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New Years Chat

#137630 Posted on 2017-12-30 16:39:55

I'm just wanting to hear about everybody's New Year's plans! I am extremely excited as my year is going to be CRAZY, and I want to hear about everyone else's as well!! 

Are you doing anything cool or fun for New Years Eve or Day?
Do you have any Resolutions for New Years for 2018? 
Any big plans/events occurring in 2018? Any big life changes? 

For New Years Eve I'll be hanging out with a friend of mine. We've yet decided exactly what we plan to do. It's between staying in all day ordering Pizza and then just staying up until the ball drops (we are super cool 21 year olds...) and actually finding something to go out and do. 
On New Years Day I'll just be hanging out with my family, and my step mother will make a nice dinner. 

I don't have any crazy Resolutions that are unique. Just like everyone else I want to eat healthier. I was doing super well for a few months this fall then fell out of it around the Holidays. So really just need to get back on track :) I exercise a fair amount, but I would like to improve my workouts a bit for some better results. 

2018 is going to be a crazy/stressful year for me as well... 
* Will be turning 22 at the end of January :D (Lol ok, this one is lame, everyone has a birthday hahaha)
* I'll be completing my final semester of Nursing School - With a CRAZY busy schedule. Literally I've never had a busier class schedule than this semester... 
* Will graduate from college
* Commission into the US Army as an Active Duty Army Nurse Officer 
* Will be selling my current old car that I bought with my own money, and buying myself a brand new car as a graduation present to myself :) 
* Once I graduate, I will be studying like crazy to pass the NCLEX to become an official Registered Nurse (and will hopefully pass...) This will be around June. 
* Will spend 2 months in San Antonio for an Army Officer Medical training course (sounds scary, but it's apparently super cool and fun) -- Also, I currently live in Washington, USA and will be driving over 2,000 miles cross country to SA)
* Will move across the country to wherever I'm stationed (I won't even know where I'm going to live for the next 2-3 years until this summer comes...) and will get an Apartment all to myself. I will most likely be stationed somewhere down south, like Texas or on the East Coast, with the possibilities of Hawaii and Germany.
* Will start my career as a Nurse at a major Army Hospital 
Probably by this time, It'll be the end of the year, if not 2019! I'm hoping this summer I can go on a cool vacation somewhere with a friend. I'd like to go to Canada (as even though I live super close to it, I somehow have never been there), or Nashville or something... I dunno. Probably can't afford a cool trip, but will try. 

Anyways, please tell me about your New Years! 

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#137639 Posted on 2017-12-30 16:54:50

Sounds like you've got yourself a very busy year next year!

Honestly I have no idea what my new year brings... hoooopefully better luck x_x
This year has been full of vandalism, expensive vet bills, car accident, and just general bad luck.
I don't really have any resolutions either.. lol I am not the planned type of person XD haha

You should totes come visit Canada though. I'm just north of you in BC ;D

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#137650 Posted on 2017-12-30 17:21:40

I plan on having a nice quiet New Years Eve, as most of the parties people are having this year are a few days afterward due to a lot of people flying back from being overseas.

Resolution wise I don't really have anything, other than to concentrate on working on myself and my career and not worrying too much about what others are doing. 

2018 is going to be crazy for me too! I'll be in my final year of my game design/game art degree, so I'll be busy in a team making our final year game (we'll decide when semester starts whether we'll be making a portfolio piece or trying to make a commercially viable game), as well putting my personal portfolio together and generally trying to upskill as much as I can before graduation. Depending on whether my scholarship application is successful, I will hopefully attend the Game Developers Conference in California, and I will likely help with my local developers conference again like I did last year organizing the volunteers. I also hope to give at least one talk at one of my local conferences, most likely on creature design. All in the hopes some games company will notice me and give me a job at the end of the year, haha! But it's definitely going to be a big year for me too. :D

Last edited on 2017-12-30 at 17:22:43 by Koto

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#137651 Posted on 2017-12-30 17:24:20

Wow, sounds like you have a busy year!

New Years Eve we’re going to the theme park that’s not far and will stay till midnight when they shoot off fireworks. I don’t usually make or have any resolutions. 

