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Wellthorne Academy

#141559 Posted on 2018-01-17 13:30:31


He reacted on impulse, his fist balling as he grabbed Madi by her neck and pushed her back against the wall. He saw red, his fist back and he was only able to stop himself when he realised there was silence around him. When he realised he couldn't hit a girl and it was one sure way to find himself locked away in some backwards corner of this place in something like solitary confinement. He kept her pinned there for a second, before he let her go, tripping her deliberately with his crutch.

"Nice trip?" He smirked, "Might want to learn to walk before you can sprint, love."


Bree stood up in shock when she saw what Madi had done, rushing forward to try and pull them apart.

"You really, really shouldn't have done that." She gasped, remembering her own new policy not to get involved in these things a little too late. She didn't hold out her hand, instead standing around awkwardly stuck in between the two of them, aware of how silent the canteen now was.

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#141567 Posted on 2018-01-17 13:58:58

Leaning against the side of the passenger seat with Titan in the back she bit her bottom lip and grumbled. Her mother kept her hands on the steering wheel finally pulling off from the six hour drive and entering through a large gate that said “Wellthorne Academy” entering through and parking she exited the vechile waiting for her daughter and her daughters service dog. Giving a whine and clipping the leash to Titan she got out of the passenger seat and opened the back letting her black lab service dog Titan out. Making sure his vest and patches were on good she pulled the leash and Titan hopped off wagging his tail. “C’mon bud lets see what school Mom picked out this time...” entering into the student services building and going to the desk where her mom was talking to the lady at the desk. “Can you get the principal and have her show Dylan where all her classes and dorm and everything is....since this is all new to her and this seems like a very large school.” Smiling and stepping back she patted Dylan’s back ushering her foreword with the crowd

Inhaling a awkward breath and watching out the window of the car as his mother drove the car he fumbled with his thumbs in the front. “Really mom you didn’t have to make me go...” biting his lip and watching as the car pulled into the gates of the academy he gave a little eye roll staying in the car while his mother handled the paperwork as usual. Rolling his eyes and licking the car as his mother went in he leaned back closing his eyes “Thanks a whole lot Mom, this place is going to be like prison...” muttering to himself and swallowing the breath he had been holding in he leaned his head against the window sighing and hoping it was all a dream.

Last edited on 2018-01-17 at 14:03:13 by Daphne101

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#141616 Posted on 2018-01-17 16:11:31


Madison felt herself slam against the wall and then fall on the floor. She was so angry that she could feel how red and hot her face was. She could feel the hands of someone else grab her and push her away, but she wanted to continue to fight. She wanted to slap the smug look off the guys face. "Why you little...," she yelled out as she made her way towards him again, ready to have another go at him. Hands wrapped around her, holding her down as she thrashed around, trying to free herself from the grip. All she saw was the guys face looking at her, but the distance between them only grew farther and farther apart. She was then outside in the courtyard with the arms still gripping on to her. "Let me go," she yelled out, "Just freaking let me go." Madi broke free from the grip, twisting around to meet the face of who it was that drug her away from the unfinished fight. "What the heck man," she screamed throwing her hands up in the air. She didn't care that she was making a scene about it, her temper still had a hold of her and she was furious. Her face was still visibly red as she glared at the guy.


Derek gave a smirk, listening to the girl talk to herself as if he wasn't still standing in front of her. "Well in case you think that I'm going to rat you out I guess I'll tell you my name so you know where to look for me. It's Derek." Derek took another step towards the door, hearing a loud commotion and then silence, eerily silence. The kind of silence he knew far too well as a fight was breaking out close to the doors. "Sounds like a fight happening in there," he stated as he peeked around into the canteen. He saw a girl pushing herself between some guy with spaghetti on his face and girl laying on the floor. He dropped his tray by the trash and rushed over just as the girl was getting to her feet, wrapping his arm around her and dragging her towards the exit. At one point he was slapped in the face as she was thrashing around, causing him to let go. "You need to chill," he said calmly.

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#141622 Posted on 2018-01-17 16:17:24

Katie stepped in between the girl, and the now retreating boy she was fighting with, more so the girl wouldn't run back inside and lay into him. Watch yourself." She hissed at him, glowering, before turning to the girl. "Woah, woah, easy there soldier. You don't want to get into trouble for someone not worth your time."

Last edited on 2018-01-17 at 16:17:41 by The Gaiaphage

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#142386 Posted on 2018-01-21 12:34:28


Madison slowed her breathe as she glared between the two people in front of her. "What do you care if I get in to trouble," she spat out. She screamed out in frustration and knew that there was no way she would be able to finish what she started in the canteen. "I don't need your guys help with staying out of trouble, so why don't you two just leave me alone to handle myself." She crossed her arms over he chest, trying to avoid the both of them. Madi wanted to show that guy off, knowing that he was probably fuming with victory that he had had the final say in the matter. Anger began to boil in her stomach again, causing Madi to clench her fists to the point that they were beginning to turn white.


Derek nodded as he agreed with the matter of staying out of trouble. Usually he wasn't keen on the matter of involving himself in such matters of someone else's mess, but the red headed girl looked like she was about to be beaten to a pulp by the guy even if it did look like the guy was injured. "She's right, that guy wasn't worth getting in trouble over and if someone hadn't have intervened, you could have been seriously damaged," Derek replied. 

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#142395 Posted on 2018-01-21 13:03:24

Katie laughed, shaking her head. "She can held her own. And it wasn't her that I was worried would get beaten up, it's him." She looked down at the girls tightly clenched fists and winced. "Hey, relax your hands a little. You don't wanna cut them up." She said, showing the girl her palms, which were covered in uneven lines of light, little cresent shaped scars. "Punching somebody while you have long-ish nails isn't too fun." 

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#143916 Posted on 2018-01-28 11:25:18


Madison snorted at the comment that the girl had made about Madison beating the guy up. "Your right, I totally would have." She looked down at her hands that were white in color, releasing such an intense fist. Madison bursted out into laughter yet again at the girl's comment. "I like you," Madi stated, "Who are you anyway?" Her anger had lessened though she would never forget her hatred toward the guy and either way she would probably still get in trouble for the scuffle that was caused in the canteen. 


Derek rolled his eyes at the confidence that the two had with fighting, but he didn't interject with any snide comment. He didn't want to sound sexist and demeaning towards them after all. "Whatever, you still don't need to go around fighting everyone that ticks you off." 

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#143933 Posted on 2018-01-28 12:01:22

"No one important." Katie laughed, turning to Derek. "Hey, a girls gotta have fun

Last edited on 2018-02-06 at 11:11:24 by The Gaiaphage

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#144819 Posted on 2018-01-31 20:07:33

Laura was new to the school. Her parents dropped her off hoping that she would make more friends and worry less about her horse Justan Illusion (Justin). She had signed up for Equestrian and Field hockey as her sports. For her arts, she took dance and ochresta.(Plays Bass Clairnet). For her alternitave she takes animal communication. For her extra she takes Equine Science.

Not talking once on the way to the school, I starred out the window. Tears rolled down my face as I thought about home. "Honey, this will be good for you. You will make new friends and when you want us to come pick Justan up we will. We can take him back to the girl you leased him from." MOM! No! I wiped another tear from my eye. What about Gary and Zane and Molly. My friends.... My voice trailed off. "Honey, your only friends. You will make new ones." Justin stuck his nose out the trailer window as I looked back. I smiled a little and looked back outside. Not another word was said the rest of the way. Once my mom unhooked the trailer and said her good byes, she drove off in the old ford pickup. My eyes were still teary as I unloaded Justin. My hands trembled and Justin tossed his head causing me to drop the black leadrope. Being the good horse he is, he stood and lowered his head. I nodded and strode off to the barn. I found a stall with a nameplate engraved "Justan Illusion". I got him settled in and headed to the dorm. After setting my things down I looked down at my watch and hurried off to classes. First Class, Orchestra.

