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I want this tattoo!!

#109257 Posted on 2017-06-15 17:54:57

As a American Pit Bull Terrier lover I want this so bad only I would say you can abuse me and tear me down but you are never going to break this bond!! I had a Pit Bull puppy and many said that I needed to put her down for she was aggressive! I have went off on a few of my closest friends due to this aggression problem. Sadly my Miranda got hit when she was hit by a car in the summer of 2013 and I miss her dearly! Hence the status which will be staying there all summer!

Last edited on 2017-06-19 at 10:08:04 by Spider Monkey

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#109262 Posted on 2017-06-15 18:04:59

I don't understand people's fascination with pit bulls. Maybe its just me. Maybe I'm more of an Akita girl and like a different kind of dangerous. 

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#109263 Posted on 2017-06-15 18:10:29

Yeah I like all breeds but see I was raised with Pit Bulls and what people don't realize that the Pit Bull actually came in second place behind the Golden Retriever for the most common family dog. See I bonded with this breed the most due to me being raised with them and understanding the hate they get everyday. 

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#109696 Posted on 2017-06-18 07:16:52

There-in lies our cultural differences...

Here Pit Bulls are an illegal breed to own due to how many people have been using them in illegal dog fights and how many people here have been killed by escaped/ stray/ locked up (thieves being mauled to death and children wanting to play with puppies who climb the neighbours fence) pit bulls that escaped their previous owners.

In my area it is legal to kill a pit bull on sight if you see one on the street with no owner/ not on a leash. If it attacks you with the owner there the same rules apply. 

Its only legal to own a Pit Bull if it is registered in the dangerous dog's registry, bought of a certified breeder and owned by a certified and registered game/ feral pig hunter OR owner of some kind of car/ junk yard as a strict hunting/ guard dog. They must wear high visibility collars and muzzles when/if they are ever brought into a public space. 

Before these rules were brought into place there was an average of 2-3 people in my area being mauled or killed by pit bulls (as you have possibly observed, I live in the rough end of town) 

Pit Bulls are actually a black market item, same as guns and drugs here. 

The difference is that American people raise their Pit Bulls (in general) to be loving and kind animals. (Here Staffys have the reputation that Pit Bulls have over there.) Here in Australia they have been bred and trained to be fighters and killers. Generally only the meanest get bred and the nice ones get beat up until they are mean. 

Pit Bull crosses are legal and many people have Pit Bulls crossed with Mastiffs, Staffys and even (the weirdest one I saw) Labradors and Golden Retrievers. 

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#109699 Posted on 2017-06-18 07:19:51

I hate that people diss on the breed when they kniw nothing about them. Pit Bulls actually used to be bred as a family dog... But then the bad people came in for a whole new rep.

I am personally a Rottweiler and Doberman person, but I wouldn't mind a Pit Bull.

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#109700 Posted on 2017-06-18 07:34:47

Its not the breed... its the people that raise the individual dogs with bad intentions that ruin each breed. 

Kind of like how I don't like maltese dogs so much. They became trendy hang bag dogs here owned by single young "Ladies"... so many snappy bitey little maltese dogs that were raised to be spoilt little brats. 

I'm weary of the owners that have these dogs that don't train them properly. If you are going to have an animal realise it properly! Socialise it! Don't make a spoilt brat out of an animal. 

I actually love dogs and get along with all breeds (almost... I have yet to meet a pomeranian that hasn't growled at me and tried biting me... I don't get that. just why?) 

I can understand a working dog or a guard dog being ill mannered and unsocial, it has a job to do, same as police dogs. Its these people that raise status symbols with some stupid thing to prove that train their dogs to be killers just because they can. Its a shame really... 

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#109704 Posted on 2017-06-18 07:44:27

That's a cute tattoo. I want one of my own pups eventually too. 

However: Pit Bulls (at least pure bred American Pit Bull Terriers) were specifically bred as bait and fighting dogs. They were chosen for their dog aggression. They were never "nanny dogs". It's not 'all in how you raise them', it's 'what's in their DNA and how that is managable and controllable through proper raising". They can be trusted to be dog aggressive the same way a border collie can be trusted to herd, a greyhound can be trusted to run, and a labrador can be trusted to retrieve. Saying otherwise is deceptive and dangerous. 

That said, being inherently dog-aggressive doesn't mean a dog can't make a FANTASTIC loving pet. In fact, APBT make terrible guard dogs because in addition to being bred to be dog aggressive, they were also bred to be exceedingly friendly to humans. 

As in the case in most animal issues, the true problem is mostly on the owners and not the breed. With a good owner, a pit bull can be a sweet and loyal family pet; with a bad owner they can become the terrors that are seen in the media. It's all in how their natural instincts are handled. 

/dog rant 

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#109879 Posted on 2017-06-18 21:11:45

Wow guys I am speechless just when I thought that this post was a mistake and the world had turned on these amazing creatures I see all the replies. With my anxiety the way it is tonight I want to say thanks guys this made me smile everyone of ya'll are amazing!! I hope you all have a good night/day depends on where you are! My faith in humanity has been restored! 

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#109890 Posted on 2017-06-18 21:43:19

Every breed has its place. Some people use each breed as they are supposed to be used others abuse every part of what should be the best parts of a breed.

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#109954 Posted on 2017-06-19 10:55:02

I agree Danzy077 I really do and I hate how people do this to any dog, any dog can be aggressive heck I even met a little chihuahua that was even more aggressive then my pit but puppy! You could sit there and smack her (I never did but you know) and she wouldn't even give a care in the world.

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#110452 Posted on 2017-06-21 07:59:18

It breaks my heart to walk in a Pet Shelter and to see all of these dogs with no family, most of them Pit Bulls. I love all dogs even the so called dangerous ones. I have learned though that is not the Pit Bulls that are that dangerous it is actually Dachshunds who you want to watch out for they  might be small, but their aggressive I have one female who was adopted. It is funny how a little hotdog could do so much harm.

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#110493 Posted on 2017-06-21 11:51:46

Honestly you know what the most aggressive dog truly is?? It's the Dalmatian yes the dog with all the black dots!! I have done a lot of research and it really just depends on the dog and trainer/owner really. 

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#110495 Posted on 2017-06-21 11:59:49

dalmatians can have unpredictable temperaments, but moreso the poorly bred ones. Well bred ones are selected for temperament as much as anything else (though the extreme white required by the breed standard has been hypothesized to have neurological effects that might be responsible for some aspects of temperament)

It's also not correct to say that one breed is the most aggressive without breaking down types of aggression (dog aggression, human aggression, resource guarding-based aggression, etc). 

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#110500 Posted on 2017-06-21 12:11:36

Yes I know but I am still doing research on that and as soon as I find out I will let you know!!

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#111251 Posted on 2017-06-25 16:22:29

Kahzie is correct in her history of the APBT. Animal aggression has been part of the breed standard since the beginning and it is a part of their biology. It can be manageable if the owner isn't a total idiot and knows how to take precautions, but it can't be gotten rid of.

I don't know about "most aggressive" for any breed, but I do know that smaller breeds tend to have a higher number of bite incidents. I wouldn't necessarily say it's due to aggression, but rather the fact that people who own small breeds tend not to train their dogs because aggressive and dangerous behavior is viewed as "cute" because they're so small. Disgusting mindset to have, really. Not only do they put other animals and people at risk, but they're perpetuating their dogs being stressed out and uncomfortable...

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