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Wild Survival RP - 1x1

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Wild Survival RP - 1x1

#174997 Posted on 2018-06-14 15:22:47

Atlas ignored the brag and pulled at the stick with all this might. This is fun. Who needs a person when you have a dog friend?

Fable trotted past dozens and dozens of trees and bushes. This place is interesting. I wonder where it is? Well, wherever it is I like it. There's a nice breeze, lots of leaves, but not much else. 

Darcy brought her nose to the ground, trying to sniff out food. How on earth was she supposed to get food? There wasn't anybody in sight to feed her, and she was starved. So she relied on her nose to find something at all appetizing for a hungry dog. 

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#174999 Posted on 2018-06-14 15:42:31

She felt him pulling and couldn't help when her tail started lashing at the air again. This is so much fun! Did Missy not like playing tug of war with me anymore? Is that why they left me? The thought made Dove a little sad again and her tail drooped, but she wasn't about to give up. She tugged harder on the stick, her teeth slipped, and she tumbled backward. 

Luther's ears perked at the sound of water. He kept up his steady walk until he discovered the stream curving through the forest. He glanced around and sniffed the air for danger before approaching. When all was clear, he walked to the edge and lapped at the surface. The cool water slid down his throat and cleared it of the dust he had inhaled during the ride down the dirt road in the truck bed. Luther froze as a silver fish swam lazily by. Food. Luther had had fish before when his people had taken him on a fishing trip, and he liked the taste. He waited, and as another swam by the bank he plunged his muzzle deep into the water, clacking his teeth together around the fish. Success! Luther pulled it from the water, his tail giving a single wag of victory, and stepped away from the bank. He didn't want it to flop back in. Luther set it in the grass and quickly put it out of its misery so it wouldn't thrash any longer. He bit into it and was glad to find he still liked the flavor, though different from the fish his people had caught.

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#175000 Posted on 2018-06-14 16:00:40

"Grrrr," Atlas growled. As best he could anyway, as he had a stick in his mouth.

Darcy sniffed for a while before she stuck her tail upright and brought her head up, alert. Her ears stood up, and she tried to listen for something she thought she'd smelled. She couldn't hear anything, but she could definitely smell a familiar scent, the scent of rabbit. Darcy's family didn't have many rabbits because they'd been afraid of Darcy, but sometimes she would see them a bit away, and she would smell them a lot. 
Darcy sniffed the ground again, and followed the scent until it was very, very strong. Then she looked up, and sure enough, there was a rabbit chewing on bark just a few feet away. Darcy didn't know a thing about hunting, but from chasing them out of her yard she did know that if she was going to kill it, they couldn't see her. She had only killed a rabbit once before, but that was a long time ago, so she was slightly worried that she couldn't do it. She was very hungry! But she tried not to lose hope and hide behind the bush. She found a very shady part that she could go in and stalk it from behind. So she ran over and crouched low. She stalked it slowly. Then she was just a foot or two away and she jumped. It was that moment that she remembered what a small dog she was. Not a big one, that was meant for living out here. But still, she was in mid-air and she had been abandoned, so there was nothing she could do now. And when she landed on the rabbit, she was shocked. But then she saw that the rabbit wriggling free of her grasp. So with one quick swipe of her jaw, she bit the rabbit in the neck and it stopped moving. So she got off of it, and started to eat.

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#175004 Posted on 2018-06-14 18:34:38

Her tail thumped the ground and her tongue lolled from her mouth. "How long have you been here?"

He finished the fish and licked the traces from his snout. He should probably find a place to stay near the stream. It was water and had fish. Of course, he would hunt down small furry animals too, but it was good to know he had a steady food and water source. A scent wafted to Luther's nose and he lifted it into the air. Rabbit, freshly killed. Luther slipped into the forest and walked quietly until he found the origin of the smell. A small dog was eating a rabbit. Luther watched and debated whether or not to introduce himself. He didn't know this dog, it could be aggressive. Luther decided to return to the stream but when he took a step back a stick cracked under his paw. 

