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#253852 Posted on 2022-03-03 13:01:31

StarDust watched the mysterious stallion from where she was “ Who are you, stranger and why have you come. There is nothing for you here.” she then looked over at Althea, who to her surprise, had a amazed looked on her face " Althea? " she said walking to her " Do you know that stallion?"
Nova knew of course too, but spilling out what she knew about Apollo would be the death of her, so she stayed silent, but her eyes fixed on the stallion.  “ Whatever you seek, Apollo, you will never find it here. So it would be wise for you and these two stallions to move along” she motioned her right wing towards the two stallions before pawing the ground “ We don’t want another war. Do we?”

( I know its short... been really busy)

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#253855 Posted on 2022-03-03 13:28:42

     "How are you even still alive...Apollo? I thought I had lost you." she said stepping forward. "If you have been alive this whole time, then why are you just now approaching?" she asked knowing he was different. The kind stallion she had known, had changed for the greater evil, but...why?

     Elijah looked at his mother in shock. His father was standing right in front of him, and yet Althea didn't seem all too happy. Elijah stepped forward looking at the stallion whom was his father, "I thought you were supposed to be dead." he said knowing his mother would have never loved a stallion like this. Though he got the feeling Althea knew him differently.

     "Indeed it is I. Apollo, and who's this stallion that steps forward?" he said after showing his face glaring at Elijah with a large grin on his face.
     "Your son," said Althea, "And you best keep your hooves off of him." she said not knowing who he was anymore.
     "I never had a son," he said snapping at Althea.  
     "That's because you were fighting in the war when he was born." she said standing her ground. "Now why don't you tell me what has happened to you?" she said in his face.
     Apollo snorted, "Fine you want the story? Don't say I didn't warn you.." he said chuckling, "I never fell in love with you Althea. I was never a stallion worth loving, but I had to act as though I was. I needed to get close to Callista. That is until the two of you had that argument. When I found out about you heading off to save Callista, I had a plan to frame you." he said pausing with a chuckle, "My plan all along was to end Callista, and thought why not to frame you. It was the only way I could get away clean while making you think I was dead." he said with a wide grin on his face. 

your alright; I've been a bit busy too

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#253857 Posted on 2022-03-03 14:03:38

“ It was you!” she snapped, her wings unfolding “ You killed my mother!” She lost it, the Stardust that her herd knew was now furious, her wings began  to glow and her whole body began to shine. Her eyes glowed. She knew the truth and it came like a fire to her heart. “ You will PAY for what you have done those years ago, Apollo” she stepped right up to him, but not before Nova stopped her
“ My Queen! Stop and think what you are doing! Please.” She began, her wings also unfolded.” Im the only one who knows the truth. I knew he killed her because I was there. I stood in the background watching Callista die. I should have stopped him. But I did not want the prophecy to fail. You had to become queen, StarDust. And the only way it had to happen was if your mother died. Im sorry”

Her head was bowed before stepping back and flew off into he sky.

StarDust took a bit to calm herself down when Asher, her own son came forward and nuzzled her “Momma… is that stallion dangerous…” he said without looking at Apollo. “ yes he is my dear.” She replied " I suggest you stay behind me. No one will hurt you like he hurt Althea.”

Her eyes still glowed when she looked up at Apollo “ You are no hero, Apollo! You thought you were. And look at what you have done! What did my mother ever do to you!”

Things would never be the same for Stardust. Never. She would now hate the one who murdered her mother during the war. Forever. And nothing Apollo did would change StarDust's mind. Even if it was out of kindness.

Jace then stepped forward, braver than the rest “ Apollo, you really are a mess after the death of my mate. Why did you kill her? For power perhaps? Or revenge because of something else?”

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#253861 Posted on 2022-03-03 14:41:07

     The stallion stood his ground as Star burst out in anger saying not a word until Jace spoke, "I did it because she ruined me first. I was a helpless colt when she came across me. Do you know what she did instead of taking me in? She brought me to a herd. A herd so cruel I was punished for everything I did. I am blind in one eye due to her, I had to put a spell on myself to hide all the scars I was given because of her." only then did he show his body covered in several fatal scars with some wounds. "And now there is a wonderful prize for who brings in Althea." he said pausing, "Dead or alive."