As for events I would like to complete a BN event this Spring, without jumping out of the dressage ring or falling off into the water obstacle or at any obstacles (just especially not the water). Not much else going on besides going to college, keeping my grades up.

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#137653 Posted on 2017-12-30 17:34:52

Sounds like a very busy up coming year

I don't plan on doing anything for New year's other then watch some Netflix eat some take out maybe drink a little and hopefully not have my dog destroyer everything in his path when the neighbors fire off the fireworks

In 2018 don't really have any plans XD, I hope to be getting a laptop though as well as working on doing some training with my other dog who barely knows a thing, I've been putting it off ever since she had puppies (which all have found homes now). One big thing I'm looking forward to is seeing an old friend I haven't seen in years who will be staying over at my place until she can find a place to rent(which not entirely sure how's that's going to go the house is kinda small as is XD ). I'm also excited to get my hair done next month, I haven't gotten it done in a while and will be happy to get my hair dyed I'm thinking blue. But other then that I'll just play the year by ear as I always do.

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#137666 Posted on 2017-12-30 18:13:28

@Siren; I hope 2018 is better for you! Hopefully no vandalism or car accidents or anything else bad! And maybe I will! It's up to my friend as well. If we do I'll hit you up for the best places to go to :)

@Koto; wow that is all very exciting! I couldn't be able to speak at any conference, I'm horribly scared of speaking in front of audiences... Hope you get lucky and get those job offers! 

@Cat; going to a theme park and seeing fireworks sounds cool, I'd definitely look into that if it was an option around my area. Hope you're successful at your BN event! Just practice and you'll do great. 

@Koda, that sounds like a great NYE, and probably what I'll end up doing as well haha. And working with your dog sounds fun, but I'm sure can take some work and be frustrating. But dogs are smart! It's also always good to see old friends! I have a friend who lives in Central USA (I used to live there) so we see each other every couple of years. I go down there or she comes up to me. It's my turn to go to her, but I just don't think I'll have the time in 2018. Maybe the next year! Also, I really wish I could dye my hair a cool color, blue would probably be my choice. 

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#137691 Posted on 2017-12-30 21:29:59

Saber, congrats on all your achievements !!
Sorry to hear about your bad year, siren :[

I will be going to a greensky bluegrass concert with my boyfriend, in a big city!!

My resolution is to stretch. I used to do a lot of yoga and now I'm so inflexible. I also want to work on doing a headstand on a horse lol.

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#137696 Posted on 2017-12-30 22:43:34

@marigold; dang! haha, if you accomplish that, PLEASE have someone take a photo and post it for us all! I'd love to see it :) Also, you should try to join a yoga class or something then, perhaps? or on your own, I'm sure is just as nice.
I did a yoga class once, and didn't like it. I think it was more so the particular instructors fault, as I'm not really flexible and she decided to come up behind me and force me into a further stretch, which was painful. So I've never done yoga again since. I really should give it another shot though! I hear it's very relaxing.

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#137698 Posted on 2017-12-30 23:17:59

Saber - I will. My idea is to get good at doing them on the ground and then use a saddle. Because of my job and where I live, joining classes isn't really an option for me :(

Not a very good yoga instructor, imo, because yoga is about doing the poses to the best of your ability (as my instructor friend says, it's literally made for 7 yr old boy bodies). And it can either be relaxing or intense depending on what type you do!

Last edited on 2017-12-30 at 23:18:47 by marigold sunshine

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#137699 Posted on 2017-12-30 23:36:02

Sounds like you all have loads ahead of you! These are just some things I need/want to do in 2018. 

Next year...

- I'll hopefully be getting a therapist for my anxiety, depression, and PTSD. 

- I'll be starting my Whimsical Wonders business of arts/crafts, personalized items, custom tack, and jewelry to name a few things.

- I'll start doing photography again, and offering my services to those that cannot afford to pay lots of money to have nice pictures of their pets, farm, family, etc. Which around here, there's a never-ending amount of need for photographers. 

- Volunteer at the local no kill animal shelter

- Getting back into music more than I have been. 

