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Former Horses of Julia Ferreira (#102659)

Former Horses
Alice - 22 year old Chincoteague Mare
Grade: N5 LV: 1 Stats: 346 Points: 11697
Blues Man - 18 year old Appaloosa Stallion
Grade: N3 LV: 4 Stats: 207 Points: 0
ForSale6 - 2 year old Quarter Horse Stallion
Grade: N5 LV: 1 Stats: 313 Points: 0
Golden Cloud - 22 year old Chincoteague Stallion
Grade: L2 LV: 5 Stats: 405 Points: 0
James - 22 year old Chincoteague Stallion
Grade: L1 LV: 3 Stats: 393 Points: 5344
Palomino Princess - 19 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: N3 LV: 3 Stats: 235 Points: 0
S 278 - 13 year old Andalusian Stallion
Grade: N4 LV: 3 Stats: 283 Points: 0
Smokey - 2 year old Thoroughbred Stallion
Grade: L1 LV: 1 Stats: 351 Points: 0
Tap To It - 5 year old Thoroughbred Mare
Grade: N3 LV: 1 Stats: 240 Points: 0
Time Keeper - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: R1 LV: 4 Stats: 690 Points: 0
Vortex - 22 year old Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
Grade: L2 LV: 2 Stats: 409 Points: