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Foals of .m'sj. Mango Time

All Foals of .m'sj. Mango Time
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
The King's Prokureur 86.32S 22 years old Kryssyn Elara Moonstone Zz Sheriff
.m'sj. Pampoen 21 years old mɐine Outlander 92.10
.m' Mango Skandaal 20 years old mɐine Zz Sheriff
Left Hand Free 91.27 18 years old Kida Zz Lantern
.m' Keer Weer 18 years old mɐine Zz Sincerity
J| BHE 14/88.39 S 16 years old πŸŒ™π•²π–”π–†π–™ Zz Theme
Harper 16 years old New Moon Zz Lantern
.m'sj. Mango Sap 14 years old mɐine Zz Domicile
J| BHE 19/89.32 S 13 years old πŸŒ™π•²π–”π–†π–™ Zz Lantern
Mario 89.25 11 years old DarkNative Zz Theme
FF Butterfly Fly Away 6 years old FeatheredFish Zz Domicile
Doc Holliday 4 years old Astropop Inc. Outlander 92.10
S Rß DJ 88.93 TBlk 1 year old Syrien πŸ‡ ☽ Zz Lantern