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SpyGlass Ranch [Open]

#243626 Posted on 2021-07-17 19:19:04


Trucker was lead out to the Post in which he was tacked up by Lanie, his favorite. She'd put on his bridle, and was leaded down to the Arena. William seemed to not be here today to ride him so who was going to ride him.. lanie? Lanie mounted Chess, rubbing his neck.. She'd walk around trying to get the feel of his walk undersaddle unlike last time was just bareback for fun.

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#243628 Posted on 2021-07-17 19:37:41

     Fay slowly got up after awhile, but seemed to have some trouble getting up. She wasn't sure if this was normal when carrying a foal since it was her first time, but what if something truly was wrong? She wasn't sure, so she had just kept to herself and stayed quiet. Fay slowly walked to the water through, and had a good drink feeling the cool water rushing down her throat. When she was finished with her drink, she looked up and saw Trucker. She missed riding, but she'll be back to it in about a year or so. Fay walked back to her spot slowly, and laid back down having some trouble.

     Monica was in the pasture grazing among the others when she looked up and noticed Fay. She could tell Fay was acting different, but she just thought it was the fact that she was carrying a foal. Though something inside of her also thought that something was wrong. She had no idea, but she just kept quiet as well. Monica wasn't much for speaking up or even speaking out, so she often just kept quiet. She learned not to be so shy, and made friends with some of the other horses. She glanced at her friend once more, then went back to grazing thinking everything was alright. Or was it?

     Emma was walking by when she noticed Fay. She realized the mare was acting different, but didn't think about it until now. Emma opened the pasture gate, and walked in making sure to close it. She walked up to Fay who was currently laying down very unlike her. Emma couldn't tell if anything was wrong, but she was no vet. So, she got up, and walked out of the pasture. She went to go find William (Davis) to see if calling the vet was necessary. She found him, and the two walked back to the pasture, and watched the mare from a short distance.

     "Well Emma you are right, something's up with her. She's usually with the others, and always on her feet," he said as he watched the mare from the short distance. He leaned on the paddock fence with a bit of a concerned look. Should he give it a day or two to see if things get better, or should he call the vet now for good measure?
     "Not only that, but she's usually a bit energetic. I've realized she's just been laying down or standing. She'll only move to eat, get water, or if I grab her. Fay hasn't been eating or drinking as much as she should either. I'm worried." Emma said looking at William. After their conversation, William walked to the office. He grabbed the phone, and called the vet.

     Fay knew why Emma came to check on her. She could tell by now that something was wrong. She just didn't know what. Fay didn't have to tell Emma because she already knew. A little later Emma had come back to retrieve Fay from the pasture. Fay was only about 2 months along, so you couldn't quite tell she had a foal in her yet. The vet was on their way, and Emma tied Fay to one of the posts from the fence surrounding the pasture she was just in.

Sorry for the long post, I just keep adding to it, and I feel like something needs to happen. This thing can't always be happy.

Last edited on 2021-07-22 at 09:48:32 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#244194 Posted on 2021-07-26 07:04:08

Esprit was lonely without Clay, and she wasn’t really sure where he had gone. She wished he would come back soon, but she  knew it would likely be a long time. His sad demeanor when he said goodbye had told her that, though she wished it really didn’t. Esprit had to stretch to far lengths to entertain herself- after all, she wasn’t being ridden, exercised, or acknowledged.  Herself being in the farthest pasture, she tended to be overlooked. She hated it when Clay wasn’t here. It was like she was just imaginary. 
Even with being in a far pasture, Esprit took notice to Fay when she wasn’t up with her normal routine. Every once in a while, she would check in with Fay but the stubborn horse always turned her away. Esprit watched in dismay one day as the Emma went to fetch Fay and the vet arrived shortly after. Fay would not be fond of the vet, so Esprit nickered to her encouragingly.