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#175012 Posted on 2018-06-14 19:40:40

Darcy was in the middle of eating,when she heard a soft cracking noise. She looked up from the rabbit, looking in the direction the noise had come from. It was then that she smelled something. Another dog. And it was very near. She grew a bit cautious. Who was this new dog? Was it a danger? She wondered what to do.  She decided to wait, and see what would happen.

Fable continued along. Tree, bush, another tree, tree, tree, bush, tree, yet another tree, and not much else. Fable looked in all directions as she slowly trotted along. 

"Not long, only a day or so. What about you? How long have you been here?" He asked her, wagging his tail with anticipation.

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#175019 Posted on 2018-06-14 21:44:01

He let out a small sigh of frustration at himself and stepped from the shadows. "Hello." Luther sniffed the air briefly for danger but other than this dog it seemed he was fine for now. 

"I've lived here all my life. Well, I had owners and they took me to this field outside the woods to picnic and play all the time. My favorite was Missy, she's an eight year old and she loves me so much. That's what she says when we cuddle on her bed even though I'm not allowed. And she loved tug of war almost as much as me, but for some reason she always throws the stick. I bring it back for her since she must not have meant to. But then the other day one of my owners took me to a new field and threw a stick into the woods, so I had to go get it for her. But when I finally found it and brought it back she was gone." Dove's ears dropped. She had mixed past and present tenses all throughout her story, since she wasn't sure if those things were the present or no longer a thing.  

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#175028 Posted on 2018-06-15 07:37:39

"That sounds nice. I had a nice owner, although she wouldn't play. She left me a little ways from here. I didn't like that. And this is is much better. I had a... strange owner, although I liked her. She was always doing weird things, when she was home. She would say 'Sit', and then stood there as if she expected me to do something. I had just understood what she meant when one day when she was leaving, she took me with and dumped me in a meadow just a bit away. I thought she was playing for once, but then she drove off. I felt so abandoned, I guess I just knew that I wouldn't see her again, and I left." Atlas's tail stopped wagging. And very, very quietly, he mumbled "I don't like people anymore," making sure not to let Dove hear that.

Darcy took a small step back. Who was this dog? He didn't seem to be harm..yet. But you never know. Some dogs are bad. But I suppose saying hi couldn't hurt. "Hey," Darcy hesitated. "Who are you?"

Fable trotted along, seeing nothing but forest. He finally reached a large fallen tree, that looked more like a humongous log to him, as he had never seen a fallen tree. It was the biggest thing he had ever seen, much, much bigger than him and he was a very large dog. He walked to the back, where it was lower and he could hop onto the log. He walked up it cautiously, being careful not to fall off. Fable felt big, fierce, like he was higher than anything. But then his moment was ruined, when he looked up to see that almost all of the trees surrounding him we higher up. So he flopped down on the log, just as the sun came out from behind a cloud, and he felt very at peace.

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#175033 Posted on 2018-06-15 09:08:50

"Oh. I wonder why our owners left us?" Dove's tail slid under her legs and she looked at her paws. "Sometimes I think Missy doesnt like me anymore, even though she wasn't with Mother when they left me here."

He studied the small dog a moment and deemed it safe to say his name. "Luther. You?" 

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#175035 Posted on 2018-06-15 09:29:39

"I don't know. My owner certainly didn't like me, I don't think so anyway. But I liked her, she adopted me when I was a puppy and I always liked her. But I guess she didn't like me as much as I thought she did. It sure is strange." 

Darcy cocked her head the slightest bit. Luther. Hmm. Darcy was cautious of this dog. He wasn't enormous, but still bigger than her. "Darcy."

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#175036 Posted on 2018-06-15 09:52:03

"That's sad." Dove glanced around them looking for something fun to do. This topic wasn't a very happy one. She jumped up. "There's a toad!" As if upon hearing her, the toad began to hop away. Dove barked happily and ran after it. "Come on!" she called over her shoulder to Atlas.

