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Show me your pets!

#109122 Posted on 2017-06-14 22:04:41

I know I've posted this before, and so have a lot of other people, but time passes and new people come along/get new babies and I want to see them all! 

You can post anything from horses to dogs to cats to snakes to spiders to birds, the list goes on...

Here are mine:

Athena - My absolute best friend. I could not ask for a better dog. I got her roughly a year and a half ago from the local shelter. I originally went to find either an ESA or just a friend. We have another dog (posted below) but she was abused therefor doesn't play nor comfort much and I was in desperate need of a friend at the time. This was day two or three of looking at the shelter after not finding anything suitable with our household and I remember seeing her lying under a bench obviously a little nervous with people crowded all around her and I said, that dog is mine. She was SO not interested in me at our first visit, but that dog cannot go anywhere without me. She follows me around the house even if it's to walk 3 steps away to the bathroom. She does not listen (well) to anybody but me, and if I'm there, she doesn't want to be with anybody but me. She's beyond protective of her territory and family, and such a smart dog. I love her to death and would rather lose a family member than lose her. As far as basics go, she's roughly 5 years old and (as far as we know) a purebred long-hair German Shepherd. 

Leah - Oh Leah. Leah came to us from an old coworker who's son was abusing her. Her very first day with us she hopped the 6 foot privacy fence and went back home. She was our first dog and has been with us for five? six? years. She's a little older, about eight, nine, or ten, but she's so sweet. (As mentioned above) she was abused therefor hardly "plays" and isn't much of the comforter. When outside she will sometimes freakishly run around and go nuts, but not often. She doesn't play with toys or other dogs, and rarely will do some weird thing where she lays on her back with her mouth open (that's her way of playing I guess). She's picked up some bad habits from Athena like barking at other dogs, sometimes other people, usually when someone's at the door, and will dash over to other people but won't bite or anything. She really only growls at other dogs but it's not like she'd do anything anyway. We believe she's a Collie mix, but who knows.

Benjamin - Benjamin is such a cool cat. He's interactive, friendly, plays, does it all. He isn't your typical mean cat or boring cat that just sleeps. He used to be an indoor/outdoor cat until he got a costly injury from who knows what, we now keep him inside other than the rare occasion he gets to go out. The last few times we let him out he definitely got bullied by another cat so he wussed out and came home early. I got Benjamin when he was kitten. He was dumped off at the farm I used to ride at along with his sister. The farm kept his sister as a mouser (she ended up getting eaten) and offered him up. Lots of people loved him and wanted him but, like Athena, I was determined to make him mine. And so I did. We had him long before Leah, so I want to say he'd be about eight or nine.

Thalia - I am an animal lover. We were at Petco and being the animal lover I am, I went to view the cats for adoption. There I saw Thalia. She was already eight years old then, so obviously pretty old, and skinny and matted. It broke my heart. The cats there never usual go lower than $75, but Thalia was $25. She had been in the shelter for months and I was determined to get her out and love her. I made multiple arrangements and the next I knew, we were bringing her home. When she first came to us, she hid under the couch all day until we were gone. I tried to pry her out and love on her but it didn't work. She eventually started coming out more and more and she is now the sweetest, most lovable little cat ever.

she can kind of be seen here, but I have no pictures of her because she's terrible at taking pictures. she basically looks like this

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#109132 Posted on 2017-06-14 23:32:38

I dont have pictures of my exact pets but I can link pics of what they look like ^_^

The Ducks

1: Taggy (Tag-Along)
Given to me because the pervious owner couldn't keep her and their dog any longer. They blamed the duck for the dog wanting to escape all the time. When I got Taggy she thought that she was a Golden Retriever and played like a dog. 

2: Jake
Jake is a Sweedish Blue X. She was given to me by my neighbour who had a bad habbit of buying exotic animals and hoarding them. They decided that the duck was too much maintinence and insisted she was a boy... they were surprised when I showed them one of her eggs! (Surprised and slightly disgusted as the shell colour of her eggs is a blue-green. Don't worry they are normal on the inside)

3: Sir Francis Drake
Pure Mallard Drake. Acquired off the breeder. Ex-Stud.

4: Papi
Sir Francis and Tag-Along's Son. Hand raised because he was rejected as a duckling. He thinks he is a person and loves eating cat food. 

5: The other one! (Not Jake)
Sir Francis and Jake's Duckling. Kept her and her sister from the twelve ducklings that hatched in their clutch.

6: Miss Houdini (Oh no she escaped again!)
Sir Francis and Jake's Duckling. Kept her and her sister from the twelve ducklings that hatched in their clutch.

