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Daisy Johnson

"Trying to level up"

Hey! My old account was lost and after a few years I remembered this website and decided to come back!

I'm only level three currently but I'm always open for PMs or Friend Requests!

[b]Future Plans[/b]
I'm currently trying to level up and heighten the stats of my horses. (Mainly my Morgans)

I am planning on breeding my Morgans eventually, and put the horse with the highest stats for brood or stud once I reach level 6.

I have no intentions of doing anything prestigious or elite, I kind of just like to have fun with it, I might get to a point where I decide to breed high quality Morgans but that's doubtful.

[b]Personal Info[/b]
I really like Morgans and my simple names are based off of a TV show I love (I know horses don't have names like those but I like them and I'm not fancy so.)

I have a black quarter horse named Media Noche en Meixco and she means the world to me! (I got her when I was very young) As you can see I have an in game version of her XD

On a side note I also have a bird named May and a dog named Cuco and they rock too.

Oh and

I'm a member of the Morgan Club![/url]

Account Information
Member Name Daisy Johnson
Member ID 109068
Account Type Basic
Joined February 4, 2017
Last Active 2017-08-07 10:45:55
Member Information
Money on Hand $89,722
Money in Bank $10,475
Player Level 3
Horses 6 / 10

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 18798
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $2,849

Member Level
Level 3 Experience 2970 (22%) EXP Required 13045 EXP Left 10075

Daisy Johnson's Horse Divisions
Morgans 3 horses
Not trained today
Others 3 horses
Not trained today

Club Memberships

Morgan Club