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Foals of }{ Astoria-3 [86.82] 293

All Foals of }{ Astoria-3 [86.82] 293
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
}{ Astoria-4 [89.19] 275 20 years old Trabuco Canyon }{ Rufolo Salerna [86.13] 274
}{ Rufolo Astoria[88.15]272ooe 16 years old Trabuco Canyon }{ Rufolo Salerna [86.13] 274
Incitato Astoria [76.83]167ooo 14 years old Trabuco Canyon Incitato Amalfi [63.48] 55
Freya 0 years old Slayer }{ Rufolo Salerna [86.13] 274
New Foal 0 years old Trabuco Canyon Incitato Vista [64.03] 53