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#114868 Posted on 2017-07-19 11:35:17

(Pictures didnt show up :/)



Not sure if anyone keeps up in the jumper scene, but I thought I'd share this here because honestly, I think its AWESOME!
Lauren Tisbo, a grand prix rider, uses "unconventional" tack on majority of her mounts. 
Pictured above: Mr Visto is ridden in a war bridle, formerly used by native americans.



She also rides a couple other horses in racing exercise saddles. Mind you, she's jumping GRAND PRIX LEVEL jumps!
Blows my mind in a good way aha

I'm a firm believer that each horse need to be ridden a certain way, and they don't all fit into one mold. I think its great that she's not afraid to be out of the box if its in the best interest of the horse. Less tack ='s happier horse in my personal opinion. 

And the proof is in the pudding, she's won a ton of grand prix classes, even placing 3rd in a 350,000 5 star rolex grand prix.

Last edited on 2017-07-19 at 11:37:37 by STYX

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#114878 Posted on 2017-07-19 12:29:33

I don't think that's actually a war bridle, as war bridles have a rope mouthpiece? It works in the same way though, from what I can remember :)

I think you'd be a big fan of Luca Maria Moneta, who competes most of his horses in a snaffle or a hackamore, and rarely uses anything more than a running martingale.

He won the Olympia puissance a few years ago, and each time brought his horse to the wall, gave her a carrot then she went and jumped after the bell. He had to be convinced to jump the final round, as although he had gone clear, he thought his mare had jumped really well and was so happy with her he didn't feel the need to present for it.

He also has said he doesn't have 'easy' horses and often takes on 'problem' horses, and believes strongly in being in tune with the horse physically and mentally. Absolutely cannot do anything but admire a rider at the top level who truly does care for the horses mental and physical wellbeing the way he does.

He also rides in a bosal sometimes, or bridless.

puissance in just a snaffle

jumping GP/1m60 in a hackamore

6 bar in just a snaffle

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#114895 Posted on 2017-07-19 15:12:47

I think that's this leather bit
They are growing slowly into popularity. They are actually softer than a War bridle, and if the horse REALLY wanted to they could work it out of their mouth, so the fact that the horse is carrying it willingly is a great sign that they like it

Last edited on 2017-07-19 at 15:14:02 by Lunar Solstice

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