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Foals of 𝓼. clock 48

All Foals of 𝓼. clock 48
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
𝓼. matriarch 50 18 years old Spooks 𝓢☣ Before Time 62.09 53
𝓼. grimcutty 50 14 years old Spooks 𝓢☣ Proud Jitterbug 60.68 53
𝓼. sharknado 48 9 years old Spooks 023|𝓼. as above, so below 51
𝓼. primal 45 6 years old Spooks 𝓼. maxium overdrive 45
𝓼. a field in england 50 6 years old Spooks 𝓼. his house 57.54
𝓼. brooklyn 45 47 4 years old Spooks *雪 Danior ⦙ 69.32
𝓼. pick me up 48 2 years old Spooks 𝓼. house 50