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My 'New' Horse (Pic Heavy)

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My 'New' Horse (Pic Heavy)

#115212 Posted on 2017-07-22 15:34:07

Hey guys!

not sure if any of you know, but my little one (Barney) has had to go to the field for field rest for a few months.

he has suspected soft tissue damage, and is unrideable for the next few months while he heals.

he also has arthritis in his coffin joint in his left fore, however the arthritis is mild and doesn't seem to be what was causing his lameness (even though it was diagnosed first) however I know it's there and can try and slow down any deterioration and keep an eye on him until it gets too bad.

He's been out with the retired horses for about 2 weeks now, it was sad to say goodbye to him :(

so here he is going out to the field with new and old friends. sorry for photo quality, he literally walked away and left me lol.

the coloured cob is Harry, it was quite sweet actually. he used to be best buds with Harry before he retired.

I went to check on him a few days ago, and he's looking very happy (the other horse is Zara, another old friend)

now, as for my 'new' horse!

I have been really lucky in that I've been given the opportunity to part loan another horse, so whilst I don't own him, I ride him and look after him as if he is mine 3 days a week.

he's called Charlie, and he's a massive 17.1hh, 10yo Irish Sporthorse type. He's a stunning mover (when he wants to be).

I'm only 5"4, so he towers over me lol, but he's a gentle giant and one of the sweetest horses you'll ever meet.

I don't have many riding photos, as I've only ridden him about 4 times so far! (not counting hacking him up to his field)

(please do excuse me, I need to lose weight and had a bad skin infection)

also, I found an old photo of Barney and Charlie over winter a year or so ago - look at the height difference lol

Last edited on 2017-07-23 at 05:19:31 by mɐine // εuphoria

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