Last edited on 2021-07-26 at 07:06:14 by ᴛʀᴜQᴜᴇ

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#244198 Posted on 2021-07-26 08:07:04

     Fay knew Esprit was trying to help, but she just didn't let her in. She wasn't much for the vet, but she couldn't fight it. Not now, not today. The mare just stood there while the vet examined her. After a bit of examining the vet diagnosed the problem. Equine Influenza. It can occur out of nowhere, and can be contagious throughout horses. The Equine flu can make the horse come into a weakened state, just how Fay was. The vet said she had it for a little bit, but it worsened a lot within the past couple of days, and symptoms started to show up. Fay was lethargic, and wasn't eating. 
     There wasn't much to do about it except keep her away from the others, and keep an eye on her. This was just the horse version of the human flu. Fay was placed in a different stall where there weren't as many horses, and had plenty of hay and water. Even though it was common for horses to not eat for a couple of days. 
     When the vet was finished with the maiden mare, she went to check with the other horses in the same pasture. EI can be contagious, so it was best to check on them. Fay had laid down in the bigger stall. She felt alone, but was a bit worried. Would anything happen to her unborn foal? Fay wasn't sure, but hoped it wouldn't harm her foal; or for there to be no difficulties when it was time around late March, early April. The sick mare was looking around as she'd never been in this area of the ranch before. This must be the area where they keep the sick and injured. She thought realizing that she was indeed sick. The mare was always thinking about the negative side of things, and bad things which could happen. 
     Fay began to get bored without her friends and Trucker. What was she supposed to do? Oh yeah, rest. It was the only thing she could do. Not much later Dozer came trotting on by, and stopped by Fay's temporary stall. He began sniffing at the door, and Fay looked down giving a snort as she almost nipped the dog before he ran off.

     Dozer had just ran off from the angry, pregnant, and sick mare. He decided to go see Esprit about what was going on. During his way over, he saw other horses being checked out one by one. He didn't quite know why, so he went to go figure it out. The dog sat down next to Emma to overhear them as well as get some pets. After some pets and info, the dog went to Esprit. He jumped up placing his paws on one of the higher fence rails, and called the mare over. "Esprit? What's going on? Fay was moved over to the sick and injured barn, and she almost bit me. Why is the vet still here checking all the other horses? Does Trucker know anything about this?" The curious dog always had several questions about everything, and he listened to the mare as she talked.

     Monica was being led to go get checked out by the vet. Where did Fay go? What's going on?! She kept thinking as she fought back a bit. She felt relieved to be done with the vet, and she galloped off as soon as she was back in the pasture and her halter was taken off. She may have also given a buck or two even a good shake. No one liked the vet, and who would? Monica kept on thinking about Fay, and where she had gone. The mare turned around and noticed Trucker who seemed to be thinking the same thing. She trotted over and spoke, "You look just as worried and confused as I am. Did you see where Fay went, or was she moved somewhere else? I'm worried about her, and your foal."

     Fay decided to lay down and take a rest. She eventually fell asleep, but it wasn't a good rest. The sick mare kept getting nightmares of having the foal. She kept getting bad dreams of her losing the foal before she was ready, or her having the foal which didn't make it. She had another dream of her having the foal, but she was too ill to care for it. Other dreams kept popping up in her head constantly until she woke up breathing heavily looking around realizing they were just dreams. At least for now. Maybe she was more scared of being a mother than she thought. Was she really ready to become a mother?

Last edited on 2021-11-03 at 13:57:12 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#249432 Posted on 2021-11-06 16:08:58


He'd been lead out of his stall to a pole just outside of the tackroom. His groomer walked inside pulling out a few different brushed of different bristles and a hard combed brush. She'd spray show-sheen on his thick wavy man, and started to comb it from the tips making her way up to the top of his crest. He'd flutter his ear soon after she finished brushing out his mane and tail. Truckers mane and tail shimmered under the suns touch, giving him a flashy look. She'd bristle the dirt off his back, walking back inside of the tack room, grabbing a pro-choice Reiner cotton knitted pad, and his classy brown leather-backed saddle with iron chippings for decorations. She'd tighten the girth and back cinch, grabbing his bridle and slipping off his white rope halter for the brown silver and golden plaited bridle. She'd throw the leather reins over his neck, handed him to William Dupont to get on.. He'd lead Trucker down to the outside arena, and mounted on him, giving him a large pat on the shoulder.