     Elijah went over to Star to help get her emotions under control, "Star this isn't the way to handle this. You have helped me in more ways than you could ever imagine, but now let's handle this together. After all he did hurt my mother as well, who cares if he is my father," he said. The stallion then turned to his father, "You will keep your hooves off of her. I don't care if your my father, I will end you like you did Callista." he said threating him.
     "Oh please. You were half dead not too long ago according to Ace," he said looking back at Ace. Then Ace lowered his head and backed up as well as Rico. "You think they're bad? Look at how scared they are of me," he chuckled not shaken by the threat.

     "Everyone just stop!" she said stepping forward. "I was a fool to love this monster. I am still the cause of her death, and with that...I'm...turning myself in." she said standing tall. "Everyone around me has been getting hurt, and that's not what I want. Even though it might be the end for me." she said telling the truth.

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#253864 Posted on 2022-03-03 15:18:25

StarDust sighed as she quickly calmed down before stepping forward and stopped Althea “ Are you sure you want to do this, Althea? You are only blamed because of Apollo. You were innocent from the beginning! Don’t turn yourself in. I know the war was a horrible thing, but that is in the past. You can start fresh, here with e and my herd. Safe and sound with no pain.”

Nova then stepped up after she finally came back from her time in the clouds. “ My Queen is right, Althea. If you turn yourself in, you die. And I don’t think your own son would want that, even if it is for his own good. I know what the future holds for you and your son. “ Then added “ A life of joy and happiness. Not one of pain and misery”

“ Its up to you what you wish to do. We will honor your decision. But please, take a bit to consider. And if you ever decide to come back... you are always welcome here.”
But no one could change Althea’s mind. Not even Jace himself.

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#253867 Posted on 2022-03-03 15:38:19

     "I have been debating this decision ever since I was blamed for her death, but Apollo used me to get to her. Therefore it was because of me. I was blind and desperate, and he used me. After seeing Elijah fighting for his life only this morning, I had made my decision. As much as I'd love to stay here, it will only end up with others getting hurt. I can't just let that happen to anyone else." she said looking at Elijah in the end. "I am thankful for all of you..for bringing me back to my son. But it is time to say goodbye...goodbye my son," she said getting tears in her eyes. Althea then looked at Apollo surrendering, "I am turning myself in." she said.

     Apollo grinned and look at Ace and Rico, "Now that wasn't so hard." he said before looking back at Althea. "My pleasure," he said. The stallion then used his magic to put cuffs on Althea's legs, horn, and neck with chains connecting them to the neck piece, "Time to go," he said happily. Althea then walked behind Apollo with Ace and Rico behind her. She never wanted this, but it had to be done, and she disappeared into the trees hanging her head down low as the chains and cuffs broke the silence. 

     "'t do this!" he yelled as she walked away. Elijah wanted to go after her, but he was still fairly weak. "We can't just let her do this!" he said falling apart.

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#253904 Posted on 2022-03-04 05:03:37

She just watched Althea turn herself in “ Althea…. Please…” was all she said before she saw the chains. And had to keep Elijah from walking after her. “ No Elijah… she chose the life she wanted. And Apollo is giving it to her. I cant stop her choice. Nor can Nova. Nor can anyone else”

“ the Prophecy has shifted.” She said looking from Althea to StarDust then back to Althea. “ But it wont be the end of your mother, Elijah.”

Was the only one who risked following Althea and the stallions. But only for so far before he stopped and turned around “It may not be the end for her, but my time is coming closer as well”

He looked at Jace then at his mother “ Whats that supposed to mean, mom?” he asked “ Whats going on?”

All the other horses had arrived and were asking questions on what they just saw happen and why the Queen wasn’t doing anything about it. StarDust looked at her father and sighed “ Jace… you have been the most wonderful father anyone could have asked for. Go live your life wherever it takes you and know we all love you” she nuzzled him before Jace  trotted off back deep in the  woods where he would live the rest of his days and die.

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#253909 Posted on 2022-03-04 06:22:43

     "We can't just let him win like that!" he said before looking at Nova, "What prophecy Nova?" he said as he was falling apart. He just got everything he ever wanted, and it was being taken away from him again. "We have to do something!" he said not wanting to accept his mother's decision. When Jace came back, it was just more bad news. "I guess this is goodbye as well..." he said nuzzling Jace one last time. 

