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Breeding/Training Quests

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Breeding/Training Quests

#255719 Posted on 2022-04-01 00:00:59

Hi EV-Community,

I want to suggest the idea of Quest for raise and train horses. We only have the ability to sell horses to other players or dump them in RC. I know EV don't want to get back to this NPC who bought your horses, because EV appeals to the player to breed specifically and flood yourself with horses don't make any sense, because you need to pay money to get rid of them.

But what I think is that you can set yourself breeding goals or training goals, but the only way to get money with your horses is showing and selling to other players. Selling to other players isn't easy and the prices are inconsistent. You can find really good horses who get sold for less money or get dump in RC. This also reduces the values of your own horses. So you need to keep them to show them or lock them.

My idea is a quest system for horses. There will be specific quest that set you the goal of raising horses with certain values at a certain age.

First idea: 
Horse age: 10 - 13 years
Grade: R1 - R2
Conformation: 65+

Second idea:
Horse Age : 1- 2 years
Grade: N2
Conformation: 64+

I don't think we should split this up in different breeds and disciplines, because the most players stick to certain breeds/disciplines. 

There will be new quest each week/year. You can pin the quest if you want to stick to this quest a longer time. If you don't pin it the quest will be renewed on monday.

There could be breeding quest and training quest. For breeding quest you must be breeder of the horse. For training quest you could buy a horse from someone else and train it.

If you reach the goal you exchange this horse for money or items. 

What do you think? 

In my opinion another possibility to earn money with raising horses is missing.

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#255765 Posted on 2022-04-02 01:42:25

Not sure if I completely understand your idea, but I definitely agree that we could use another means of selling horses. I have myself tried to sell the same horses for weeks now, and will probably have to lower their price to $1 or RC

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#255770 Posted on 2022-04-02 02:49:03

I think some kind of "daily/weekly etc. quests/achievements" have been suggested before, but I can't find the thread itself.
About earning money: Another "quick" method to earn some money is to send your horses to Riding School (although they might not get so many stats nor any horse points). That way you can minimize expenses but get some nice income. 

On one hand, I support the quests part of the idea - it would be a fun and challenging extra aspect of the game.
On the other hand, I don't think I would myself buy a horse from someone else just to do a quest - it's okay if I can do it with my horses, but if I don't, I'm not interested (but I understand there are players who would like and enjoy to do it).

I could only imagine quests as something "easier" to complete, like "Groom X horses", "Treat X horses", "Go to Leisure Riding with X horses", etc.

If your aim is to get a new feature to earn money WITH raising horses, I would rather see something implemented like "achievements" which get more and more difficult and challenging after completion: like "Have X number of horses with min. 65 (70, 75, etc.) average conformation", "Breed X number of foals with a maximum of 45 (40, 30, etc.) NSS", "Have X number of horses reach 50,000 (100,000; 150,000; etc.) horse points", "Have X number of palomino horses/ponies"... and the list goes on.

With the completion of each achievement you could earn money and/or items you mentioned, and with the more difficult the achievement becomes, the more valuable the earned money/item would be. 
It may help selling horses as well, if you know it can help reach an achievement (for example, a horse with 65 confo and 52,000 horse points), so players who don't want to work with horses to reach the achievement but want to complete it, may buy the horse. 

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#255784 Posted on 2022-04-02 10:15:10

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Last edited on 2022-12-26 at 09:46:42 by 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖆

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#255823 Posted on 2022-04-03 11:57:11

I don't meant the quests for getting rid of horses as main idea. Its something more to set yourself a goal for breeding and training. Something you haven't reached yet or something you can reach if you spend much time in it or your best breeding horses.

 The quest could be related with the player level. A beginner with lv 1 will get quests like breed horses with confo 60. Or breed horses that reach regional grade.

The aspect to buy a horse to reach a quest could be the option, but if you are the breeder and trainer of this horse you can get a higher amount of money and EXP, because you reached this quest all by yourself.

The idea of Lucia fits the best to my idea. But not the fact that these quests are for getting rid of unwanted horses.

Quests in which you sell a foal should be the lowest quests, because they are the easiest to reach. You could buy suitable parents or use stud/broods from other players and you don't have to raise the horse/foal for a long time.

Quests in which you need to raise a "champion" horse should be higher awarded. You need to find suitable parents and raise/train/show the horse until it reached the required age/grade.

Futhermore I just think of sell/exchange just one horse for money/exp or items per quest. You can follow up to 3 different quest at the same time. If you are not happy with a quest you can wait one week to get a refresh or maybe spend a bit of money if you want to change a quest now. Quests can be pinned if you don't want to refresh the quest slot. If you pin 1 of 3 quests, you can only refresh 2 quests.

If a quest want you to breed a horse by yourself and train it until it reach a certain age/grade you will need several weeks for it in RL. But if the quest want you to breed a 1 year old you will just need 1 week. So there will be smaller/lower paid quests and bigger/higher paided quests.

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#255872 Posted on 2022-04-04 07:22:53

Thanks much for the explanation, your idea is much clearer now to me. I supported the idea. (:

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#255876 Posted on 2022-04-04 07:31:22

Oh, now I get it! I definitely support c:

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#256134 Posted on 2022-04-08 10:43:07

I would like to get a bit deeper in my idea, so I calculated some quest prizes.

