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Stats, Quality, etc

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Stats, Quality, etc

#190527 Posted on 2018-09-30 19:24:30

I've played this game off and on for a long long time. However, I really just played to pass time. Can someone please explain to me what good stats are, what a good quality horse is, etc. I want to actually play this game to breed quality horses now but I don't exactly know how.

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Barrel Babe

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#190554 Posted on 2018-10-01 07:19:13

Players class quality as different things and can be one or a combination of list below or something I have forgotten to add.  It is usually a question of trial & error with you deciding what determines a quality horse.

Personally when looking for new stock I look for conf over 55 with no poors or as close to 49 as possible & a mixture of the following, however, it is flexible as the mood take me & where I come a cropper (make a mistake).

1. lowest non-spec stats as possible & highest stats for discipline (if you like joining clubs check their criteria)
2. rarer colours or patterns of breed
3. conformation fewest awful/poors to highest number of perfects possible  
4. how many times horse has been bred & length of line bred  

Breeding your own horses is easy
1. decide who to breed
2. inbreeding checker
3. preview for colour/genes
4. breed

Breeding a horse from another players mare/stallion
1. view other horse
2. as above
3. as above
4. if stud price acceptable breed as long as player has rolled over the the day! can be a long wait sometimes.

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Kryssyn Elara Moonstone

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