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#132713 Posted on 2017-12-09 19:20:39

Sable nodded, thinking over their predicament. Just then, a small brown wolf hurried over to them, looking as if she had something important on her mind. I know her... Oh, yes! Hush. Sable tilted her head towards the wolf, showing her interest in what Hush had to say through body language. She listened carefully to the idea, thinking it through as Hush spoke, then looked doubtfully at Malvis, wondering what he thought of it. If they tried and failed to conceal their scent, it might make it easier for the Mul to track them somehow. Any number of things could go wrong, really. But it might help keep them from being found, so it could be worth the risk. Was it? She didn't know.

Rasae was bored, but she preferred eating to hunting, honestly. She knew some enjoyed it, but she couldn't see why. But orders were orders, and there was nothing she could do about it. She ambled over to the others, ready to start.

Keeta was game to a hunt, she liked the thrill of chasing, overpowering, squashing the prey's advantage, and being rewarded with a meal, should she succeed. Once Tanis finished speaking, she eagerly joined Gaia and Rasae, her cheerful energy surrounding her, often having proven to be contagious. Rasae looked slightly glum for getting this assignment, a perfect opposite of Keeta's joyful, spirited mood.

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#132739 Posted on 2017-12-09 23:42:19

Lux/ Mul Beta

She nodded politely to Tanis and walk a little ways away to sit down and wait. She heard the Alpha talking to the two pups and smiled. She was excited to see what the boys would become. I wonder what new idea the Bia have, to try and stay away from us, She thought. She felt slightly bad for Valric, always in his older brother's shadow. She had felt that way once, when she still had a family.

Bellator/ Bia Guard

He started towards Malvis and saw Hush and Sable there already. "Any plans?" He asked while keeping a wary eye towards the direction the Mul pack might come. 

Luna and Stella/Bia Median

Luna walked along until she got bored, then turned around and went home. 

Stella nodded to the caramel wolf and watched her walk off. She turned and saw Luna returning.

"Have they decided where we will be heading next?"

"No" Stella Answered "Still waiting on that"

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#132802 Posted on 2017-12-10 11:15:22

Tanis - Mul Alpha
Tanis smiled at Koda. His eagerness was a good sign of a strong wolf. "I think you will make a wonderful Hunter, Koda. As you grow, build your endurance and strength. Hunters need to be able to run fast for long periods of time, and need to be able to forcefully capture the Bia. Being a Hunter is a greatly respected position in the pack." He turned to Valric. "Guard sounds like a good position for you, Valric. Work on your courage and strength. Guards are looked up to by all the pack to keep them safe." He dipped his head to the more timid of the two, knowing full well that a display of respect by the alpha would boost his confidence. "You two have chosen good positions. If you work hard, you will someday be a very valuable member of the pack." He looked up at Nona and smiled. "Your pups are well on their way to being great wolves. You are a wise mother." He dipped his head once more, this time to Nona, and excused himself before padding away. He stood next to Lux, waiting for Mul's only Hunter and Guard to arrive for their meeting.

Hush - Bia Median
Hush looked to her paws. "Well, I haven't thought it out too much, it just popped into my head a little bit ago. I was thinking maybe some wolves backtracking and making a new trail to throw them off? Somehow erasing our scent? I'm not sure how it would work." She was slightly embarrassed for not thinking it out enough. 

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#132808 Posted on 2017-12-10 12:08:50

Vyre plodded heavily over to where he saw Tanis waiting. A small smile crept across his face for an instant as he saw him speaking with two pups, but it slipped away as he approached the Alpha, nodding a greeting to him briefly before preparing himself for whatever Tanis wanted to say.

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#134251 Posted on 2017-12-16 08:33:04

Tanis dipped his head to Vyre as he plodded up. He looked toward where Arcane was sitting and hoped that he would get his paws over here soon. The two would quite possibly be excited over their assignment. Not quite possibly - definitely.

