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PRS and HorseGirl PRIVATE RP

#254425 Posted on 2022-03-10 08:36:22

     "The herd is fine, but they're glad that we're back. They just weren't used to me being gone for a couple days. It's been a few years since I left the herd for that long," he said nuzzling Sky then Star in return. "Someone's shy," he said with a small chuckle. Rowan watched Sky play by herself in the mud, and gave a small chuckle. "A daughter that likes to get dirty. I like it," he said with a laugh. 

     Thunder played with Apollo for quite some time until he got tired. He stopped playing and pranced back over to his dam and sire. The colt nursed for a little bit before laying down. Though, he still didn't have that part down as he just tumbled onto the ground. His father gave a small laugh, and helped him get his legs where they should be. "You'll get used to those long legs soon," said Rowan as he nuzzled his son.

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#254427 Posted on 2022-03-10 08:58:32

      "She is to cute! Now she gotta have a bath, but as long she is having fun is all that's matter. I wonder why she orefers to stay close to us though, and not go and play with the other?" She told her mate. As sky was nursing she started yo give her a bath to make sure was clean, and full of mud.

    Sky was nursing when she felt her dam starting to lick her clean as like giving her a bath. After she was done nursing for a while, she trotted over to her sire and hopped onto him back, and just laid there falling to sleep on his back.

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#254429 Posted on 2022-03-10 10:22:47

     "Nyx was the same way when she was introduced to the herd. She's probably just a bit scared of the others. I mean she's so little, and to her everyone else is huge." he said with a small smile. Rowan had laid down beside his son after he had figured out how to lay down. "Someone's tired," he said as Thunder fell asleep beside his father. Soon enough Sky had done the same. "Easy there tiger," he said as she jumped up on his back. "I guess I'm a bed now," he chuckled as both foals had fallen asleep beside or on him. 

     Apollo came trotting back over to Nyx while she was grazing. "Thank you for being gentle." she said looking up at her son.
     "He just kept tripping or falling," he said before grazing a little bit as he was almost a yearling and didn't need to nurse anymore.
     "He's only a few days old Apollo. He doesn't know how to use his legs all the way yet," said the mare with a small snort, "Plus he is smaller and weaker than most foals when they were born."
     "Why is he smaller and weaker then?" he asked looking back up at his mother.
     "Thunder is a twin. It's rare to have twins, but it's even rarer for the both of them to survive. Especially in the wild son. Most twins come out weaker and smaller Apollo. Though, sometimes they come out sick, like Sky," she said looking at her father. She gave a small laugh as she saw him laying down with both of the foals cuddling by and on him.

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#254431 Posted on 2022-03-10 10:36:20

     "You are pobably soon cozy to them" she said with a chuckle. Star had walked over Rowan, and the twins And she laid down right next to her small little family and smiled. She licked her foals giving them a bath, while they are sleeping. She then nuzzled Rowan "Thank you! Giving me theses two precious gifts, I would have done it without you dear" She smiled. Only then did she watched Sky dreaming, and kick her sire, while she was dreaming, and just laughed at her little filly. She saw her filly slide down onto the ground while she was dreaming, and still contuine to sleep.

     Sky was asleep on her sires back making cute little snores as well. She was dreaming too about rainbows and unicorns. She was accidentally kicking her dad back, as she was sleeping. Sky was giggling in her sleep. She was moving so much that, she accidentally slide off her sires back, and ended up on the ground still sleeping.

Last edited on 2022-03-10 at 10:44:08 by 💜Pheasant Ridge Stable💜

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#254432 Posted on 2022-03-10 10:56:55

     "It appears to be so," he said with a small laugh. "I know you couldn't have," he said with a smirk on his face as well as a small laugh before he nuzzled her. Rowan turned his head so that he could see Sky as she kicked him, "Someone's got a strong kick. Now that feels nice," he said with a small laugh as she kicked him giving him a back massage. The stallion only gave a small laugh as she fell off surprisingly still asleep afterwards. "If only I could sleep like that," he said a bit jeolous.

     Nyx smiled while watching her father and her new half siblings. It had started to get dark out, and Nyx soon enough headed her way to Rico as Apollo followed as he still did his little prance. The trio had eventually fallen asleep as well as everyone else. Though Rowan and Star would wake up to a hyper colt.

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#254434 Posted on 2022-03-10 11:06:59

     Star chuckled "I bet it feels nice, she seems to like you more" she said as looking her twins, who were both cuddling with their sire. She laid her down, and started to close her eyes. She was sleeping when she felt someone moving around. She found that her son, was up and walking "Son, what are u doing up so late of night?" She nudged him to go back to sleep, like the rest of them.