     "Elijah...I..know that this isn't the..perfect time, but..." Cisco said before showing Elijah the broken part of his horn. "I didn't say anything before because I didn't want Ace to get suspicious." he said picking up the piece. "If you..want me to I can put it back where it belongs."
     "Go ahead.." he said as Cisco placed the broken piece where it belonged. Elijah's horn glowed, and the piece connected with the rest of the horn. There was a bright turquoise glow in the area as it dimmed. The horn was back to it's former glory. 

     The chains were the only sound made for what had seemed like forever. The stallions led the prisoner to a new camp as Apollo added chains that kept her standing in one spot. "This is not over Apollo," she said standing her ground as she couldn't even go anywhere.

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#254642 Posted on 2022-03-13 16:45:14

“ Now that you have your  horn back, Elijah, best you don’t get into more fights.” She nuzzled him. “ please don’t get into anything like that again. “ then to the whole herd she said, “ We will have to move again. I know it seems like we just got comfortable here, but now with Apollo on the move and ever close by, I cant risk him taking another member. “
Nova sighed as she knew that she couldn’t change her Queens mind. Nor could any one else.
“ Yes My Queen. “ she replied. “ I can go search for a  new home soon if you wish. Or we can move as a group”

StarDust  thought about it before looking  at Elijah “ We will have to move together. Im not risking anything this time.” She nuzzled him for a time before stepping back “ I wish there was something I could do to get your mother back, Elijah… but I cant. “ then to the whole herd she said “ lets move before night fall arrives”

But it was Nova who stayed in the very back of the herd in case she needed to protect the ones in front of her.  I wont let Apollo get away with this she thought nudging Asher along in front of her.

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#254649 Posted on 2022-03-13 17:42:19

     "Star...there's nothing I can do about that. At least Ace just came for me, and not the rest of you" he said with a sigh. "I should clean myself up though," he said as his body was still covered in dried blood, "But it can wait until we reach a water source," he said. Elijah walked alongside Star in the front of the herd as he said not a word. Though, he walked a bit slow as he was still missing a lot of his strength, but he didn't rush things.

     Ace may have been bad, but he never wanted anything like this. He looked at Althea standing there in chains and cuffs unable to go anywhere. They don't know what will happen when Apollo brings her in. I have to stop it somehow. He thought wanting to prevent what would happen. 

     "Oh I think it is. I get the reward for turning you in, and I'm innocent. No one else will know the truth, and I'll be innocent. There's nothing you can do to stop me," he said standing right in front of the mare too close for comfort.
     "We'll see about that," she said with a snap.
     "Says the one that's in cuffs and chains," he said with a grin. Althea tried to use her magic, but something stopped her. "Oh yeah there's a power dampener, so you can't use your magic. Your useless now," he said before turning away looking at Ace. "Your not turning on me are you?" he said.
     "No sir." he said glaring at Althea.

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#254913 Posted on 2022-03-17 06:10:16

They continued to walk on, but Nova wasn’t following them. She had to be the one to save Althea no matter the cost. But at what cost? If she dies because of all this… she could think of what would happen if she did die.  Apollo wont dare kill her, right?  Nova separated from the group and back tract to where she soon found Apollo and Althea and the other stallions. She hid herself so that she wouldn’t be seen. And just listened to the conversation.
Had no real plan of what to do next. All was happening too fast and just not to her liking. The thought of Apollo taking Elijah’s mother hostage, never left her mind. “ I have to think of a way to  get her back.” She thought as she looked at the herd, noticing that Nova was missing.  She can handle herself.  She thought. She relaxed by standing in the  sun, looking up into the  daylight sky.  I need to maybe make a deal with Apollo instead.

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#254917 Posted on 2022-03-17 07:02:37

     "There are things you will never know about me," said Althea as she tried to get to the stallion, "I may not be able to use my powers, but I'm not useless," she snapped. Althea stood her ground as she stood tall and kept her head up high. The mare wasn't going to show weakness even though there was nothing she could do at the time. "So you plan on keeping me here, or turning me in?" she asked.