The Cats

1: Cub (BLack thing/ Snat (Snob cat) / Squeakles/ Mr Scorpion!)

2: Piddles (Tom/ Get out of the Kitchen!) (This is an actual picture of piddles, not a stock photo)

These two guys are brothers. Their mother was a farm mouser, their father a bush/ feral/ stray cat. The farmer was giving them away along with their sisters. We got Cub first. He was not the brightest crayon in the box, always tripping on his feet, walking into things at random and all sorts of other odd things. After having just him for a night the farmer called us and told us that they found another kitten in their barn. The runt. They only just managed to catch him and had him set as side in a bird cage. We decided to take him so Cub had a companion. Little did we know he was in that bird cage because he had the same temperament as his father at the time. (Mean, scared of people and just plain angry kitty)
It took a week straight of handling, picking off fleas, force feeding and FAILED toilet training to get him to calm down enough that he was no longer scared of us. In fact he started asking for cuddles. When he is sad or feeling lonely he roams the house calling "MAA!" until I answer him or he finds me and demands cuddles, or food or both.

The Chooks

1: Mr Mark Rooster
Isa Brown X. Got him from a farmer who had bred too many roosters that year. He is an amazing bird. Since I got him I have not lost one hen to a hawk or other such bird of prey, he keeps his eyes on the skies and looks after my girls. 

2: Emu (That Chicken!)
A hobby breeder was selling chicks and I needed new bloodlines in my flock. She is a X breed but she works well.

The Fish

1: Boomba + Shownew
My breeding male and female. Both look like that, both Bronze Corydora cat fish. Bought from two different places to ensure that they are not related. 

2: Yet to be named
Up-side down female cat fish. Love her to bits, got her the other day.

3: Neon Black Sword tail
I have 6 of these guys, all brothers and sisters. Still just Fry, when they get older I will separate them so they don't breed. Only three of them are solid, the others are pale with markings, but as they age the blue is really coming through.
- Zebra 
- Harvey Dent
- Flow
- Golly
- Nero
- Solid Black number 1

Last edited on 2017-06-16 at 03:17:06 by Danzy007

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#109133 Posted on 2017-06-14 23:39:25

First, I love that you have ducks. Are they smart animals? What's caring for them like? I would love to have ducks one day, they're very cute.

Secondly, the "and FAILED toilet training" made me laugh. 

Third, I love the chooks as well. I love birds in general. 

Lastly, is the upside-down catfish literally upside-down? Like do they swim and eat like that too?

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#109134 Posted on 2017-06-14 23:48:17

I have 2 dogs, 2 cats and a Rabbit. :)

Elvis: Is probably my most known pet. He is 11.5 years old, and is my personal baby. My husband knows this dog comes before anything else in the household. He's a black and tan coonhound mix, and enjoys playing with the raccoons at camp much to my dismay. 

Bruce: Is technically my husband's dog. He's turning 5 years old this July and has a screwed up knee I cannot afford to have surgery on. He's really stupid and skittish of everything, but he's also very lovable and playful. He can usually be found snuggling Merida.

Ariel and Merida: are my 2 cats. They're now 3 years old (June 11th was their birthday). Their mother was trapped while pregnant with them and their sister and brother (the brother passed shortly after birth). They were part of a feral cat socialization program that takes in feral cats and socializes them so they can be adopted as pets. They were handled since birth so they're both super friendly. 



The both of them: 

Epic: Is my rabbit. She is approximately 8 years old now. She is what I believe is a Netherland Dwarf. She's super small but has a huge personality. When she doesn't like something, she'll let you know with grunts and thumps. 

Bonus: Plecosomous Prime, my 6ish year old Pleco in my tropical tetra tank. I bought him at about 1.5 inches long, and he is not 8-9 inches long. He stopped himself from growing so he can continue to fit inside of his favorite skull decor. He is housed in a 55 gallon tetra tank

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#109135 Posted on 2017-06-14 23:58:01

Elvis is adorable. I especially love his eyes, they're so soft and sweet. 

Bruce is also very cute. My first thought was a tiny bit of pitbull? 

Ariel and Merida look just like my Benjamin. I definitely love the pic of Merida upside down. 

I love rabbits and I love that they communicate through thumps. I love her ears. 

And ummm I ADORE the name of the fish. Seriously. I might name my kid that.

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#109138 Posted on 2017-06-15 00:15:33

Elvis really is soft and sweet, but only to me lol. 