- Learn to play the ukulele

- Start uploading videos to Youtube

- I'll be turning 20 in May. 

- Get out of the house more, and try to be social.

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#137741 Posted on 2017-12-31 09:27:15

I don't really have any plans on New Years's, but most probably will be staying at home with my many animals. I'm also not planned enough to have any resolutions, but I do have many things happening in 2018.

* I am graduating from high school in May (totally not ready by the way and first semester went by really fast)
* I'll also be turning 18 in May (woop woop XD)
* My sister is moving all the way across the country from us to Oregon during the summer
* I'll be starting my freshman year of college in the fall (majoring in Business, minoring in Web Design to... well... become a Web Designer)
* I'll be starting to show my Quarb in shows after refreshing all of his training in the past year that I've gotten him. 
* I'm also starting to do Biathlons with my dog who is nearly a year old now.

So yeah, I'm basically becoming an adult this year! 

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#137743 Posted on 2017-12-31 09:40:37

@Marigold; yeah I believe it was just the instructor! If there are yoga classes at my new gym I'm starting at perhaps I'll give one a go :) Sorry you don't have one! Just put on some nice music and do it yourself! Or I'm sure there is also youtube videos you could put on if you did want instruction. 

@Sib; I hope they all work out for you! You have a lot of nice plans/resolutions to hope for. That's good, gives you things to try to do, and will make them all more likely to happen! The last one is my favorite, because I really need to start working on that as well, I'm such an introvert when it is allowed! And I don't like it, makes me feel to lonely. Yet I can still never get myself to want to go out and be social xD 

@Queen Bird; Yeah you've got a big, adventurous and educational year coming up! Leaving Highschool and going off to College in itself is new and such a huge change! I'm super happy for you, good job and good luck! 

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#137757 Posted on 2017-12-31 10:19:41

It is the new year where I am.

I sat at home with my housemates, and we spoke about what our plans and goals were, while drinking. Now I'm doing my EV horses, listening to loud music through my earphones coz the town has gone to sleep.

Stay truer to myself, no matter what (exclusive of kids)
Get my show car and daily car on track properly (make sure 100% roadworthy)
Get my butt back in the saddle
So I can hopefully join the mounted ses, if not joining ground crew ses
Loose some more weight, and quit smoking.

Also contemplating telling my on/off partner to walk

Happy new year to you all

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#137759 Posted on 2017-12-31 10:21:08

New Year Plans - a house party with what is supposed to be close friends & family only but I have a feeling someone has let slip on a certain social media site about it so who knows who will turn up?!

Resolutions - to be more tolerant of those less decisive & strong willed as myself (dithering people irritate me!)

My 2018 

Pft probably not great due to being made redundant / endless hospital visits re my grandma with heart & lung problems / my grandad in the final stages of alzheimers / my uncle only having 3 months to live with cancer / my best girl pal recovering from skin cancer (fingers crossed)

However there are small glimmers of joy 

* such as quite a number of weekends away attending music gigs/theatre shows with friends
* celebrating my 35th bday at the Grand National
* A new job (if I can get one!)
* I am looking into joining a racehorse syndicate with my xmas money my dad give me (he'll HATE that haha!)
* possibly getting my first Furbaby (a rescue kitty kat once I've been vetted by the organisation)

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#137812 Posted on 2017-12-31 13:43:45

@Black Raven; It must be a lot later where you're at than where I'm at. It's only noon here :) Good luck on all your resolutions! I know you can do them all if you stick your mind to it. I don't know the story behind your partner and you, but if it's such a struggle and a constant on and off scenario, perhaps it's time to make it officially off... At least for a good while, give yourself some time to your self and perhaps an ability to start new with somebody different, and better. 

@Fabelhaft; I'm sorry to hear about all of the bad things going on right now. Cancer and any of those really do suck. My grandfather died from Alzheimer's, and my mother died from Breast Cancer, passing along a gene that gives me a 70% chance to have breast cancer and 30% for uterine cancer in my lifetime. I'm super happy that you have some good things to try and off balance the bad though! Super excited for you to get a nice little cat! Nice to rescue it! 

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