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#249435 Posted on 2021-11-06 17:59:00

     Everybody seemed to be worried, but Emma seemed to be more worried than the rest of everyone. She wanted to stay by Fay 24/7, but William (owner) kept her away from the mare as well as telling her to go get some rest. They both needed it, but it seemed Emma was handling everything worse than how Fay was herself. The rider could barely keep focus when she was riding Monica who seemed just as worried. 

     Monica was a bit uncomfortable when Emma was riding her. Emma just wasn't paying enough attention to ride safely, and Monica felt just as worried about Fay as Emma was. I mean horse's feel what humans feel. Monica didn't know anything, but she didn't know if anyone else did. She tried to ask Esprit and Trucker, but they always seemed to busy too talk. She just needed someone to talk to.

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#250563 Posted on 2021-12-15 11:29:42

Uhhh do i make my own character or use one of my Equiverse BBs?

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#250564 Posted on 2021-12-15 11:32:41

@Roo - There is a sign-up sheet located here

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#251400 Posted on 2022-01-13 22:53:06

Birdie lifted her head from inside the trailer and whinnied shrilly
 as she smelled unfamiliar horses in the up ahead. She had been in the confined trailer for the whole day now, and Birdie was beginning impatient. Not even the half-filled hay net in front of her could still the dull ache she had in her legs. It was hard with balancing in the trailer, especially when she couldn't tell when the driver was going to turn, speed up, or turn. 
Not hearing an answer, Birdie whinnied again. She hoped the trailer  would stop soon now. She had had to whiny to a number of unfamiliar horses she scented all day now, and yet they never stopped by those horses. 

Theresa's small, rickety car rattled down the old country road. Idaho! She couldn't believe she was actually here. She had only been this far west when she was in seventh grade, when her family has gone to Yellowstone for a trip. Theresa smiled, and reached out from the steering wheel to pet Georgie sitting next to her. 
"What do you think bud? A few months of living western and we may be as good as new. It was really kind of the man who runs this place to let me stay here." Theresa mused, speaking half to herself and half to Georgie. 
The black lab thumped his tail against the seat in response. 
As Theresa's car sped along the dusty road, Theresa could see a small horse trailer up ahead. The license plates proclaimed that the car was from Wyoming. 
"Wonder where they're going." She said. However, the longer the two drove, the more Theresa wondered whether they would be going to the same place. Theresa's hunch turned out to be true as the trailer turned onto a long driveway, exactly where her GPS ordered to go. 
"Wow, what are the odds?" Theresa asked Georgie, as ahe parked her car, careful to stay out of its way. She could hear whinnying from inside the trailer, and hesitated, wondering where the owner of the ranch was.

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#251403 Posted on 2022-01-14 05:41:37

William Davis
     William was heading his way to Fay's temporary stall. Although, she needed to rest, she needed to get out of there for a little bit. It had been a couple of days, and she wasn't approving. William put Fay's halter on, and attached the lead rope. He spoke softly to the mare, "Come on girl. Let's go for a little walk. It should help. At least you get out of here for a bit." he said as he led the mare out of the sick and injured barn. They took it nice and slow as Fay was still weak. Once they got out of the barn, William noticed the new rider and horse had both arrived. He walked over to greet the new rider, but still kept it slow as Fay walked behind him.

     She would admit that it felt good to get some fresh air, and move her legs for a bit. Once she was out of the barn, she could see Trucker training as always, and her friends. She missed them so much, and hated being alone in that barn. She wished William would take her over to her friends, but he couldn't risk them getting sick too. Fay paid no attention to the new horse as she was half out of it.