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#134630 Posted on 2017-12-17 15:41:54

Nona/Pups - Mul
Nona bowed her head in Tanis' direction, but couldn't help but visibly puff up at the praise. "Thank you, Alpha Tanis." She responded, then turned her attention down to her pups. She smiled down at them, proud to know that they have received great approval from their leader. "You see Valric, not so bad." She cooed down at him, showing a rare public display of affection for him. She, without a doubt, loved her pups but Nona was know to be more on guard out in public than she was in the den. She licked the top of the runt's head then turned to Koda. "I have no doubt you will be a fantastic hunter one day, Koda." 
Koda, who was previously sour because Tanis did not bow to him, perked up immediately. "I'll make you proud, Mama. I'll be the greatest hunter this pack has ever seen!" He hopped in a circle, his head held up proudly, along with his tail.
Valric, on the other hand, was calm and collected. Alpha Tanis' display of respect sent toward him did give him a boost of confidence, and even a boost of self esteem. If the alpha has faith in him, then he clearly had to be something special, right? He would work hard, and make the pack proud. HE wouldn't make the alpha's public display towards him go to waste.

Malvis - Bia
"That is a very clever idea, Hush. Unfortunately, the only way we can throw off our scent is water." His gaze trailed along the distance where the ground met the sky. Malvis looked over at Bellator through the corner of his eyes, "Hush did, but we are missing a key component. Water. We haven't seen an oasis for miles, and we cannot guarantee that we will come across one when we start moving."

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#134636 Posted on 2017-12-17 15:46:14

She looked at the stirring wolves behind her. "I know a way to collect water," she said softly. She looked back to Malvis. "The moss I collected for beds. I can use my bed and sponge water with it. We can find water by cutting open a cactus." She had seen one cactus a few minutes away from where they had settled. "The only problem will be getting a cactus open without the needles stabbing our mouths."

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#134696 Posted on 2017-12-17 19:44:37


The light gray and white she wolf was sitting down and watching the rest of the pack observently with her light brown eyes scanning around frequently and ears erect on her head. Shaking her fur that was smoothed down she stood up and moved towards a log hopping onto it in a swift movement and sitting down on the hollow log taking in around the camp. Blinking her light brown eyes again around the camp pack and then towards the outer edges to keep watch the she-wolf took guard duty a little too much in her nature wanting to be just like her mother Star was who held this position before her. Sniffing the wind to catch any threats she sighed in triad when she smelled no danger this time. Skye shifted positions on the log once more then let her light brown eyes fall back onto her duty of watching the camp.


Storm the dark black and gray she-wolf exited the den from where she stayed. Shaking her dark black and gray pelt she spotted the alpha and made her way towards him and dipped her head towards the alpha. “Are there any duties for me this morning or do you want me to guard?” Asking her simple question she shook her matted dark black and gray fur on her and blinked her dark brown eyes. Eagerness shining in her eyes to do whatever to protect the camp. Storm shook her matted fur once more and sat down quietly watching Tanis observently.

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#134700 Posted on 2017-12-17 20:06:30

The alpha wolf turned and snarled at the she-wolf, eyes hard. "I see you missed this morning's meeting," he snapped. "I would think that you would be able to hear my howl from your den, no?" He studied Storm momentarily before letting his fur settle. "Next time, don't miss the pack meeting." He turned back to his second in command and Vyre. "Storm, I have a special assignment for you today. We're having a small conference, it's an assignment that is not to be shouted about." He added under his breath, "And it would be nice if Arcane had the mind to show up, too."

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#134769 Posted on 2017-12-17 23:38:00

Lux/Mul Beta

She watched as Tanis talked to Storm. She couldn't believe Arcane still hadn't come. She turned and muttered to Tanis "Should we start without him?"

Bellator/Bia Guard

Bellator nodded at Hush's suggestion and said "That is a good idea, if we could get water out of the cacti easily. Sadly, there is no way I know of.Good thinking though Hush"

Luna and Stella/Bia Medians

The two wolves wandered over to where Skye was and sat down. "How are you today Skye?" Stella asked. Luna started to play with a lizard she had found.

(Sorry this isn't much, I have been quite busy getting ready for the holidays ♥ )

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#134884 Posted on 2017-12-18 14:18:48

(Perfectly fine :D) 

He sighed and hesitated. "I hate to, it's extremely important. I guess if he doesn't show up he'll just have to miss out on the biggest assignment I have ever given." He looked at Storm, Vyre, and Lux individually. "You all will be very excited to hear what I have to tell you." He grinned at them, his tail slowly wagging back and forth once, a rare occurrence.

She sat down on the sand and stared at the horizon, thinking. How could they open the cactus without getting needles in them? She finally shook her head. "I don't know how we could open it."

