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#177026 Posted on 2018-07-02 06:57:34

please delete this. thank you.

Last edited on 2018-07-22 at 15:12:13 by Andromeda

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#177036 Posted on 2018-07-02 10:59:40

Personally I'd prefer a weekly limit as opposed to a month, i.e 4-8 a week. Small enough to encourage player interaction and start a small herd for new players but not too large as to make other horses obsolete. I feel like a monthly limit is too long/much to benefit anyone.

Last edited on 2018-07-02 at 11:09:13 by maplɛ

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#177063 Posted on 2018-07-02 11:53:04

I agree that a weekly cap would be a better idea. It would still limit the number of horses that can be purchased each week from the EC but not so extreme that we start losing a bunch of players because of it. 

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#177071 Posted on 2018-07-02 12:25:41

I agree with maple, weekly cap would be much more reasonable. There was one on the old EV and I'd love to see it on this version. I think like 5 a week per player would be good.

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#177074 Posted on 2018-07-02 12:31:13

Honestly I don't think a weekly cap is enough to fix the market. Maybe two weeks or monthly, but weekly doesn't seem long enough to do anything but be annoying. 

And definitely the amount should be even. I was always so annoyed by the 5 horse cap because then you couldn't make even pairs. And it would be worse now with the inbreeding block.

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#177076 Posted on 2018-07-02 12:45:47

^^^ Agreed. Not to mention that with the ability to lock horses, there’s no guarantee that it would make anyone who isn’t already public with their lines go public. They could always just lock their favourites, throw the rest in the RC, and try again next week for more. Plus I imagine these players would just start buying EC “slots” off of other players who don’t use the EC as much or at all. I can only see this cap acting as a way to inflate the prices of good foundation horses, not actually as a solution to the slow market. This is also coming from someone who’s mostly public with lines and barely uses the EC.

If it is implemented, it should be in even numbers so pairs are possible at the very least.

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#177077 Posted on 2018-07-02 12:56:16

I agree with Clover and Champagne. I think to have any effect a cap would have to be monthly. I also rarely use the EC (any foundations I've gotten lately have come from the RC) and I buy and breed publicly when good horses are available.

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#177096 Posted on 2018-07-02 15:29:43

@ Everyone, please do add weekly to other section. I am unable to edit that poll so I can't update it to weekly. I've added the note to the original post. If Abbey decided to go ahead with this, she can create an official poll with weekly and monthly.

@ Champagne, I agree. I think the number should be low if it is weekly cap. 16 per a week is a lot of horses. For weekly, I am thinking of 4 per a week which is basically 16 horses per a month. MAYYBBEE, 6 horses per a week (24 horses per a month).

@ Clover, we did had a weekly cap of 5 horses while we can lock accounts. A lot of players would slowly stack up foundies in their spare. However, it can take FOREVER before reaching to your goal. It took me over 4 months to complete a herd of 16 horses that met my criteria (55+ conformation with breeding partner that help balance out the weaknesses). I know several players who took long time to complete their dream foundie herd. That's why market was much better past then. Only those who are serious breeders would go for foundie herds because most unserious breeders rather to go for easier/quicker options. 

"these players would just start buying EC 'slots' off"

Yes, we did that. We never had a problem with that and it didn't affect the market a lot. Plus, I know several players who rather to buy horses themselves due to "breed by" feature since it is easier to keep track of horses if they all are bred by you.

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#177107 Posted on 2018-07-02 16:44:35


I wasn’t around for prerecode stuff, so I don’t have any personal experience with how the market was different then than it is now. That being said, going back to the original post, wouldn’t less foundations just mean more horses that are second or third gen going for low prices? I get that the (technically) infinite supply of foundations have motivated a lot of people to do private lines, but I don’t necessarily think it will solve the issue of the market being slow, at least not entirely. And if people just continuously bought EC slots off of others, wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of there even being a cap in the first place? And I don’t understand the “bred by” feature you’re talking about, what do you mean by this? Is it the part that goes under the horse’s name and says “bred by x person”? I’m not sure how that not saying the name of the person who owns the horse would cause any confusion if it was a foundation horse. 

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#177128 Posted on 2018-07-02 18:23:44

That being said, going back to the original post, wouldn’t less foundations just mean more horses that are second or third gen going for low prices?

