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highschool.... collegee?

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highschool.... collegee?

#172440 Posted on 2018-05-30 21:39:09

So imma freshmenn in highschool right now. I hate it a whole lot but like whats new?
and somehowww
I found out about this fun little school that has you do you highschool diploma at a college
Yea I'm doing that. I'm enrolled at a community college and uh. Yea. I'll be taking all college classes next year and I'm like rlly excited but also terrifieddddd.
So I know noone whos done this or rlly gone through college like recently so im coming here because HELP.
I know about what to expect but like. Im not allowed to drive yet like i cant get my permit and next year I'll be a full on college student basically. everything is going very very fasttt and I'm just a youngling.
So yea, whats college like, its not like I'll be living on campus or anything of course but idk. If anyone who has done or is doing that fun college thing has anything to tell me. It would be greatly appreciatted.  

Other note - Hi I'm not really active again but I've been checking in more in an attempt to get back in touch with some people. I was thinking a lot about those good 'ol times ♥

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#172442 Posted on 2018-05-30 22:27:08

College is interesting? 

I just finished my freshman year at a four year university so my experiences might be different than the ones you will have (also that you're probably 14/15? and I'm 19). Anywho, my biggest tip is time management and organization. College courses are much more difficult than any courses I took in high school (and I did take two college level courses while in HS). Don't leave things till the last minute because that will make things x10 harder for yourself in the long run (especially with papers, projects, etc). Also don't be afraid to be social! Join clubs and/or organizations to meet new friends! Don't worry about feeling like a newbie because their will be other freshmen in the same boat as you. 

Best of luck to you ♥ If you ever need to talk my inbox is always open!

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#172460 Posted on 2018-05-31 05:21:30

College is difficult, but I liked it much better than high-school (personally). I am an old soul and the catty-ness of high-school irritated me to no-end. The community college I first attended happened to be mostly non-traditional students (adults returning for their degree) and it was amazing to deal with people that were adults who acted like adults. 

I think one of the most important things to remember in college is that professors and teachers are much less likely to give you extra time or extra credit if you are struggling. They will expect you to be able to make deadlines barring a unexpected uncontrollable event that makes it impossible to actually complete the work (like a car accident).  

Also the syllabus is your best friend. Keep a print version of the syllabus with you in your backpack. Attend the first day of class and take notes on your syllabus as the teacher walks through the class requirements, most teachers will highlight things they feel are important to the class and they will talk about things you can/cannot do in their classroom. 

Lastly; attend class (every class, barring illness) you are paying a lot of money to be there (if you aren't personally paying for it someone is and you should attend class to make the most of that opportunity and respect the hardwork of the person/people who are paying for you to be there). I've seen sooo many freshman who, because most professors don't take attendance, don't come to class except for exams then they complain that they are failing. College is a lot of freedom and because of that it is also a lot of responsibility.

I don't know if you're excited to stay at home or bummed to be missing out; but I'm soooo glad I didn't have to live on-campus. I'm not into that party scene so I loved going home and having a break from the people (I'm an extreme introvert lolz). 

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#172490 Posted on 2018-05-31 10:51:19

Haha thank you guys
Yea I'm 14 turning 15 this fall so there's definitely no living on campus for me lolll I wishhhh
Yea luckily I don't have to pay for classes as the school I'm enrolled into for this situation to work out pays the fees with the money given by the government but Im definitely not missing class unless I have to. I'm listed as under 18 in the books and I actually don't know what would happen if I skipped I could be sent a warning from the highschool thing who knowsss

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