     "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," he said with a grin as he turned back around facing the mare, "I'd be careful on what you do," he said standing too close to comfort once again. Apollo grinned making the cuff on the mare's neck tighter, "Think before you do anything," he said as it made it harder for her to breath. Though he stopped after a minute or two. "Ace. Go search the area make sure no one followed us here," he said walking away. Althea lowered her head as he walked off catching her breath while she glared at Apollo.

     Elijah walked slowly beside Star and sighed keeping his head low. "It was her decision Star..." he said as they approached a small river. The stallion slowly walked in the water to the deep end as he cleaned off the dried blood from his coat. The water stung the wounds a bit, but it didn't bother him much. "What do we do now?" he said finally looking up at Star holding his head a bit higher then he had been.

     Ace gave a nod to Apollo before turning and started to walk away. He had a feeling someone must have followed them, and would expect Jace or Elijah. Though, it was neither of them. Ace walked around the area making sure they weren't followed, and after awhile, he returned. "There was no sign of anyone," he said reporting to Apollo.

Last edited on 2022-03-22 at 06:56:23 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#255312 Posted on 2022-03-23 08:31:03

Nova stayed far away where none of the horses could sense or smell her. The shield she placed around her helped better than she had hoped. She watched Ace, looking to make sure no one around before  watching him head back to Apollo.  You really don’t look everywhere, do you, Ace.  She thought to herself.  You’re also turning into a true traitor it seems.

I know it was her choice. But she is your mother, Elijah. Family always comes first in the herd. And whatever happens to her will all be on our necks. Especially mine and Jace’s. He will for surely get the revenge he has been needing now that Apollo is the one who did this. Both to your mother and mine. And I wont give up a fight till everything is fixed.”

Her son Asher was beginning to get taller and more handsome as the days wore on but still in the middle of his training.  “Oh come now, Mother… you know I can try things on my own. I don’t need you to help me. “ His mother just sighed before nuzzling him before wondering where Nova was.

Even though the mighty stallion was getting old, he still had enough energy to figure out how to revenge his mates death. And the safety of  Althea. “ I have to go and see what I can do. Even if it kills me, I will have revenged my mate and Althea safety.”

He now lived in the forest, the place he decided where he would live his last days in peace. He walked around after grabbing some of the grass, hoping to catch a glimpse or a sigh of Apollo, Ace and the others. But he had to be careful when confronting them. If he decided to do so.

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#255324 Posted on 2022-03-23 10:15:01

     "Apollo is my father. I can't just let him get away with this even if it was her choice to turn herself in. Though, I can't do anything about it..." he said with a sigh, "I'm still recovering from Ace and Rico." he said even though he had already made quite the comeback. Not too long ago, Elijah was half dead, and now he was up and walking. "My father killed your mother Star. I'm sure he'd do the same to you," he said not wanting to loose her. "Sure I was like my father when we met, but you changed me. I'm afraid it's too far for my father." he said holding his head higher. Elijah looked around noticing that Nova was still absent. "Shouldn't Nova have returned by now?" he asked unsure why she still was away from the herd. 

     Althea stood glaring at Apollo and Ace. "I had to abandon our son because of you," she said with a snort getting Apollo's attention, "I had to spend the last 7 years in the Western Winds alone because of you. I loved you, and you ruined me. You had to have had to have feelings for me at some point," she said being smarter than he thought she was. The mare's neck had gotten a painful mark from when Apollo tightened the cuff around her neck, but she showed no pain or freight. She wasn't going to give him the advantage even though he already had it.

     Apollo turned around glaring at the mare as his eyes started to glow, "I did yes, but it had to be done. You weren't as important as my goal all along, and you made it happen. I did nothing to you because you were foolish enough to let it happen," he snorted. "I won't accept that soft stallion as my son. A son of mine wouldn't be soft, and wouldn't protect others," he snorted. At that point, Apollo was getting irritated with Althea ans got angry enough to slash her upper neck with his horn, "Once again. Be careful on what you do and say," he snapped turning away once again. Althea once again showed no pain or weakness in front of Apollo as he did what he did, but when he turned away Althea lowered her head putting less pressure on her now wounded neck. 

