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Foals of f Brena [61.25]

All Foals of f Brena [61.25]
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
Ace of Hearts [64.09] 22 years old Trabuco Canyon Damk 64.38
}{ Belamilana [71.54] 22 years old Trabuco Canyon Pluto [74.84]
[LP] Asombrosa 13 years old Nevada «★» Toirano 73.24
Primavera (67.05) 13 years old Bow «★» Vistrorio II 70.62
GalaxyGirl 7 years old Angel2022 Velocity's Nebula
[ML]{O} Calcetines 4 years old Silvaticus }{ Kerberos [69.39]
New Foal 2 years old Angel2022 Cleveland