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Venomsayers *Human RP*

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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#10923 Posted on 2016-02-27 07:26:22

This is an ordinary town with ordinary people. You live in this town. Most would say that not all of us are normal, and maybe they're right. For there are some in the town that are called "venomsayers." Nobody in the town, even, knows they exist. The venomsayers themselves don't know they exist! What is a venomsayer, exactly? They are people whose words are every hard to resist. What they say wrestles with a person's mind, and most often people can be easily affected by venomsayers.

Rules Must Read!
Only opposite gender attraction, please. No homosexuality*
Your character must be in this age range: 16-23
Please make sure to play all your characters, and be active!
All of us are in the same town, just to clarify
Crushes can be established in the RP
Be descriptive in the RP
By signing up you agree that I have the right to decline your form or kick you out of the RP later for: nondescriptiveness/inappropriateness/etc.
Keep this PG-13

Please see Chat Room for weather, day, time, crushes, etc. Located here.

*I have nothing against homosexual people, but this rule is just for the plot to go good. If you were offended by this rule, I sincerely apologize.

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#10931 Posted on 2016-02-27 07:39:31

Violett Carlson
Violett went down onto one knee, aiming her digital camera at the little hummingbird landing onto the feeder. With a soft click, a beautiful photo displayed itself to the young lady. Violett stood slowly, so as not to scare the bird, and walked into the house. Placing the camera on the counter, Violett turned to go back outside for a walk.

Martin Lott Venom
Martin was grinning as he jogged through the street. He had headed out before dawn, and the sun had been tickling the sky for a while now. But now it was fully day, and people would be coming out. That was good, Martin liked people. He tossed his dark dirty blond hair out of his eyes, then stopped to take a swig from his water bottle. The sun tickled the sky. Sounds like a poem. Martin liked to play with words and think up of parts of poems, but never wrote them down. He thought they were better in the heart then on paper.

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#11059 Posted on 2016-02-27 10:33:21

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia turned her truck onto a small road. She gazed at the lonesome homes and occasional pedestrian walking by. She picked up a bottle of Gatorade she had bought on here way to her sisters home and took a long swig to quench her dry throat. Today was quite sunny and sun here means hot weather. She adjusted the strap of her tank top as she saw a guy jogging down the road. She honked a hello as he jogged and she sped up as she reached the neighborhood.

Aiden Holt
Aiden walked Diesel around the pen. Aiden owned a 7 month old male rot willer. Aiden smiled slightly as the dog strutted around the training pen blissfully. Diesel didn't have much training and was doing a session with his owner and trainer Carly. Aiden tightened his grip on Diesels leash as he lunged for Carly as she released a ball in front of him. " hey now!" Aiden spoke strongly, gaining control of the dog. Carly giggled and picked the ball back up.
( Carly is just a random girl who works with dogs)

Last edited on 2016-02-27 at 10:40:26 by Bopper

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#11066 Posted on 2016-02-27 10:48:56

Martin Lott Venom
Martin waved at the truck, a bead of sweat just starting on his brow. Was that Mia Landiss? He hadn't seen her for quite some time. She must be visiting her sister. Martin turned to head down his driveway, which was pretty close to the Landiss home. He flung the door open and plopped into a kitchen chair. His cat jumped into his lap, purring. Martin stroked its back for a moment, then said, "Come on, Cat, go eat. I've gotta go." The obedient cat jumped down and ran off to eat. Martin left to head down to the grocer's.

Violett Carlson
The girl stopped when a bundle of pure cuteness bounded out of the house. She smiled softly, and the little dog jumped up at her. The black goldendoodle puppy's tail wagged slowly, happily. "Fine, Quincy, you can come. If you're good." He gave her pleading brown eyes in return. With a soft laugh, Violett clipped him to his leash and began her walk.

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#11078 Posted on 2016-02-27 11:02:58

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia pulled into the driveway of the home. She stepped out and breathed in the warm air. She locked her truck and started up the walk. Hannah, her sister, burst threw the door. " Mia you made it!" She practically screamed. Hannah tackled her younger sister and pulled her into a giant hug. " I missed you too!" Mia said smiling crazily. They hadn't seen each other in months. There parents had a divorce early on in there childhood and we're living miles away. " aw, it's so good to be home!" Mia gazed at the mountains peaking from behind the house and gazed at her sister lovingly.

Aiden Holt
Aiden walked Diesel to the water bowl and let him lap up the cool liquid. He bent down and scratched the must behind his pointed ears, " you did good today bud!" He smiled and patted the boy-stress pup on the rump. Aiden stood up and clicked at Diesel to walk with him. They jogged out to the truck and hopped in.

