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Picking specialties by breed

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Picking specialties by breed

#122415 Posted on 2017-09-23 17:29:12

So originally I picked the specialties of my horses by what their best base stats were from the EC when I bought them, but now I see that the stats they have pass onto foals when bred... would it be best to have each breed have a specific specialty (like western for my Paints) or does it really matter that much? =\ At this point now that they're 10+ years would it be worth it to retrain them, and what happens when I do that? (Like does their gear change, which stats change, etc.) Would it be better to just train the next generation in the same specialty and go from there?

Thanks for any insight, it is much appreciated!

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#122435 Posted on 2017-09-23 21:22:23

It is really late here but I want you to know you aren't being ignored. If nobody else gets to you first, I promise to answer this in the morning!

Last edited on 2017-09-23 at 21:22:43 by North

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#122500 Posted on 2017-09-24 17:24:52

Thank you. :)

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#122514 Posted on 2017-09-24 18:45:14

So! Sorry I didn't answer in the morning as promised. 

Unless you have a very large herd where you can have numerous lines of the same breed (ie. SJ TBs, End TBs, Racing TBs...), I would absolutely retrain your herd to all be your desired discipline.

If you want your foals to be competitive, you do NOT want to interbreed disciplines with eachother. The resulting stat spread will really mess up your competition ability.

Once a foal is born you also can't retrain its birth stats to a new discipline.

When you retrain it will redistribute all that horse's gained stats between the 2 speciality stats of the new discipline. It won't change the gear - that is a cost you will have to incur along with the retraining fee of 10k.

I hope this helps! Please let me know if parts aren't clear or you have further questions!

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#122523 Posted on 2017-09-24 20:40:11

That covers my questions, much appreciated! I may have to just deal with it for this generation (all stock) and then make up for it with the next generation and go from there, since I don't have nearly enough money to retrain everyone and buy new equipment, haha. Thank you very much for the info!

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