I think Bruce is actually a boxer mix. He was adopted out as a "Lab mix" but he has the boxer coat and personality. He "plays" by standing on his back legs and batting with his front. He's lovely dovey much like both pits and boxers, but it's the batting that he ALWAYS does that makes me lean towards boxer. He definitely is mixed with something. Probably lab, since he was a puppy when the SPCA originally had him so he was probably with his mom at the time. (i'm talking they neutered him at 8lbs when he's 50lbs full grown). He was later returned a year later which is when we got him. The SPCA gave us all of his medical records, including his initial stay. Short of a genetic test, which I can't afford, I can't say for certain what he is.

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#109142 Posted on 2017-06-15 00:36:56

Ducks have a wide range of personalities and intelligence levels. I would research breeds before picking one as some breeds have special needs (like having a roost, a pool or they are VERY LOUD). Most breeds will live 20+ years. They love mud, they are pigs with feathers, they will coat themselves very happily while playing in the mud. 

If you are looking to have them as a pet... get a pair of ducklings (two male or two female if you can help it) They live happily in pairs. Unless you are going to be with them 24/7 don't get just one. They are social animals and need a companion. They get stressed out on their own. If you are going to breed them but don't want a huge flock, get a trio (one drake and two ducks)

They have a social order in their own flocks and will attack each other, get into fights and other such unsavoury things. But on the other hand if you get a good pair, they will be best buddies and cuddle, get into plenty of mischief together and just do what ducks do. Including escape from their pens, steal your food, want what you are eating, demand attention... and if you hand raise them you will probably notice they will develop a liking for certain genre of music and have a favourite TV show (no joke this happens. I had a duck with TV withdrawals when he got too big and messy to be in the house any more)

If you are going to pick a breed for your first flock, pick something medium to heavy weight, bred for laying eggs. That way they will not fly away and have calmer personalities bred into them (in general, every duck is different)

** The Cat
To this day Piddles is still not toilet trained. He is nine and still hasn't figured out what a litter box is or where he is meant to go. I have to really keep an eye on him when I let him into the house because he literally will just go any where (Much to the disgust of his brother Cub) 

**The Chooks
I love my birds too ^_^ Sadly I lost my last hen that was carrying my original blood lines from my first flock back in 2001. She was the grand daughter of my original rooster. She was taken by a Hawk at the age of 5. I still have my other hens and her 10 year old mother is still alive, happily living out retirement as an old chook with the other younger hens that are still giving me eggs. 

**The cat fish
Yes she swims, sleeps, eats (from the surface of the water) and stares at me upside-down. occasionally she will flip right side up to eat something on the bottom of the tank, but she is a hunting fish. She eats small invertebrates, is nocturnal and shy. She has a light brown body with chocolate brown spots/ blotches like a snow leopard and has a dark brown belly with black pin spots. 

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#109178 Posted on 2017-06-15 08:53:27

I have three cats, two dogs, one rabbit, and one ferret. They all have very unique personalities.

Nemo: Nemo was the first animal we got out of the ones we still have. He is very old about 12 years olf. We got him as a kitten because his mother had to be euthanized due to a disease. They wanted us to name him Simba but because my older brother was obsessed with Finding Nemo at the time, we named him Nemo. He will meow for such a long time until you give him more food or let him outside. Nemo also hates our other cat Quincy, but loves another one of our cats West.

Quincy: Quincy is our second cat and our rescue kitten! He was left at my mom's work and we caught him and kept him. He was SOOO TINY back then, and now he's huge and really fat. Seriously it takes two arms to hold him now and it still hurts holding him! Quincy also loves to "play" with our older cat Nemo, by that I mean attacking him. He's such a werido too! We've caught him eat broccoli and him trying to eat baked beans out of the trash! Quincy also likes water, which means he likes to sit on my mom's shoulder while she washes the dishes and he has tried to get into the shower when I'm showering. He's also tried to fit into the tiniest of boxes and likes to sit on plastic bags. Quincy also manages to find the weirdest hiding places, we've caught him in the pantry multiple times and one time we caught him hiding in the fridge! He also likes to attack shoes, feet, and legs. When he gets ready to attack something the pupils of his eyes become so large and it looks like he has black eyes. Quincy's an annoying cat, but we love him to death still.

West: West is out newest addition to the family, we found him as a stray a few months ago and decided to keep him. He's the sweetest cat you'll ever meet, whenever we go outside to feed him he would also wanted to be petted and cuddled. Sometimes we would try and come inside the house or my mom's car. West was never afraid of our dogs, and our dogs would protect him from the neighbors mean cat. Sadly though a few weeks ago he went missing and we still haven't found him, I miss him.

