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I received horses that died the next day

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I received horses that died the next day

#241609 Posted on 2021-06-19 09:51:24

Yesterday I received horses (Mr. Williams and Wings of Mercy, and 2 others) in a transfer from a player. Today when I logged in and progressed, I had gotten a notification saying:

"2 of your horses have gone without full care for 5 days and have died. They can now be viewed in your Former Horses section. 2021-06-19 08:46:20"

The horses that died were Mr. Williams and Wings of Mercy, 2 of the horses I had just received. I had already logged off before I got the horses, so I didn't do anything to them.

Surely horses can't just die like this, before I have seen them in my account and can care for them? Is there anything I can do to get them back, like contacting support or something? :c Any help is appreciated.

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#241629 Posted on 2021-06-19 10:53:01

If the previous owner did not care for them before sending them to you then that is why they died. As this is not a game glitch it is unlikely that they will be revived through support. They are also pretty low (for their age) stat foundation horses so easily replaceable.

The only way to revive them is by using the Spectral Draught in the Credit Shop. 

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#241655 Posted on 2021-06-19 15:11:27

I don't know if the owner cared for them, but they were still alive yesterday. I also asked the previous owner for them because they had the base stats I was looking for. But thank you for the help! I think I'll try to ask support just in case. c:

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