For your understanding:

I calculated the average cost of an adult horse per day: 103,22 EVD

This include:

  • initial cost (I decided for 2000 EVD) divided by life expectancy of 22 years (154 days) = 12,98 EVD

  • average board cost per day = 1,42 EVD

  • vet check up + farrier check up per day = 28,57 EVD

  • treat cost per day (if you buy it in store) = 40 EVD

  • tack initial cost per day (I calculated 25% of 5* upgraded tack over 17 life years (119 days)) = 14,25 EVD

  • repair cost per day (if durability of all tack items lose 1% per day) = 5 EVD

  • Food = 1 EVD

I didn't take into account the cost for training, because that depends on the grade of each horse.

The average cost of a foal per day: 70,99 EVD

  • average board cost per day = 1,42 EVD

  • vet check up + farrier check up per day = 28,57 EVD

  • treat cost per day (if you buy it in store) = 40 EVD

  • Food = 1 EVD

Average Training cost:

L1 - 5:
Training as Novice = 20 EVD + Training as Local = 40 EVD = ⌀ 30 EVD per day

(if the quest age goal is) yearling (0 - 3 years): -
(if the quest age goal is) 5 years: 420 EVD
(if the quest age goal is) 10 years: 1470 EVD

R1 - 5:
Training as Novice = 20 EVD + Training as Local = 40 EVD + Training as Regional = 60 EVD = ⌀ 40 EVD per day

(if the quest age goal is) yearling (0 - 3 years): -
(if the quest age goal is) 5 years: 560 EVD
(if the quest age goal is) 10 years: 1960 EVD

Na1 - 5:
Training as Local = 40 EVD + Training as Regional = 60 EVD + Training as National= 80 EVD = ⌀ 60 EVD per day

(if the quest age goal is) yearling (0 - 3 years): -
(if the quest age goal is) 5 years: 840 EVD
(if the quest age goal is) 10 years: 2940 EVD

I1 - 5:
Training as National = 80 EVD + Training as International= 100 EVD = ⌀ 90 EVD per day

(if the quest age goal is) yearling (0 - 3 years): -
(if the quest age goal is) 5 years: 1260 EVD
(if the quest age goal is) 10 years: 4410 EVD

The average overall training cost is 60 EVD
(N=20 + L=40 + R=60 + Na=80 + I=100  = 300 / 5 = 60 EVD)

The average value of 1 stat point = 20 EVD
You can get 1 - 2 stat points out of 1x treat
You get around 19 stat points for National stat boost (training costs 800 EVD per boost) = 40 EVD per stat
You can get 1 - 3 stat point for show placings + plus you earn money
You  get around 3 - 5 stat points for 10h riding school + you earn money

Grade Bonus:
Novice +2000 EVD
Local + 5000 EVD
Regional + 8000 EVD
National + 15000 EVD
International + 30000 EVD

Now we come to the quests examples:

Yearling Quests:

Quest example #1:

Breed a foal on your own with Total Base Stats of 350 and higher and raise it until it is 1 year old.
Reward: 5500 EVD (or maybe items with similar value)

How I calculate:
70,99 EVD per day for a foal * 7 days = 496,93 EVD
Value of stat points: 350 - 100 (foundation horses starts with 100) = 250 * 20 EVD

Training Quest:

Quest example #2:

Train and show a horse until it reach Regional Grade and 100 Show Placings with a age of 10 years or older
Reward: 45000 EVD (or maybe items with similar value) Bonus: +5000 EVD if you are the breeder of this horse

How I calculate:
103,22 EVD per day for a horse* 70 days = 7225,4 EVD
Training Cost: 1960 EVD
Value of stat points: 600 stat points required for R1 = 600 - 100 (foundation points) = 12000 EVD
Grade Bonus: +8000 EVD
Time Bonus: +5% per week (because the player needs a lot of time to reach this goal (10 weeks))

Quest example #3:

Train and show a horse until it reach National Grade with a age of 5 - 7 years and a NSS of under 60.
Reward: 50000 EVD (or maybe items with similar value) Bonus: +5000 EVD if you are the breeder of this horse

How I calculate:
103,22 EVD per day for a horse* 42 days = 4335,24 EVD
Training Cost: 1260 EVD
Value of stat points: 1100 stat points required for Na1 = 1100 - 100 (foundation points) = 20000 EVD
Grade Bonus: + 15000 EVD
Time Bonus: +5% per week (because the player needs a lot of time to reach this goal (5 weeks))

Showing Quest:

Quest example #4:

Show a horse until it reach 50000 Horse Points and Grade National with a age of 10 years and or older.
Reward: 68000 EVD (or maybe items with similar value) Bonus: +5000 EVD if you are the breeder of this horse

How I calculate:
103,22 EVD per day for a horse* 70 days = 7225,4 EVD
Training Cost: 2940 EVD
Value of stat points: 1100 stat points required for Na1 = 1100 - 100 (foundation points) = 20000 EVD
Grade Bonus: + 15000 EVD
Time Bonus: +5% per week (because the player needs a lot of time to reach this goal (10 weeks))


This was just a bit of calculation of me :D I didn't take conformation into account because I don't know how to calculate Conformation in EVD to get a reward pricing. Maybe someone of you have an idea?

I don't know if this could work or if this makes sense for all players how I calculated the rewards. I think the reward prices will have an impact on the horse market too, but that could be a good thing. It's possible that I have set the reward prizes too high and it's probably not necessary to calculate everything so precisely, but in that way the rewards don't seem random.

If you have an idea for another quest or suggested changes you can drop it in the comments.

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#256410 Posted on 2022-04-12 22:00:38

Definitely agree. Gives newer players chances to rise levels/earn XP, etc. And for old players as well!

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