     Sky was also up late of the night, and playing around with her brother. She was jumping up and down with a lot of energy for being the middle of the night. They were playing tag, and not trying to wake everyone up, but they accidentally woke their dam up. They started to feel bad that they woke their dam up way late in the night, when they should be sleeping.

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#254437 Posted on 2022-03-10 11:41:30

     "She was all over you not too long ago," he said looking down at his son. Rowan had fallen asleep after Star had, and was sleeping peacefully until he heard Star. "What's going on?" he said with a yawn as his eyes were half open. Once he opened his eyes he saw the foals up and playing. "Come on you two get back to bed," he said, "You can play when the sun's up." The tired stallion had shook his head trying to keep himself up until the twins went back to sleep. Once they were, it didn't take long for him to fall asleep again hoping he wouldn't have to wake up again during the night.

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#254447 Posted on 2022-03-10 15:41:31

    Star stayed awake up until the twins had fallen back to sleep, and they had fallen back to sleep she went to to close to finally go back to sleep. The next few hours past, and the sun was rising on the last side of the valley, that were in. She woke up to stretch her body, and she could hear all the bones crack throughout her whole body.
   "Good Morning dear, and twins" she smiled with a smile on her face. She looked at the herd, and everyone was just waking up at this point.

Last edited on 2022-03-11 at 07:26:38 by 💜Pheasant Ridge Stable💜

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#254481 Posted on 2022-03-11 08:02:29

     Rowan woke up shortly after Star as he slowly got up and stretched as well. The tired stallion shook his head in an effort to wake him up. It wasn't often Rowan was tired like that, but it took some time for him to be able to keep his eyes open. "Morning," he said with a yawn. Rowan looked over seeing the foals already up and playing as Thunder took it a bit easy on Sky, but Sky didn't take it so easy on him. "That is definitely my daughter," he said with a laugh as Sky had pinned Thunder as she stood over him.

     "Hurry up will ya? We have some mustangs to catch!" yelled a man as he mounted his horse as the sun slowly rose. Two more men finished up tacking up their horses as they mounted. "Let's go! I found some tracks of what seemed to be a couple foals and what might have seemed to be two other mustangs not too far from here!" he called out as they galloped away from the stable. The man in charge jumped off his horse and knelt down. "We're on the right path come on," he said getting back on his horse as they kept on heading North.
     "Slow down we're close," he said as they slowed their horses down to a walk as they neared a meadow. "I don't believe it. It's that stallion...and the runaway gypsy...with twins?" he said quite surprised. "Come on aim for the gypsy, the stallion, and a couple other mares," he said before charging with his lasso in hand, "Get! Come on now!" he yelled.

     Rowan quickly looked over seeing three men on horseback as the herd split up running in several directions. The stallion looked around trying to figure out a plan. "Star you need to go! Take the foals, and go with the herd! They are after you and me, now go!!" Rowan nudged his foals to go with their mother, "You have got to go now Star!" he called out hoping she'd leave before it was too late.

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#254483 Posted on 2022-03-11 08:16:52

     "But what about you dear, I-i can't leave you!" She yelled to him on the other side of the area. She kept the twins close to her, as the humans kept coming to the herd closer. Though she didn't wanna leave her mate behind she had to think what was best of her foals 
      "Please be careful! we hope you will hurry back home" she had called out to her mate, after she started running away with the herd. Star and the twins stopped running at the top of the hill, and looked back to see rowan being roped by humans. She started to tear up, but she had to stay strong for her foals, and for the herd. The herd ran so far away from the humans, they were pretty far away from where they were originally. 

    Sky saw her sire being roped by humans "Daddy!" She cried out to her sire, hoping he could hear her from a distance. She wanted her sire so bad, that she was crying when this is all happening. She looked for comfort from dam and brother. "Ohhh sweetie, its gonna be okay, your father will come back to you and your brother. Its only a matter of time", her dam nuzzled her trying to comfort her in a way.

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#254488 Posted on 2022-03-11 08:45:51

     "I'll be fine, but you need to go," he said before they galloped off. Rowan looked around as the herd ran off. The stallion reared tossing his long mane as he turned and began to run the opposite way. Though, he slid to a complete stop. The man in charge sat on his horse lasso in hand as he stared at the stallion who gave a loud snort. Rowan looked behind him as he was cornered. Before he knew it a rope went around his neck and tightened. The stallion reared and bucked tugging against the rope when it only caused more ropes to be thrown on him. He heard Sky, and looked up for a moment before he was being pulled away. Rowan did his best to pull against them, but his hooves just dragged as there was nothing he could do. 