William Davis
     "You must be Theresa. It's nice to finally meet you, and I hope you'll like it here at SpyGlass Ranch," he said to the new rider as he approached with a warm welcome. "Looks like the horse you'll be riding as arrived as well. That there is birdie, and you two should get along." William said as a groom unloaded the new horse, and walked her over. William stopped the groom not wanting the new horse to get too close to Fay as she still had EI which is contagious in horses. "That's good right there don't bring the new horse any closer." he said, "Sorry about that. This here is Fay. She's currently trying to recover from EI, and is still very weak and lethargic. She's also two months pregnant with the blue roan stallion over there." said William as he pointed to Trucker.

     Emma was about to go check on Fay when she saw Fay wasn't in her stall. She started to freak out, and ran out of the barn looking everywhere for her when she saw William with her. Emma quickly headed over, "William I thought Fay had somehow gotten out!," she yelled as she neared the owner of the place. "I thought Fay wasn't supposed to be let out," she said out of breath.
     "A small walk won't hurt. Emma meet Theresa, she's the new rider I was telling you about. If you could show her around that'd be great. Oh Theresa this is Fay's rider as well." said William.
     "Hi it's nice to finally meet you. I'll go ahead and take Fay, and I'll show you around the place." said Emma as she took the lead rope from William as he took the new horse and put her in a stall. "I'm sure you'll love this place," Emma said to Theresa as she gave a tour of the ranch.

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#251406 Posted on 2022-01-14 08:55:06

"This place is stunning! Wow!" Theresa exclaimed as Emma showed her the beautiful equestrian property. She paused to look at the impressive scenery, then turned to Emma. 
"So, what are we expected to do here? I know I emailed William about this, but I'd just like to double check. Also, I wasn't aware I was getting my own mare." She added with a small chuckle, her stomach twisting as remembered the last mare she owned. 

Birdie whinnied again from inside the spacious stall the unfamiliar man had put her in. This wasn't a competition, she was sure of it. But then why had her family moved her to this strange barn? Birdie could barely remember when she was moved away from her mother to her family, but she wondered if that was it. Was she too big to live with them now, just like she had been all those years ago?
Birdie snorted, and turned to inspect the hay in her stall. She tasted a bit, and found it be delicious. She set to work eating the hay, but even that could not satisfy her for too long, and she quickly began to winder how she could escape the stall. Birdie wanted to run, to meet all of the strange horses she smelled.
Birdie cautiously stuck her head over the stall door. Wiggling her lips, she searched for the latch. There! Birdie nickered to herself happily, and began to unlatch the door using her lips. She slowly and carefully slid the latch open, and pushed the door open. Birdie whinnied again and trotted through the barn, looking for a horse to meet.

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#251410 Posted on 2022-01-14 10:01:15

     "Sometimes we have to help set up for shows, and do chores. Other than that there isn't really anything else except for riding and training. William owns all the horses here, but each rider is assigned 1 to 2 horses." said Emma. She brought Theresa to the mare paddock, "This is the mare paddock. I ride Fay here who's joined in on our tour, and Monica that chestnut appaloosa mare. Since Fay is expecting, and should be resting due to EI, I'm only riding Monica right now." she said looking at Fay feeling bad for her. "That's Trucker over there, the blue roan. We have him set at stud, and he's the father of Fay's foal. They are really cure together." Emma said starting to ramble on. "Sorry sometimes I get distracted and keep talking," she said stopping herself.

     Fay missed hanging out with her friends, and she wanted to give out a whinny to them, but she didn't have the energy to. None of them noticed she was there. Not Esprit. Not even Trucker! She just wanted to be OK again. "Oh how I miss you guys. You have no idea how lonely I've been." she said sadly. 