No, it doesn't. 2nd generation and third generation are highly desired because a lot of breeders want fresh lines but doesn't want to deal with raising their own foundies due to caps. 2nd-4th gen horses usually cost at least $10k per 100 stats. A horse with 400 stats will be valued for at least 40k (the value goes higher if that horse have rarer color or/and higher conformation). 

When culling was announced, I sold my 3rd - 4th gen Fjords for 150k - 200k each. That's the only reason why I have over 50million in my bank. After I sold my horses, I have around 40million then reached 50million through daily interest.

With unlimited access to foundies, we can just breed for our own 2nd-4th gen horses instead of paying a lot money. Why would you pay $200k for a horse when you can easily breed one by yourself?

And if people just continuously bought EC slots off of others, wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of there even being a cap in the first place?

It is quite hassle to do this. Seller and Buyer have to be online at same time in order to transfer the horses before they got aged (because missing one day of feeding and training are big no-no for serious breeders). Plus, there's trust issues. Some players would attempt to rip off the seller. For example, I can ask you for your 8 slots but only 3 horses met my criteria. I decided to just pay you back for 3 horses not 8 horses. It happened quite often so many potential sellers choose to not risk this and let their slots go waste. Some sellers also would try to scam the buyer by demanding money upfront and never deliver the horses. Buying slots off other players aren't very common because it requires a lot of work and many players choose to buy horses from other player through official sale system instead of foundies via trust and transferring.

Is it the part that goes under the horse’s name and says “bred by x person”? I’m not sure how that not saying the name of the person who owns the horse would cause any confusion if it was a foundation horse.

If seller brought the foundie and transfer the horse to buyer, the seller's name/id will show up on bred by instead of buyer. Often, serious breeder relied on search through bred by feature to keep track of horses that they sold or etc etc. Seller often will have to check every horse to see which one they actually bred or which one is foundie they brought for buyer. 
That's the main reason why a lot of players want a branding/prefix feature in pre-code. To make it easier for us to track down all horses that we actually care about instead of some random foundie that failed our criteria (and been dumped in RC but got picked up).

Last edited on 2018-07-02 at 18:25:43 by Andromeda

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#177201 Posted on 2018-07-03 03:55:40


Not sure about second and third gen horses maintaining a higher value if the foundation cap were to be added in. This is all based on speculation, but I imagine with foundation lines being rarer as a result of the cap, people would breed their foundations more times than they do now just to ensure that they get that “perfect” foal, since foundation pairs that are worthwhile will be considerably harder to come by. If people breed their foundations more, the market will be flooded with unwanted second gens, likely set at a lower price point to move them out faster. The result would be higher statted horses going for less than their predecessors because suddenly those lines are common and difficult to find second and third gen mates to. Again, this is a lot of speculation, but I wouldn’t say second and third gens are highly valued solely because of stats. Getting a horse to 400 stats is relatively easy anyways. 

Also, what is this talk about $10k per 100 stats? I’ve heard it before, and I think the value of the dollar has changed. Maybe this is just me, but I would not pay $10k per 100 stats at all, it simply isn’t worth it. Especially for a horse that’s 400 stats. It not only wont make back that price in its lifetime, but it’s foal(s) probably won’t earn the remainder back quickly either. Even if I couldn’t easily breed my own 400-500 stat horses, I still wouldn’t pay 100k a horse for decent horses. I’d just lock up until something more worthwhile comes along. Markets are volatile in both real life and online market simulation games, just because the price of something was once higher, does not mean that should be the value of it nor does it mean that it ever will be again. Prices fluctuate, right now it’s a buyers market, not a sellers. I’ve had no issue selling horses at around 10k each when I was selling horses I bred a few months back. The next gen extras I’ll be selling I plan to sell for 20k.

Seller and buyer wouldn’t have to be online at the same time though? The seller could buy the horses and lock them until the buyer indicates they’re online, then unlock the horses and send them over. Also if they’re just transferring the horses, the buyer doesn’t have to be online at all, aisde from making the deal. Yes, it seems somewhat risky but if someone lies publicly to one person and are called out for it, it’s unlikely they’ll easily be able to buy/sell again. 

I understand that part better now. I think it’s just that I don’t do that, simply because my lines aren’t all that large or expansive at this point in time. An official option to set a prefix would be nice, but if anyone could change those prefixes I think they have little purpose anyways. 