Kane: We got Kane not long after Nemo. Kane's mother was a family members dog that had puppies, he was born in a city near the beach so he's a beach dog! Kane was a ugly puppy, but we still loved him. He was also runt of the litter, and he's a pitbull mix. We brought him home and loved him, he's about ten years old and was born on Valentines Day. We were a bit afraid for him to meet Nemo but they got along, aside from Kane eating Nemo's food from time to time. Kane is a very sweet and nice dog, he knows a few tricks to like sit, paw, and easy(when children are feeding him treats). He's also such a dork, one time we were taking him out to use the bathroom but we forgot to show him the new chicken coop(we don't have the chickens anymore), and so when we went out he ran so fast into the coop that it left a dent in the fence! Kane was fine aside from the cut on his nose. He also think he's a small dog like chihuahua sized, so he likes to lay down on people and because he's really big he basically crushes the people he lay downs on. Kane gets along with most animals, unless the other animal doesn't want to get along with him. When we still had our poodle trio he got along with them very well.

Jellybean: We use to rescue sick puppies and foster them, we normally had them adopted by somebody. A lady rescued Jellybean from her old abusive owners. The lady gave her to us knowing that we use to rescue puppies. When we got her, her blood sugar was low, she wasn't eating, and she had fleas. Low blood sugar for a puppy is very dangerous and can kill them. We got her to eat and for her to gain weight, we also got those fleas off. Jellybean has a nickname that my mother gave her which is Dobby. Her ears are weird, sometimes they stand up and sometimes there floppy. Jellybean also can stand on her back legs for a very long time, she normally does this when she's either begging or we you get home. Jellybean has a favorite pillow that she loves to death, and it's a baseball pillow. She a chihuahua mix, and she had very long legs. Our cousin's rat used to be larger than her aside from her legs. Even though we've had her for three years, she still very skittish around a lot of people and sometimes even us.

Penelope: She is my lion head dwarf rabbit, Nelly was born on November 27th 2013. She is from a breeder, and is about three years old now. We got her in February 2014, I can't remember the day. My mother got her for me because my guinea pig had passed away around that time (Rip Berry). She was a complete surprise, which normally you shouldn't do but I would have loved her whether she was a snake or a rabbit. We named her Penelope or Nelly for short. Nelly is such a sassy rabbit, she likes to try and dig in my bed. We call it her making the bed since my bed is always a mess. Nelly is a indoor rabbit because I live in a very hot and very rainy state and it would be cruel to have her outside. She liked to be held, I don't know why maybe it makes her feel safe. Because she's a longer haired breed, she sheds a lot and we always have to keep her coat brushed or it'll mat up. Nelly also watches cartoons with me on my laptop (like Steven Universe or Over the Garden Wall). We've had her for three years now.

Ezra: Ezra is my ferret. I got him on May 4th 2015, that also happens to be my birthday and the day my hamster, Sage, died. I had planned on getting a ferret for a while long before Sage passed and that day I had finally had the money and the time to go get the stuff I needed and the ferret. Ezra was born on February 8th 2015, and he was bought from a local pet store. The local pet store only had one ferret at a time. We named him Ezra after the character from Star Wars Rebels because it was May the Fourth be With You. We planned on litter training him but after he had an allergic reaction to the litter we didn't want to risk it. Ezra is very energetic and playful, he use to bite a lot but we trained him not to. He has a harness that we walk him around the house with, our house isn't ferret proof and we can't find a playpen. Ezra does get cooled off after playing on his harness and we make sure it's not too tight for him. He can give you a real workout on that harness, he tires me out a lot! When we buy him toys we have to make sure he can't get his claws stuck in it, because even though we trim his claws this boy still finds a way to get stuck! He also likes to take his bowl out of the platform, when there's food in it. We did use to have another ferret named Jax, but he passed away in November. They didn't live together due to certain differences in their personalities, but they played together. There was also this one time my teacher called him a mouse. (He doesn't like to stay still for photos)

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#109183 Posted on 2017-06-15 09:18:17

We've been blessed to have had 3 amazing dogs in our lives. All three have passed on. Our Piper was our most recent lovey and she unexpectedly passed just last November (2016). Currently we have two adorable rat boys - Justin & Nicodemus.

Justin is the real adventurer of the two - sort of. He always acts like he wants to explore the whole apartment but one day a week back he wriggled out of my husband's hands and found himself on the carpet. (Don't worry - he didn't fall. He got onto the couch cushion and crawled down to the floor.) Suddenly realizing that the whole is scary, he hid under the couch. My son finally coaxed him out with a carrot slice. Justin is very protective of Nicodemus. If Nico is scared or unhappy, Justin gets in front of him as if to say "You'll have to get through me first." 