Last edited on 2016-02-27 at 11:04:03 by Bopper

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#11084 Posted on 2016-02-27 11:07:49

Martin Lott Venom
Arriving at the grocer's, Martin stepped into the air conditioned building. They had recently upgraded the grocery store, and Martin for one appreciated the more modern building. He instantly went to the fruit aisle. There, he noticed the prices had gone up - a lot. Taking one of the fruits that he used to buy cheap, he went to the counter. "I need to speak to the manager," Martin said icily. "I'm sorry, he's not available," the young man at the counter replied. "Take me to the manager, please." Martin's voice was slow, icy, and angry. The boy shifted on his feet and then led Martin to the manager.

Violett Carlson
Violett saw Aiden and Diesel jump into their truck at the dog training arena. Quincy perked his floppy, soft ears for a moment, then continued to walk on. Violett raised her hand shyly in greeting, then followed her goldendoodle pup. Quincy, whom she was working on as a therapy dog, had his time at the arena after noon.

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#11091 Posted on 2016-02-27 11:17:50

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia and Hannah walked inside of the brick home. Hannah walked to the fridge and poured them both a fresh glass of ice tea. Mia took it gratefully and swallowed a bit. Hannah raised her eyebrow and spoke curiously. " so Mia are you and Kyle still together?" Kyle was Mia ex boyfriend of 2 years. They had gotten quite serious until Kyle's mom had to move to Virginia and Kyle headed of to collage. " um.. Well we had to split cause of the move and he headed to culinary school in Wisconsin" Mia felt her eyes twitch and quickly rubbed the memory away.

Aiden Holt
Aiden closed his truck door and glanced up to see Violett waving shyly. Aiden smiled widely and did a half wave. Diesel barked at Quincy and scratched at the dash board. " hey! Diesel!" Aiden quickly grabbed the dogs collar and jolted him away from the plastic. Aiden sighed and watched a Violett strutted away.

Last edited on 2016-02-27 at 11:19:24 by Bopper

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#11099 Posted on 2016-02-27 11:25:58

Violett Carlson
Violett smiled when Quincy saw a bird, twitched his nose, and made a move as if to chase after it. He paused, looked at her, one paw raised, then sat hard. His eyes peered hard towards the bird, but he didn't move. "Good boy, Quincy. Good boy." She gave him a treat and his tail thumped the ground hard.

Martin Lott Venom
Martin was escorted to the manager, who glared angrily at the boy. "Don't get mad at," Martin looked at the boy's name tag, "Joe here. He was only doing what I asked him to." The manager waved the boy out. "Now," Martin said, leaning forward intently, "what is the reason of this?" He basically slammed the banana cluster onto the desk. "The price went up five dollars! FIVE!" Martin's body shook slightly from his anger. "What is your excuse?!" The manager leaned back in his chair, trying to act nonchalant. But the twitch in his left eye gave away his uncertainty. "We need the money and-" Martin didn't let him finish. "You need money? You have plenty! Don't think nobody's heard your braggings about how well the store is! You even gave us figures!" The manager looked away from Martin's eyes. "Lower the prices on fruits. NOW." The manager looked back at Martin, and his left hand twitched slightly. "Fine," the manager said slowly. He scribbled something down. Martin stood and walked out of the store.

(Sorry, got carried away)

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#11113 Posted on 2016-02-27 11:40:32

Mia Landiss Venom
Miamsmled slightly as Hannah spoke. " oh Mia I'm sorry I didn't know" Mia shook her head " no it's ok! That was 2 years ago..the past" Hannah and Mia began to laugh then Mia spoke between giggles " so how are you and Kent going?" Kent was Hannah's fiancé and they were going to be married in September.

Aiden Holt

Aiden backed the grey Chevy out of the parking spot and drove to the stoplight. Aiden still was thinking of Violett. Why was he now noticing her? He began to think of all the times he could have spoken to her but didn't make the effort to simply say hello. Diesel blinked at Aiden as if to read his thoughts and pawed at the seat as they headed words McDonalds.

Last edited on 2016-02-27 at 11:55:40 by Bopper

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#11138 Posted on 2016-02-27 12:04:04

Violett Carlson
Violett saw Aiden's Chevy driving towards McDonald's. Hm. For some reason she wanted to go eat there with him. Quincy was whining. Violett looked at him, then picked him up. His feet must be hurting. The poor little pup wasn't used to long walks. Violett dug around in her purse and withdrew a pen and a small notepad. Quickly, she wrote her cell number and signer her name with a flourish underneath. "We'll be home in a minute, Quinc." She jogged all the way to McDonald's, slipped the paper through the cracked window (Aiden was very considerate to crack his window for his dog), then went away. She arrived at her house shortly, unclipped Quincy (who jumped for his little bed immediately), and flopped into a chair.