     The man threw his lasso catching the stallion, "Haha! I have finally got you!" he called out happily, "You'll make a pretty penny. Hey! Get that gypsy! Come on now! She should be out in the show ring, not out here!" he said looking at the gypsy mare as she ran off. Two of the mares from the herd were also caught as their names where Ember and Dakota. Though, they didn't put up as much of a fight as their leader did. 

     Nyx made sure Apollo was beside her at all times as she galloped not too far behind Star. Once the herd was far enough from the danger, Nyx looked back. "He should be here shortly right? My father would never get caught.." she said waiting for minutes for her father's return. Though after an hour, she started to realize he wasn't going to come back anytime soon.

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#254489 Posted on 2022-03-11 08:57:03

     Star went through the herd making sure everyone was okay and everyone was accounted for. She noticed that two of the mares, were missing from the herd Ember and Dakota. She waited to see if her mate would returned, but there was no sign of him throughout the night. She walked over to Nyx with her foals close to her at all times now.
      "i-i don't think he is coming back soon", she tried to stay strong for her twins, but she couldn't hold it in anymore, and she broke down. She was devasted that she might not be able to ever see her mate again. 
     "Mommy where is daddy? He should be with us" sky had asked her dam. Sky was daddy's little girl, and she terrible missed him.
    "Ohh sweetie, I don't think he coming home soon. I'm sorry thunder and Sky" she nuzzled both of her foals. 

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#254495 Posted on 2022-03-11 10:20:50

     Nyx tried to comfort Star, "He'll return. I know he will. My father won't accept defeat," she said trying to stay strong like her father would want her to. "...Until then..we just need to keep the herd together, and wait.." Nyx looked at Apollo who seemed to try to sneak off, "And where do you think your going!? Your staying right here little man," she said with a snap. "We don't need to loose anyone else especially you Apollo." she said angry.
     "Ugh mom! They're gone, and we're fine. You never let me have any fun!" he said with a snort.
     "I'm keeping you safe Apollo! That could of been you taken!" Nyx snapped. Nyx had never snapped like that to her son, and just walked off to the opposite side of the herd. Apollo just lowered his head as he knew he said something he shouldn't have.

     In the meantime, Rowan was placed in a round pen. It was too small for him to gain enough speed and jump. The stallion reared and bucked as he tossed his head and mane. Rowan made a lot of noise and even tried kicking the fence, but it was too strong. Meanwhile, the man had watched the stallion from a distance clearly happy with himself. That mare got away and those miracle twins, but that would be for another day. After some time, Rowan had calmed down a bit. Ember and Dakota didn't know what to do except watch their leader. They didn't want to be there just as much as him, but they couldn't just leave him behind. Though, he was still in charge in the wild or not.

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#254497 Posted on 2022-03-11 10:33:47

    Star watched as Nyx was angry at Apollo for trying to sneak off to go play somewhere else. She walked over to Nyx " Hey, you okay?" She had questioned the made. She was deeply concerned about Nyx, tried helping her in anyway she could. Star looked back to keep an eye on her twins, in case something happened. As Ngx and Star were talking, she was watching the sunset, as it always reminded her of rowan, and even though he wasnt here with her she would always have something remember him by.

    Sky was playing with brother she jumped on his back and laughed, making him fall to the ground "He he he pointed you again big bro" she chuckled. 
    "Now little lady, you be nice to your big bro okay?" She softly to her daughter.
 *okay mommy" she sighed. She loved playing rough with her big brother. And she missed her sire terrbiliy.

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#254498 Posted on 2022-03-11 11:11:37

     Nyx sighed as she looked down, "I can't loose my father Star...we both need each other, a-and it's always been like that." she said barely looking up at the mare. Rico had watched Nyx snap at their son, and he walked over to Apollo as Star walked over to Nyx.
     "Your mother is having a tougher time then most of the herd. Your grandfather is the only thing she has left other than the two of us." said Rico in a soft yet sad tone.
     "I'm sorry father...I just thought that..since we were far eno-" he said as his father interrupted him.
     "Apollo. We are never far enough from danger. When something threats the herd we have to stay together for your own safety and everyone else's. Doesn't mean that we ran from danger that we are safe. Those men could still be after us. What would you do if you left, came back, and we were all gone?" he said trying to teach his son a lesson. "Now give your mother a little bit and then apologize to her."
     "I'm sorry father, it won't happen again," said the colt as he looked away and saw the twins playing.

     "Only because I let you," he said with a grin as he wiggled out from underneath his sister. The colt stood up and shook the dirt off of him. "How much longer until dad comes back?" he said before trotting over to nurse. Soon after his sister followed suite. 

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