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Foals of #4v1 EEAaCrcr 61.83 M [60]

All Foals of #4v1 EEAaCrcr 61.83 M [60]
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
+t2v2OTW4 EEAaCrcrFf 63.12M[52 10 years old sikora B4OTW3t1 EeAaFfZz 60.54 S [49]
++t2v2OTW4 EEAaFfZz 60.79 M[51 9 years old sikora B4OTW3t1 EeAaFfZz 60.54 S [49]
Dun it Again 4 years old Tina B4OTW3t1 EeAaFfZz 60.54 S [49]