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Well that was an adventure

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Well that was an adventure

#141929 Posted on 2018-01-18 23:30:19

So I was goofing off in my living room, slipped, fell backwards, landed on my bad elbow, and jammed my elbow and shoulder. Luckily nothing too serious, and not too much pain; but I did hear a pop, so I might've done something to my shoulder (don't worry, it isn't dislocated. And theres no swelling, so I think I just jammed it a bit. (; ) But I can't do any heavy lifting stuff with it because it'll start aching again, and it is a little shakey. I'm not sure if that is from shock or it is just freakkng out right now because I just hurt it... again. But hopefully I'll be able to use it better before tomorrow night, since I have plans. And hopefull I will be able to sleep on it tonight without any pain. If it gets worse then I will go to a doctor, but I'm guessing my elbow hurts mostly because it is already messed up, and then I just landed funny on my shoulder. 

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