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Rain. YAY

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Rain. YAY

#23399 Posted on 2016-03-26 06:30:57

Don't get me wrong, we've been needing it, but, I have a love hate relationship with the Florida rainy season. You see, I do not have a car, and the bus stop is a mile from my house, hard on the ol' ticker these days. I love rainy days so much, but not on days that I need know...*whispers*

So, it would seem I am stuck indoors today. All day. Roomie works a double tonight, so he can't take me to get things done. Gonna have to wait til monday. Huzzah!

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#23401 Posted on 2016-03-26 06:37:38

I have a love/hate relationship with Colorado snow :D:D:D

We got a blizzard three days ago with at LEAST two and a half feet of snow, and the next day nothing changed, it just didn't snow until late night. And yesterday it was off an on between snowing a melting, so it was slushy, yucky slippery snow. And just a few days before the blizzard you would've thought it was summer around here! Colorado is so bipolar .-.

My forecast says that by Tuesday it'll be a good 59 degrees (which is probably nothing to you guys xD - but it's fairly nice around here), then snow again Wednesday and then a high of 61 on Saturday! *sigh*

And if that doesn't sound to be much, our school district gave us TWO snow days in a row, when our district is one of those district that won't give you ANYTHING and there could be an ice age outside, or a flash flood, or a damn tornado and they would be like "school tomorrow!" :D

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#23406 Posted on 2016-03-26 06:44:29

59 degrees would make me a human popsicle XD

That said, I wanna go to colorado very much! I almost got the chance when I was younger and my father was going to buy me a gypsy vanner from a breeder up there, long story short though, that sale fell through because they sold her out from under us the WEEK were going up to pick her up! She would have been an awesome companion for my late mare, Nadine. but I digress. Despite all of that, I still want to visit that state!

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#23429 Posted on 2016-03-26 07:49:05

Aw well that sucks! And gosh if you think 59 is bad I don't advise you to come here xD one day it'll be 60s, the next it could very will drop to 40s! Jk, we will welcome you!

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