in line with the new EC customs boost, while not to such a great extent, maybe something like it targets the lowest % on a specific “part” (ie:head/back/hooves/etc). Perhaps the NSS dropping could scale off of total NSS (IE: you have a higher change to drop NSS on higher NSS horses, but the lower it goes it scales accordingly to prevent the sub 10NSS horses.)

The player can also hire a “division manager” for a monthly scaling fee (based off of the metric above) that allows the player to set specific parameters** (like how clubs allow specific checks before auto-accepting, etc) where it can accept/reject breeding applications for them. The stable manager could also function to auto vet/farrier any horses within the stable so they are always available for breedings.

**Ideally the player should be able to set parameters for requests such as:
Must be over X age / Must have under X NSS / Must be X discipline / Must be X breed / Must have less than X foals / No foundations / etc… Wherein if the applicant meets those requirements the request would be accepted, and also make it an option to auto-accept requests. So it kind of functions as a middle ground between fully private requests and public requests.

The breeding tab does not remove the ability to stud horses from the stable tab, but provides an option for putting specific horses up. Perhaps horses in this tab could be treated as if they were “locked” (they don’t age), but you cannot treat, train or show them while in the tab, and they would require a daily/monthly upkeep fee while in this division to appropriately balance the feature. Maybe it could get the same treatment/option as “boarding” where the stable owner can choose a set time and pay the money upfront to put the horse for X time in the breeding division.

Pasture Tab:
This is an option to send horses out to the pasture. Maybe you just need to age them, or wait until they retire. This unlocks at level 10. *

Initially the idea was intended as a place to aggregate foals, perhaps working in conjunction with the breeding tab. Horses in this tab would not require feed or upkeep (because they’re…. at pasture) but still require vet/farrier. The player could hire “division manager” to auto-vet/farrier horses; if the player has auto-care purchased it could also feed treats. Horses in this division cannot show, train (besides regular foal training) or breed. Again this hired help would cost a flat fee + have an additional scale based off of player wealth. Horses in the pasture would not cost money, but rather a cumulative upkeep based on how many pasture slots unlocked (caps at 50?) and unlock in slots of 5.

*these level unlocks are just suggestions.

I would like to state, I think that due to people being able to have multiple accounts, the additional tabs should be very limited in how many a player can own, as its not something that is supposed to be a focus, but an additional feature that helps move money.

Just an idea I had X)

Last edited on 2022-04-06 at 07:41:28 by 🌙𝕲𝖔𝖆𝖙

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#255994 Posted on 2022-04-06 08:34:55

I don't think we should put restrictions on numbers because some players have multiple accounts. Personally, I only have one account and I don't have any plans on getting a second account. It's unfair to punish those who have one account.

I only will support the restrictions if EV set up a link account system like another horse game and restricts to X slots per PLAYER, not per account.

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#255995 Posted on 2022-04-06 08:56:00

I only will support the restrictions if EV set up a link account system like another horse game and restricts to X slots per PLAYER, not per account.

But... that is restricting it by player. A player can, per the rules, own up to 3 accounts. If we used the example of 25 slots, it would be a total of 75 slots per player. Sure it still requires upkeep and time to manage additional accounts, but its not punishing anyone, especially since accounts are free to make. It would still require the monetary investment to unlock the features with levelling and purchasing with in game cash.

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#255998 Posted on 2022-04-06 09:14:22

I said it's not per an account. Yes, a player can have three accounts. It is not three players, but three accounts. 

You mention "I think that due to people being able to have multiple accounts, the additional tabs should be very limited in how many a player can own." My take from your statement is that you think each account should have limited slots for breeding tabs. 

With account links, it can allow the game to restrict the number of slots for breeding tabs fairly.
If a player is only allowed to have 25 slots max, for example. Therefore, they only can spread those 25 slots among their three accounts: 10 slots in account 1, 5 slots in account #2, and 10 slots in account #3. 

If we restrict it by account, then yes, a player can have 25 slots per account which totaled up to 75 slots. That's why I said I will only support the restrictions if it's based on the player, not the account. 

It's unfair for me, as a player who preferred to use one account, only has 25 slots max while those who prefer to use 3 accounts have 75 slots max. I do consider that as a punishment since it will force me to get open two more accounts to be able to be on "even ground" as other players. Just because it's "free" to create more accounts does not mean it's fair for everyone. There are players who shared the same households and they can't have 3 accounts each because it's actually 3 accounts per IP address. Plus, it requires us to create more email addresses and not everyone wants to deal with multiple emails. Also, not everyone is allowed to have multiple accounts because they are minors and their parents may restrict them.

If this is too complicated, then I vote for no restrictions. 

This suggestion will have a huge impact on horses' valuation due to lowering NSS and higher conformation. Therefore, those with more slots will be playing with a huge advantage over those who have fewer slots because they will have more horses with lower NSS and higher conformation. Putting limits on the number of slots can harm players with fewer accounts. It will take longer for players with 1-2 accounts to reach the level of quality horses that players with 3 accounts would have. That's why I vote for no restrictions or fair restrictions like the above.