     "I should put Fay back in her stall. I'll see you later," said Emma as she slowly led the sick mare back to her lonely temporary stall. "There you go girl. Please get better soon. I hate that your in here by yourself." she said sadly. Emma walked away to go fetch Monica for some training. 

     Fay didn't want Emma to go, but she had things to do. Shortly after, Fay noticed the new horse was loose. As the new horse walked into the barn Fay had no choice but to say something. "You shouldn't have gotten out, and you shouldn't have come in here. This barn is for the sick and injured horses. By coming in here, your wishing to get sick." Fay turned around with a snort still very weak and lethargic. She still wouldn't eat.

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#251413 Posted on 2022-01-14 11:50:02

Birdie tossed her head. 
"I don't care. I would like to either stretch my legs or meet you guys, and seeing how I've found you, I guess I'll meet you. My name's Birdie." The bay mare nickered, stepping up closer to smell the unfamiliar mare's muzzle. She definitely smelled sick...but Birdie had also gotten her shots earlier that year. Birdie's quivered a little as she thought of the uncomfortable prick, but apparently it would protect her from disease. Besides, Birdie was in need of some friends, especially since she was such a social mare 
"Anyways, what do the humans call you?" She asked the sick mare. 

Theresa followed Emma as they walked to a pasture. 
"Is it alright if we watch? I'd like to see how things go here." Theresa asked, tapping her hand against her hip to call Georgie back. He was busy eating something, but as soon as he heard Theresa he came racing back to her, his pink tongue lolling out of his mouth. 

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#251415 Posted on 2022-01-14 12:31:20

     "I warned you," Fay said with a snort. Fay wasn't really herself when it came to her being ill. Not only that, but she was still frightened about being a mother. Reluctantly she said her name, "The name's Fay." The mare turned away and tried to laid down as a slowly and carefully as she could. Oh how she wanted to gallop and be in the pasture with all of her friends again. The mare hated being in here all alone and heard a familiar vehicle drive up the driveway. Within minutes she could hear Emma greet the person, and heard footsteps coming. The vet. "I had a feeling today was the day," Fay said as she struggled to get up as the vet and Emma approached the stall. She couldn't get back up. 
     "She's needs to stay down, go get that loose horse and put her somewhere. Not with any other horses yet. The EI could have reached her." said the vet a little made at the fact that there was a loose horse around Fay.

     "Sure Theresa." Meanwhile, Emma tried to catch the new horse, "Oh come on! You've only been here for a hour and your already causing problems. Just listen to me will you," Emma said starting to get frustrated. After she finally caught the horse, she put the mare back in a stall on the other side of the barn Fay was in. Emma made sure Birdie wouldn't open the door, and went to see how the vet checkup was going. "H-how is she doing Dr. Roger?" she asked.
     "I'm afraid not so good, but she should start to get better...I hope." Emma didn't like the sound of that, and watched the vet as he gave Fay some medication that should help. Within about 45 minutes, Fay seemed to be doing better. "Well would you look at that. She seems to be doing a lot better. Let me check her again, but by now it should out of her system. She'll just need to recover from it. 
     Emma was so relieved to hear that, but she had one question. "How about the foal? Will it be OK?" she asked scared for the response.
     "It'll be just fine since she had it at only 2 months. This is her first foal, but everything seems to be going very well." Emma was very relieved, and listened to the vet on what he told her to keep an eye out for. Hopefully the new horse wouldn't get it.

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#251428 Posted on 2022-01-14 18:16:36

Birdie swatted her tail angrily. Why would she have to be locked up? She stomped her hoof angrily and began to eat large mouthfuls of hay. 

Theresa looked worried for the expectant mare. 
"So has she made it past the 60 days mark?" She asked, directing her question to no one in particular. After living on a breeding farm as a child, she knew that the first 60 days of a mare's pregnancy were most dangerous to a foal. 
Theresa glanced at the sick mare with sympathy. She must be feeling awful. 

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