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#177205 Posted on 2018-07-03 05:44:59

@ Clover:
Since you haven't experienced the precode, it might be too hard for you to grasp the concepts. However, that was the reality of precode. The market are way more active with a lot of high quality horses. We never have problem with "over-flooding" of specific generations until the cap was removed. Occasionally, we do get a "flash-flooding" of certain type of horses due to long-term of poor breeding by newer players who eventually learned that their ways of breeding aren't working out. However, Flash-Flooding is not a daily basis thing like our current situation. It probably happened one time per two weeks or something. All pre-code players can confirm that we did not have issues.

HOWEVER. It is possible that this won't work due to all new generation of players. I've noticed that the way of your generations think and strategize are very different from my generation. It is most likely because y'all are used to the current market and system so you guys probably will try to do anything to breed privately like always. Therefore, buying off slots from other players and etc. I might can be wrong and your generation might actually embraced the changes and choose to work with others instead of buying slots. We will never know unless we tried. I rather to give it a try than sitting around and accept the fact that this game is basically dead when it comes to breeding for public.

What is this talk about $10k per 100 stats? ... Especially for a horse that’s 400 stats. It not only wont make back that price in its lifetime, but it’s foal(s) probably won’t earn the remainder back quickly either.

Our show and training system are very different back then. It wasn't easy to increase stats back then. It would take generations to reach 1k stats. Right now, a foundie can reach 1k stats when pre-code foundie usually only reached 500 stats-600 stats if lucky. 2nd gen: 600-700 stats. 3rd gen: 700-800 stats. etc. Often, parent and foal would have less than 100 stats difference in their final stats. Now, we can easily double that. Stats were used to be something that are challenging to breed for. That's one of main causes of huge drop in pricing. 400 stats horses are very easy to breed for now so their values went down dramatically. 

There were a lot of complaints on new stats system due to how easy it to raise their stats with current system... However, they went unheard as always.

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#177212 Posted on 2018-07-03 06:57:24

"Only those who are serious breeders would go for foundie herds because most unserious breeders rather to go for easier/quicker options. "

This is a statement that rather irks me. How does buying foundation herds make anyone any less of a serious breeder than buying pedigree horses? A serious breeder maintains quality to their standards, whether that involves introducing  foundation or a pedigree horse is up to them. Buying lined should be encouraged, as it's the only type of horse players can sell for profit, a statement calling the buyers not serious about breeding is very uncalled for. If anything you want to avoid adding any foundation to a lined horse in order to maintain quality or any low gen for that matter. That kind of separatist attitude from old vs new players does nothing but contribute to problems. 

With the change in how stats are gained, and I've said this before, I actually think it's time  the market value was no longer 10k for every 100 stats. It tends to be players that hold onto that rule that struggle selling horses. You keep saying it was "back then" so I don't see why it should be carried over to this version when the price does not always reflect quality.. Of course that's not to say that prices should be dropped to 1k a horse for every horse, but carefully adjusted. I've found I've been able to move a couple horses with trial and error with changing my prices, but it's all to do with demand for that particular breed, not necessarily whether it's a foundation or short gen (all my sales have been short gen/long gen sales). 

Even so, if a weekly or monthly cap was introduced, I doubt we'd see a huge change in the market for months with how long horses live for, and not every player is so patient to find out if it works or not. I don't think it will necessarily break the cycle of people being public going private as a result of other public breeders going private, I think there needs to be a mentality change really. However, limiting the amount of foundations available would encourage player interaction and exchange, even if it doesn't necessarily immediately fix the market problem, but may make players more open to buying non-foundations in order to supplement their herds. 

But, and this is slightly off topic and I say it a lot, one of the mains reasons the market sucks is cubed horses and crossed disciplined horses. The majority of people that are buying horses are stat breeders of some kind, who just don't bother looking through the pages of cubed horses just to find that one low ns, myself included. A lot of people also buy up a lot of horses when a group is for sale, and have no space to incorporate more horses. I like buying in new stock when I can but in theory I have enough of my own to go on for at least 3 more generations before buying in more, and I definitely do not have the room from hoarding horses. Since it's difficult to sell, it's a rather annoying cycle of can't sell these horses to buy new ones in exchange, and I hate using the RC since it seems like such a waste when it gets adopted in 2 seconds, not because of the price.

