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Pet hat-trick...

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Pet hat-trick...

#116223 Posted on 2017-08-01 07:21:05

For me, everything to do with pets comes in threes (hence title)... 
(1.) So last night, my fish expired. Well, technically it was my brother's fish. Anyways, the cute thing was that my other brother's fish was trying to get it to wake up and it looked sad :(

(2.) Then today, I'm looking after a friends guinea pigs and one of them wasn't moving around like normal and I thought it was dead :| we had to take it to the vet.

(3.) And now, I've just realised that my cat is limping but I can't see anything weird on her foot/leg. So it looks like I'm going to the vet again.

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Ûµ Pegasusdreamer Ûµ

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#116349 Posted on 2017-08-01 21:28:09

Sorry about your loss, losing a family member is always rough D: Let us know how your cat does! My dog used to limp sometimes, usually just for a day or two because he would overestimate his joints xD God bless em'

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#116551 Posted on 2017-08-03 09:59:54

My cats fine now! I suspect she just landed weirdly.

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Ûµ Pegasusdreamer Ûµ

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