Martin Lott Venom
Martin sighed and went back to his house. Hopefully sometime this week those prices would be down. If not, he would give the manager another talk. Martin chuckled. The poor guy wasn't used to people standing up to him like that. He sure did listen.

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#11149 Posted on 2016-02-27 12:14:46

Mia Landiss Venom
Hannah smiled and played with her hair. " we're doing great! He's so sweet and always thinks about us" Mia smiled and put a teaspoon of sugar in her tea. Mia's phone suddenly tang, " um sorry Hannah" Mia took the call " hello?"

Aiden Holt
Aiden walked back to his truck and opened the rusted door. He placed the bag of burgers and fries onto the seat next to Diesel. " hmm" he picked up the paper and unfolded it. Aiden grinned as he read it then whipped out his phone and punched in the numbers. He starred at the screen, what do I say? He thought. The text read-

From Aiden: Hey

Aiden smirked, pushed the phone in his back pocket and hopped in the truck. He opened the bag and popped 5 fries into his mouth and threw one to Diesel who gobbled it hoping for more.

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#11159 Posted on 2016-02-27 12:23:57

Martin Lott Venom
Martin sighed and looked at his cat. The cat mewed. Martin looked away. "You know I fed you already, Cat." Martin called his cat Cat, though her real name was Belle. Belle mewed again, blinking her pretty green eyes slowly and purring. "Fine," Martin said, a grin splitting across his face. "Come up here, Belle." She did, rubbing against him affectionately.

Violett Carlson
Violett's phone bleated pitifully at her. I've got to change that dumb message tone, she thought, grabbing up the phone. A number she had never seen before popped up. The message read: "From Aiden: Hey." Aiden! Her heart thumped hard against her chest. Why do I feel like this? I've known Aiden for a while. No, not really. I've never talked to him much. With a deep breath, Violett added Aiden to her contacts, then texted back:
Hey. What are you up to?

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#11170 Posted on 2016-02-27 12:34:33

Mia Landiss Venom
Mia listened to the voice on the other end of the phone. " thank you, bye" she spoke lowly. " I... I have to go Hannah, Clip got out again and he was taken into the shelter for the third time." Hannah blinked then nodded. " by Mia we'll talk later" Mia smiled and raced to her truck. Mia's Australian Shepard Clip was such a trouble maker, he had jumped the fence 3 times this week and now she had to go get him.

Aiden Holt
Aiden flinched when his phone buzzed in his back pocket. He reached for it and pulled it out to see a text from Violett. Wow.. Ok! He thought as he began to type
Not much just driving home with Diesel

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#11189 Posted on 2016-02-27 12:48:43

Martin Lott Venom
"Belle, you trouble maker, you're eyes are the prettiest little kitty part of you." Belle just purred in return. Martin shook his head, a smile on his face. "And what's all this attention for, Miss Pretty?" Belle blinked her eyes and purred. Martin grinned. "Well, Cat, I've got a job to do. You can join me if you want." Martin stood, gently setting the cat on the table, then trudged up the stairs.

Violett Carlson
Violett smiled when her newly reset message tone went off. It was so much more pleasant. She turned on the phone. Aiden. Her smile grew broader. He was driving, so she probably shouldn't text him much. The law and all. Quincy put his paw on her leg and she jumped. She hadn't known the little pup had gotten up. "Hey, Quinc. How are you?" He licked her hand. Violett giggled, then brushed her black hair out of her face. Text or call me when you get home. No reason to text and drive just for the sake of some little conversation with no one important. She clicked the send button. Yes, it was true - she was no one important. Just a girl with a heart for animals. And maybe someone else. Violett blushed.

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#11202 Posted on 2016-02-27 12:57:47

Mia LandissVenom
Mia sped into town and shortly arrived at the kennels. She jogged inside, her eyes fluttering around, and walke to the front desk. " hi um I'm her for Clip, he was brought in some time today. A short haired Australian Shepard male..." Mia starred at the woman. She nodded in reply and brought her to a back room full of dogs in kennels, barking and howling.

Aiden Holt
Aiden's phone buzzed once more. He gazed down at the message, careful not to take his eyes of the road. He slowed down to reply, then hit send and began to hurry home
Oh please, your are the best! I'll call you when I get home
As Aiden thought about what she said he wondered if she really felt that way and if she did he wanted to change that

Last edited on 2016-02-27 at 12:58:56 by Bopper

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