     Ace and Rico watched the whole ordeal, but did nothing. He knew of what would happen when Apollo turned Althea in, and it would be worse than the war itself. Though, Ace did what Apollo told of him not wanting to be put in Althea's hooves. "We should get going sir, just in case they do plan on finding us. The further away we get from the meadow, the better." he said as Apollo grinned and agreed. To Ace's surprise, Apollo agreed and did no harm to him. Normally Apollo was the one who gave the orders and ideas, and when Ace or Rico had something to say, it wouldn't end well. Though, this time was different. Soon enough, they started to move again as Ace and Rico walked behind Althea with Apollo in the front. 
     When nightfall struck, the group made camp. Ace went to go make sure the coast was clear while Apollo used his magic to chain Althea to the ground once again, but he made things tighter. When Ace returned, he approached Apollo, "I'll keep watch tonight to make sure no one from the herd is nearby while you keep an eye on her," he said. Apollo once again agreed, which Ace thought was still strange.

     Rico kept an eye on pretty much everything. You could never be too careful with everything going on. He knew the herd would do anything they could to stop them, well mainly Apollo. Apollo still allowed his scars to show, as well as one that ran across his left eye. Due to this, Apollo's left eye was purely blind making his eye look like a light greyish blue pupil color. Apollo never really gave orders to Rico, but he still stood guard until Apollo had a task for him, "Rico. I want you to go keep an eye on that herd. If they are up something, let me know," he said as Rico nodded and galloped off. Althea overheard this, and prayed that Star and her son would be careful and stay safe. She knew it would end very badly if they tried anything, but the only thing she could do was pray.
     In the meantime, Rico made his way to the meadow. "Hmm...there's no sign of any of them," he said to himself stepping out in the open when there was no one in sight. The stallion looked down seeing a hoof print pointing to the direction of the way the herd went. Rico could smell the scent of Elijah, Star, and some of the other herdmembers. The stallion followed in the direction as he later noticed a couple tracks that strayed from the herd. He didn't pay much attention to it as he needed to keep an eye on the herd. After awhile, and the herd was finally in sight. Rico hid a far enough distance that he wouldn't be seen, but close enough he could hear them. "Now...what are you guys up to?" he said curious.

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#255499 Posted on 2022-03-26 03:35:35

StarDust knew that Elijah was right… it WAS Althea’s choice. And she had no way of disagreeing to him at that. She looked at Elijah for a moment, thinking. “ I know he killed her. And we both want revenge… but is that really what we want?  More pain and sorrow? Another war? It will lead to just that. And Im not going to have it.”
When he mentioned Nova, her heart and mind went to her. Wherever you are Nova… you need to come back… its not a good thing to risk anything right now… if you get caught in something between Ace, Apollo and the others, you may never come back…
Nova heard her, but dismissed the temptation to come back to the others just yet.  Im sorry StarDust… but im the one who foresees the future… and I will do everything I can to make it a good one for each and every member… I don’t fear Apollow or ace. They are just little pawns in my little game. They should be the same to you.
She walked til she heard the voices or Ace, Apollo, Althea and  Rico and  found a place where she could not only see then, but heard the conversations. As she looked around, she noticed blood on Althea’s neck If I don’t stop this… Apollo will kill her. She thought as she tried to move her powers as close to Althea as possible from where she hid. But not reaching close enough.   Althea… its is I, Nova. Im here with you. Hiding from the others. I need a way to get to you, but since I cant…. Talking through telepathy is the only way.  Hang in there.
As Nova was out doing her thing, Star looked over the rest of the heard praying that everything was going alright with Nova. That’s when she spotted the  half of the horn that Ace had lost,  “ Well would you look at  here… “ she  whispered to herself as she moved the horn else where. “ Ace will never get the powers we once had if I do what I plan to do.”
It was Colette who saw him “  You betrayed out trust, Rico. So  we don’t care what you think we are do-“ she paused just as StarDust came back after dealing with the leftover remnants of what used to be Ace’s horn. Now crumbled into dust. “ Well if it isn’t  Rico.  Colette is right. We don’t have to tell you anything since they fear of you telling Apollo what happened… would risk a war.“

StarDust walked over to him and fanned out her wings “ we wouldn’t want that, now would we, Rico? I think it would be best if you did us a favor… I want you to work for me secretly. I want you to go back to Apollo and pretend that this talk and seeing us here never happened. Come back in a few days and tell me what Apollo’s plans are for Althea. I want to know what he has planned.”  Then added “ Can you do that?”

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