Last edited on 2022-04-07 at 11:24:14 by 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖆

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#256045 Posted on 2022-04-06 21:39:10

... this isn't for regular division restrictions this is taking about the horse limit for the suggested new tabs. It literally days in the main post "nothing changes" for the stable division we already have.

Last edited on 2022-04-06 at 23:51:01 by 🌙𝕲𝖔𝖆𝖙

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#256061 Posted on 2022-04-07 09:18:42

I'm not sure I really get the point of the tabs? Is it just to basically be a money waster sort of thing? There were a lot of words on the breeding section, so I jumped around a bunch (brain didn't want to focus today I guess), so I admit I didn't read all of that, but what's the real point of the pasture? It doesn't sound much different then what you have to do in the regular/current section to me, minus not having to worry about care. Of course neither on my main or my spare do I usually have many foals so perhaps it doesn't bother me having to care for them with my regular horses (I hand care/don't use auto care tool at all, so that made another thought jump into my mind that those with auto care could have an advantage since it sounds like, if my brain understood it right, that their horses would still get treats but there would be no way for people who hand care to give treats).

I also think its a bad idea to base it off wealth, especially if your wanting safeguards in place to keep them from transferring money to get a lower price. Cause how long after transferring money would that affect their ability to purchase more of xyz? It couldn't be forever because you could buy a crap ton of horses from other players and go down to near nothing (this is an example) or some big art piece (again an example) and not have those same amount of funds for a long time. If it was just for a day/week or whatever then they could always be patient until that time ran out before they bought (showing that if not forever then there is a work around). Better to do it (if it gets done at all) by the increasing increments that the other stuff has.

Visually, I don't like it though, it looks too busy to me (personal preference here). I know the tabs give it an organized look, but, I don't know, my brain keeps going "ahhh too much information!" when I look at it. 

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#256091 Posted on 2022-04-07 22:25:51

I wrote it down pretty hastily, and I absolutely could improve the quality/clarity of it lol.

 Is it just to basically be a money waster sort of thing?

It's intended to siphon money off, players don't have anything to spend cash on as it is besides foundations, art services and maybe stud fees if people actually have that breed you're looking for. 

Also it would be something optional that you can buy if you wanted to, not forced or anything.

The idea of the pasture was too dump horses so you don't have to actively care for them instead of spending time on it. Cron is already aging horses, why not have it do the daily upkeep on it as well?

Last edited on 2022-04-08 at 00:52:35 by 🌙𝕲𝖔𝖆𝖙

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#256163 Posted on 2022-04-08 18:25:22

lol my brain has just been hating reading word walls lately, not sure why :'D Can't get it to focus on much :'D

Thanks for clearing up the money thing :D

Hmm I worry about the pasture, if it's care was tied to cron I mean, really slowing cron down if a bunch of players took advantage of it (I mean that in the good way, not the bad way :'D). Perhaps instead, if added, a button that you could click to have the pasture care for you horses in that division? Though then what would be the difference between it and Auto Care... hmm (saying with my thought there, not yours lol, yours is different :D) of course if you didn't have Auto Care but you have the pasture I could see the difference then if you added a button...

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#256178 Posted on 2022-04-08 23:51:16

My main issue, is that foals kind of freeload in divisions lol. Same with horses you're waiting to pass. The pasture option would be a happy medium where you don't have to feed/care for them in exchange for a fee kinda deal. It's just QOL kind of. If you hired the manager, they would do everyelse for you if you already have autocare.

You could still train if you needed to, but that's about all that would realistically be needed in terms of care.

I think being able to spend IG money to receive convince like that is really nice lol

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#256184 Posted on 2022-04-09 09:32:13

lol I just have a division that is basically for foals on this account, but like I hardly ever have more then 8 foals at once on my other account/don't fill my divisions on my other account so I've never really thought of foals as freeloading :'D

I get that hiring the manager would care for the foals for you, but I'm just not sure how much strain it would put on cron if we had it run at the same time, if that makes sense. So like it would be a quality of life/unnecessary update so to speak, putting a strain on/slowing down cron that could cause annoyances for those who don't use it, if that makes sense, that I'm worried about. Hence why I was saying a button but then it wouldn't be any different then auto care, unless unlike auto care you wouldn't have to pay for it... in which case I could see people using it as auto care so that wouldn't work (meaning they could transfer in and out, pushing the button unless we only allowed one button push a day, like how bump used to have... was it 10 bumps per a day? ... I don't remember, but gosh I'm rambling here, lol).

lol and I know that's probably not what it means, but seeing ig money, my brain instantly translated it as instagram money, so could you tell me what ig means? It refuses to move on from instagram money :'D

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#256216 Posted on 2022-04-09 23:15:48

"in game" lol

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#256253 Posted on 2022-04-10 12:27:05

lol thank you :'D That makes way more sense then instagram money :'D No idea why my brain went with that :'D

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#256284 Posted on 2022-04-11 10:38:21

I AGREE! Gosh all of these ideas are amaazing

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#256408 Posted on 2022-04-12 21:59:13

I think this would be nice, and keeps horses organized better

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