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Which stat is better and how do they work

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Which stat is better and how do they work

#239132 Posted on 2021-05-12 11:16:12


I'm confused on what to look for in a competition horse, I saw there's three stats, base stats which is pretty simple, conformation and health and the final stats after the bonus and such.

Which is more important for competition? Does the comformation and health stats affect the amount of stats the horse can have or is it due to another factor?

For example I have this foal he has 391 base stats but his final stats are over 500, how did he get to 500 without training?

I'm so confused, thanks for reading

Last edited on 2021-05-12 at 11:16:45 by Ranshii

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#239143 Posted on 2021-05-12 12:44:09

It depends on how you want to play the game. If you want to show, I really suggest you read these strategies and general guides for the game. 

I'm not sure on how/why foals end up with more than base stats, but it happens. Also treats affect stats. When we refer to stats in this game it is purely their stats of agility, strength, etc. Conformation is still admired by many players and they specifically breed their horses for higher confo. Health will stay maxed as long as you care for your horse when you log in. Stats are only affected by breeding, showing, treating, and riding. You can gain random stats on the leisure riding game as well.

I hope this makes sense. I'm on day two of my Covid shot and the world is a bit blurry lol. 

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#239145 Posted on 2021-05-12 12:57:31

Base stats are stats that cannot be moved through discipline conversion. All horses current stats when they are born include discipline and generation bonuses from breeding. 

Horses are scored on entry to competitions, so they need to be cared for completely and level 5 tack for the best score (for dressage age and grooming plays a part also). 

To perform well, your horse needs to have better or equal to non-speciality stats than foundations, which is around 50-62nss. For example a jumping horse should have as many stats as possible in Speed and Agility, but less than a total of 60 stats in Strength, Intelligence and Endurance.

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#239215 Posted on 2021-05-13 18:07:35

How complex!
Thank you very much!

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