Nicodemus is quiet calm & shy. We believe his eye sight his worse than his brother's as he constantly bobs his head and moves very cautiously. He loves having his brother groom him and loves their hammock. If he had his way he would never leave their cage. His favorite thing to do is sit up on the 3rd level of their cage and watch the world.

Neither of them seem to have been socialized as babies. They tolerate us handling them to move them from cage to playpen but don't really seem to want to be petted or cuddled. They like us to come to their cage & they stand up to greet us. They like to sniff our fingers and will take treats from our hands. They're only 4 months old so we're hoping they'll want to hang out with us more as they get more used to us and get older.

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#109185 Posted on 2017-06-15 09:34:46

We have cats, dogs, rats, chickens, fish, and guinea pigs, but I'm just going to post who I have on my imgur right now! xD 

This fuzzy lump is Buzz (as in Buzz Lightyear, he was named by a four year old). He's the dopiest, goofiest fluff ball and is basically my shadow. He's so smart and I kind of swear he understands what we're saying. He has some pretty frequent medical problems but I love him and that's all that matters! Buzz is kinda sassy and gives everyone else in the family the stink eye or will put his paw on their hand and push their hands down when they try to pet him - he's definitely a one person kinda guy. But with me he's all kisses and cuddles and he also loves his nose booped and his belly rubbed? Which is a little weird. 

And this is Mickey (as in Mickey Mouse, also named by the then one and a half year old since "Mickey!" was one of the words he could clearly say). I have no good pictures of him because he is not the most photogenic.. my family swears he thinks he's a dog. We didn't have another cat in the house until he was about two, so he was raised with three dogs, so that might explain it haha. Mick will diligently follow you around the yard as you're doing chores out there, happily greets strangers (and tries to lick their faces), and also chases the other two cats around because he's kind of a jerk. While he doesn't like the company of other cats, he loves laying with us or the dogs on their dog bed, he's a super cuddly teddy bear.

This is Maggie Mae! She's a year and a half old APBT and is such a freaking clown. She loves making people laugh so once she gets that reaction from doing something she will continue to do that thing over and over. Mags loves water, so any puddles or other bodies of water she happens to come across she wants to fling herself into. She's short and stubby and is a few pounds over weight (which we're working on) but she definitely doesn't understand that she is heavy. That basically means she wants to be in your lap at all times being cuddled up like the big baby she is, even if you're in a thin plastic lawn chair. 

Aaaand these seven lovely ladies. Actually they're all kind of spoiled brats, but they're pretty good chickens.. except for when they get mad you didn't bring them any treats up when you go to collect the eggs so you have seven prehistoric-sounding voices screeching at you on the top of their lungs. But otherwise! They're all pretty calm and when they have free range around the yard they'll follow you around or if we're inside they come down and peek in the sliding glass door. Their names are (starting from the white one in the first picture and going clockwise) Holly, Daisy, Poppy, Mabel, Dorothy, Beatrice, and Delilah. Delilah and Beatrice are the most lovable of all of them and will gladly sit in your lap for a while to be pet and loved on.. the others will tolerate it but you can totally see they'd rather be anywhere else haha
The Australorps get a little confusing since they're all black, but we can identify them by size/combs and of course their personalities! 

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#109316 Posted on 2017-06-15 23:36:41

I own one dog, a cat, and keep my sisters rabbit for her.

Bailey is my 11 year old yellow Lab.  Bailey did not start out as my dog, but a friends who I borrowed to participate in 4-H with.  I started training her a couple months before she turned two.  After a few years of training her, her owners had twins, and Bailey didn't deal with them very well, so she was gifted to me as a Christmas present.  We did 4-H for 8 years and made it to the state fair every year.  All years except one were for obedience.  One year we won Grand Champion for our obedience class, our first year we won sixth in Fitting and Showing.  Our last year in 4-H we won Reserve Grand Champion for our obedience class and probably would have won except for a silly mistake I made.

Kitty is the cat who adopted us and, to tell the truth, she really doesn't have a name!  She found us one early March morn a few years back and has since integrated herself into the family.  She is the queen, and will meow very loudly when she wants food or attention.  She is probably partly feral, although she does love attention, but only when she wants it and how she wants it.  She found us as an adult, so we truly have no idea how old she is, although I would guess somewhere between 4 and 7.

Clover is my sisters rabbit, who is now 12 years old.  I owned Clovers sister, Buttercup, who passed away about two years ago now.  They were/are both Holland Lops, and both my sister and I showed them in 4-H.  Clover is a broken agouti and Buttercup was a solid agouti.  I don't have any pictures of either of them that I can post at the moment, but I will try to edit this with pictures when I can!

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