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#146675 Posted on 2018-02-05 12:23:55


Hannah stared out of the window, as the big black car she was sat in, rolled up into the entrance of WellThorne Academy. She said bye to her parents, and then went up to the office, asking for her room. She was shown to the dorm, and as she opened the door, a girl barged past pushing Hannah. Hannah clenched her fists and the made her bed, before sitting down, looking at the photos of everyone's families. She sighed, and carried on putting her stuff away.


Joe slammed the car door, not even saying bye to his parents. As he slowly walked up to the entrance of Wellthorne Academy, he muttered to himself. "This is going to be a hard life." He said and then asked for his room, was shown to his dorm. He opened the door, to a neat room. He sighed and then made his bed, put his stuff away and waited. He was th only one with no photos. He didn't need any. Or, want any. His family were in the past, and as he always said, the past is over.

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#146783 Posted on 2018-02-05 18:27:50


Heading to class, Laura looked around for antbody that looked familiar. Mad as heck she stormed off to class. Carrying her big black case she rushed down the path. Hearing someone talk she stopped in her tracks to look around. Shrugging her shoulders she kept walking.

In the classroom, she put her clarinet together she blew into it to make a deep sound.

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#146997 Posted on 2018-02-06 11:09:25


Hannah was busy putting her stuff away, when she heard others shuffling around. She sighed, and shook her raven black hair loose from her ponytail she had it in in the car. She sighed and then looked at the classes she had picked and again sighed. She had never wanted to come here in the first place.


Joe watched all the other boys wondering around, putting out photos and smiling at them. The only thing he missed was his stallion, Fire. He got up and carried on putting away all his clothes.

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#170560 Posted on 2018-05-14 17:19:48


Leo rolled his eyes, hearing the bell ring to signal the end of lunch and that was was 15 minutes to prepare for your next class. He heard his name, along with a few he didn't recognise, ring out that they were to go straight to the head office after the 4.05 roll call. He was in it deep this time, his record was already two pages longer than most others. He knew he was going to be called up for his dress code violation, and for skipping his morning meditation class, not that he really could have gone because of the whole knee situation anyway but he still would be blown up for it because he was already on warning for his non-attendance and the destructive behaviour that resulted due to the non-attendance, even though not showing up to classes usually didn't result in punishment, but Leo being Leo had been 'up to no good'. And then there was the fighting on top of all that. And there was a seventy percent chance he wasn't going to bother for his double equestrian lessons to finish the day off, he didn't see the point if he was on crutches and would know after his scan if he'd need more surgery and even be able to ride again for the next year. He was slow on crutches, but he knew he needed to head to the stables anyway. He'd feel guilty if he didn't at least say hello to Pod, as he was only one who'd managed to get through to him so far, or at least they were the only ones who'd managed to get through to each other.


She breathed a loud sigh of relief when she didn't hear her name called as part of the announcements, looking round nervously to see the reaction of the rest of the group. She pulled the hair bobble off her wrist, tying her hair up tightly and brushing her hands over the front of her jeans. 

"Sooooooo," She drew the syllables out slowly, "does anyone else have horse riding now? I need to go and change into my breeches, is anyone else in the Lavender Dorm? I could do with new dorm buddies." She tacked on a nervous laugh, sliding her hands into her back pockets and hoping that she hadn't just made a fool out of herself. 

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#170568 Posted on 2018-05-14 17:53:59

She grumbled under her breath as she walked into the office carrying her bags. She really hated this place already. Nothing but another juvie really. She studied the receptionist or whatever, who looked up and asked “Outlaw?” She gave a curt nod in response and boredly listened to her reciting all the rules and such. 

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