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#177233 Posted on 2018-07-03 08:50:37

With the change in how stats are gained, and I've said this before, I actually think it's time  the market value was no longer 10k for every 100 stats. It tends to be players that hold onto that rule that struggle selling horses. You keep saying it was "back then" so I don't see why it should be carried over to this version when the price does not always reflect quality.. Of course that's not to say that prices should be dropped to 1k a horse for every horse, but carefully adjusted. I've found I've been able to move a couple horses with trial and error with changing my prices, but it's all to do with demand for that particular breed, not necessarily whether it's a foundation or short gen (all my sales have been short gen/long gen sales). 

I never said that we should keep up with 10k per 100 stats. I've stated earlier, the horses' value dropped dramatically because it is so friggin easy to gain stats so they doesn't worth 10k per 100 stats...
Unfortunately, majority of them DO worth nothing. They do not hold any value in this version. Our current market is a lovely proof of that. 

This is a statement that rather irks me. How does buying foundation herds make anyone any less of a serious breeder than buying pedigree horses? A serious breeder maintains quality to their standards, whether that involves introducing  foundation or a pedigree horse is up to them. Buying lined should be encouraged, as it's the only type of horse players can sell for profit, a statement calling the buyers not serious about breeding is very uncalled for. 

Um? I never said that serious breeders went private? Serious breeders are often the ones who are willing to invest in a long-term project in raising the fresh lines for generations. Back then, all of serious breeders I know still do buy/sell while keep up with their side project. They often would open their fresh lines to public as well.

Unserious breeders do invest their time in their lines. HOWEVER, they often do not have time to raise foundies or log in daily due to RL. I've met several of higher quality unserious breeders who do have amazing herd. I don't consider them as serious because they don't invest as much as serious breeders. Those breeders usually prefer to buy their fresh lined horses from others instead raising foundies. 

Maybe, I use the wrong wordings. Not sure what to call them... but there are several different types of breeders.

 That kind of separatist attitude from old vs new players does nothing but contribute to problems. 

Since when did I said serious breeder is only old players? I've met a lot of newbies who became serious breeder because they usually are younger and have more free time to spend on EV. I know several old players who view this game as just a side game to kill the time instead of a serious hobby.

Even so, if a weekly or monthly cap was introduced, I doubt we'd see a huge change in the market for months with how long horses live for, and not every player is so patient to find out if it works or not.

Yes, that's possible. I've said this earlier that it is possible that this will not work... However, we won't know for sure until we try it.

But, and this is slightly off topic and I say it a lot, one of the mains reasons the market sucks is cubed horses and crossed disciplined horses.

I am wondering about this for awhile... did you played in pre-code?? I swore that I've seen you around in pre-code... but you keep say things that make me wonder if I got confused...

Cubes is something we have for ages. They are wayyy more accessible than nowadays. We used can buy peppermints in general store for 10k. Back then, we actually receive more treats during holidays that give out even more stats than peppermints. It never affect the market that much... why would it harm the market right now???
In addition to that, we have convert training feature that we doesn't have in pre-code. A lot of horses are cubed with intent to convert before breeding. It has been long time since I saw a horse with cross-disciplined stats that cannot be converted. In pre-code, I've seen them quite often since it was a common thing.
I fail to see why cubes and cross discipline are the problem... it was never a problem back then so why would it become a problem now. Plus, like I said, it has been awhile since I saw a cross discipline bred horses... 

Last edited on 2018-07-03 at 10:07:13 by Andromeda

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#177376 Posted on 2018-07-03 16:31:26

I never said serious breeders went private nor public. I was simply stating that it's unfair to call people who buy in pedigree horses "unserious breeders" just because they didn't raise a foundation. It takes no effort to raise either generation, you just have to manage your breedings with whatever time you have to play. Perhaps you mean a casual player rather than unserious for the players that don't have time to play every day? Doesn't make them any less dedicated. 

I am a precode player, please do not treat me like a new player for having a differing opinion, it's very rude. I'm fully aware of peppermints being in the old version and cubes having been on this version for a while. My problem is cubed generations of horses, it only takes breeding one cubed horse to make the foal worthless in showing, same for crossing disciplines. You cannot convert a foal to be showable which has non-showable base stats, and time invested in it to bring down stats often take a couple generations, which is simply not worth it when you can just buy a foundation to fill the gap and take the overall stat hit and not have to worry about your non-speciality stats. There's plenty breeds with crossed disciplines and cubed generations. The market was doing just fine before cubes were introduced from what I've seen, sales plummeted between players and I now only find horses from select few players that don't cube and are public.

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