Luther's head jerked at the sound of a splash behind him, and he listened intently, nose in the air. It must have been a fish, for nothing came to him. Luther relaxed his stiffened posture and turned back to Darcy. "I just got here. Do you know what this place offers as far as shelter?" Not people. They'll just toss me out. Besides, I just want my family. Not a new one.

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#175037 Posted on 2018-06-15 10:08:27

"I've been here for a little less than a week. I never understood how people kept track of days. Hm, shelter? I don't know... this place is huge. But with a bit of exploring, you can find the bare necessities." Darcy frowned at the idea of exploring. How dangerous!

Atlas sped after Dove and the toad. "Come back here toady-toad!"

Fable felt quite happy right there on the log. But he was soon bored. He was a super active dog, and always needed attention and playing. But there was no one in sight, except for the occasional bird or squirrel flying and skittering by. He felt very alone, but he tried not to think about that. He suddenly smelled something... it smelled like himself but different at the same time. I wonder what that is. It couldn't be me, but what is it? Nor could it be the neighbors dog, although it smells like that. It's probably just a funny smelling squirrel. 

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#175049 Posted on 2018-06-15 14:38:35

She groaned when the toad seemed to disappear into thin air. "He's gone," she whimpered, but her tail was wagging to show she was still in a good mood. Dove felt her stomach growling and glanced around. What is there to eat? Hm... No dog food. And I've never been able to catch anything. Maybe I'll have to learn.

He nodded and glanced back toward the stream. He would wander up and down its banks looking for a shelter. If there weren't any too close to the stream he would enter the woods a little ways and search there. He didn't want to stray too far from the water as it would probably prove to be important. "I'm going to start looking." He looked back at Darcy and tilted his head. "I usually prefer to be alone, but I could make an exception." She had been here longer, she might prove useful. And she didn't seem to be someone he had to be wary of.

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#175074 Posted on 2018-06-16 08:32:54

"Aw, man." Atlas barked, snapping at the air where the toad had hopped away with frustration. I wonder if there's other dogs here. I doubt it, but I thought I was the only one here, but there's Dove... I wonder if there's others. I don't think so but maybe... if there was, think about how many friends I would have! We could spend all day playing together! 

Darcy's first instinct was to sniff and walk off, but that didn't seem like a nice thing to do to this nice dog, whether she had just met him less than an hour ago or not. "I'll come with," Darcy woofed, trying her best to be nice to him. They seemed to have similar personalities, maybe if they spent time together they would become friends. Maybe. Darcy didn't want to take chances, but then again if she didn't take any chances she wouldn't go with Luther and would most likely get herself killed somehow eventually. I hope I don't regret this. But he's such a nice dog, I don't think I'll need to worry. So she made her best effort to wag her tail cheerfully. 

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#175124 Posted on 2018-06-17 12:56:06

"So now what?" Dove asked, rolling in the leaves on her back and wiggling gleefully. Normally when she played in the woods she had to listen in case her owners were calling her. I guess that's a perk, getting to play as long as I want. But I won't get to cuddle with Missy anymore.

He glanced at her wagging tail with a confused expression before turning and striding back toward the stream. He paused to lap at the water a couple times and soothe his throat. Luther's head turned side to side as he glanced down the stream both ways. Which way seems to be most promising shelter-wise? Luther could go upstream and maybe find shelter somewhere along the banks. Maybe the source of the stream was near a hill or mountain in the forest where there would be caves. But if he went downstream there could be a lake at the end, where there would be... something, no doubt. An abandoned boat. He wasn't sure exactly what, but both directions were promising. If they actually had any shelter at all along the banks. "Which way do you think we should go?" Luther finally asked, turning to Darcy. 

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#175150 Posted on 2018-06-17 20:18:20

"I'm not sure. I wonder what else is in this forest." 

Darcy looked around. "I think this way would be good," Darcy told Luther, motioning to the left.

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