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#135303 Posted on 2017-12-19 20:03:15


The dark gray and black she-wolf with her fur matted didn’t break eye contact with Tanis staring into his orbs with her light brown ones. “It won’t happen again...” giving her reply she nodded and sat down patiently awaiting the big news what was going one. Looking at Lux the other she-wolf and the other fellow warrior Vyre who Storm didn’t mind being another warrior since he was strong like her. Shaking her matted gray and black pelt she muttered under her breath at the thought of waiting for another wolf who hadn’t shown yet. Nodding her head and standing up she blinked her light brown orbs at Tanks “I’m up for any challenge Alpha.” She nodded her head obediently and wagged her tail lightly behind her in excitement for the mission and stopping the wagging trying to contain her emotions, since she rarely let them be exposed. 


The light grey and white she-wolf was in her spot and blinked her eyes towards Luna and Stella two Medians in the pack and offered a smile towards the other two. “I’m fine just watching so I can scent possible danger.... and you?” Blinking her light brown orbs as she watched the two she-wolves she angled her ears back to hear the surroundings better from her position. Looking at them she finally layed down and smiled. “So what have you two done today?” Blinking her light brown eyes in curiosity she turned back towards her guard position where she was. 

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#135988 Posted on 2017-12-22 12:58:36

Sable shook her head slowly. "I don't know how that could work," She said finally. "It's a good idea, but it'd be hard to do, without pricking ourselves anyway." She hoped Hush wouldn't feel bad for suggesting it. It really was smart, but less than foolproof. She turned away, gazing out at the line of trees near the horizon. No doubt the Mul were out there, much closer than she was comfortable with, plotting against them yet again. She shifted her focus down to the other Bia, going about doing who knew what. She still sensed trouble, but at the same time, she was bored somewhat. Discussing their problems wouldn't do much. She wanted to be out doing something, stopping the Mul from harming the members of her pack. She turned back to the others, still a million miles away, pondering the situation.

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#136378 Posted on 2017-12-24 14:54:49

Arcane | Guard | Mul

Arcane roughed up his fur as he marked his scent on a nearby tree. He was slightly bored with nothing to do but stand watch of the borders. He huffed and moved along to a nearby grove of trees that only had the faintest scent he left just a few days prior. Putting his nose to the ground, he sniffed out what smelled like a dead animal, fresh from being killed. His stomach growled at the smell causing Arcane to advance towards it before he even thought about it. It was nothing but a tiny squirrel that had fallen from the tree but none the less it made a good snack. "Clumsy squirrel," he laughed to himself and licking his maw. Arcane continued on his lookout over the borders just waiting for something exciting to happen. 

Kol | Median | Bia

Kol trotted around enjoying the day in all its glory. He was acting much like a pup today from his new found energetic attitude. 'This wouldn't be as acceptable of me back in the Mul pack,' he thought to himself as he swatted and nipped at a bird teasing him. The bird darted away just as soon as it had been there and it left Kol to just stand there in the small opening. Kol gave a playful growl at the bird as it flew out of sight. "I'll catch ya next time you stupid bird," he called after it followed by a small laugh. He knew he would never actually catch sight of the bird again, but he still  felt the need to threaten it from coming back.

Last edited on 2017-12-25 at 13:53:28 by Queen Bird

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#136435 Posted on 2017-12-24 20:23:00

[hey everyone, I think there might be some confusion as the the Bia :) they are nomadic and live in the desert - no trees, logs, etc. they also travel far and wide away from the only forest on the small planet, which is inhabited by the Mul (the Mul are the reason why they don't go near the forest) hope that clears it up for everyone!]

Tanis got a whiff on the air of a suspicious scent - a freshly killed squirrel. He paused and took a big sniff, and turned suddenly. He could just barely see Arcane's fur through the trees. "Arcane!" he snapped loudly, taking a step toward the wolf. "What in the world do you think you're doing?! I told you to join us for a special meeting!" He leaped forward and raced into the woods. With a quick snap, his jaws clicked on the thick fur and skin on the back of the male wolf's neck. Tanis dragged him a little ways toward the pack's clearing before releasing him. "You will come back with me - now - or face dire consequences." Tanis strode angrily back to where the other wolves called to the special meeting waited.

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