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Inbreed indicator

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Inbreed indicator

#264993 Posted on 2023-01-09 00:44:45

In order to know if there are any inbred horses in a pedigree, we have to click the pedigree to see,
if there are any horses inbred (double red names) in there.

Mostly, I will find inbred horses after the Great-Great Grand-Parents line and even further in the pedigree.

For example this horse <---> & then further in the line here 

This cost me lots of time to click every horse, to check if that is the case.

I breed my horses, totally clean of such inbred lines and maybe more people do.

So, to save time in all that clicking & checking horses, it would be great if there is a mark or something on the horse it's Dame or Sire that indicates that there are inbred horses somewhere in the pedigree line. Maybe like this

What do you think? It's would make the search a lot easier.

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#265000 Posted on 2023-01-09 08:07:39

Not sure if you are aware but there is an inbreeding checker tool linked in the help page (Help > Breeding) that could help with first page pedigrees, it only checks for close inbreeding though. 

I don't care for inbreeding outside of the first page personally, and I'm not sure I would want checkmarks to be showing up on my pages when they already feel quite cluttered honestly but I also think horse pages just need a bit of a clean up in general in regards to the breeding/pedigree section. I would support this if you have to have checked a horse for those flags to show up (or whatever icon would be implemented), I think it would bring a bit more purpose to it vs just having it done automatically. 

Perhaps the vet feature could be expanded to "check" full pedigrees on your behalf for a fee? Like an extension of the inbreeding checker, the first page is free but you could pay for a more detailed search for after the first page. By extension a function to search for specific horses in pedigrees could be useful, i.e a lot of people used to avoid Star of David in mustangs due to being so popular. 

 In terms of how the information is displayed outside of an icon though I'm not currently sure, I feel like if you want something to denote the inbreeding then you should at least receive more details on it? There's currently suggestions to improve the pedigree page for grade horses, and make the breed horses page more detailed so maybe horses that are checked for inbreeding in pedigrees could have extra information revealed on those pages. i.e Northern Dancer appears x amount of times in this pedigree etc. 

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#266704 Posted on 2023-02-21 01:14:52

I know about the inbreed checker, but that's no good after the first page. (not for me)

Also on the "search horses" page could be a search box that checks it so...
not only "Foundation box" but a "Show only total Clean Line" to check maybe.

There are too many horses inbred (before and after the great grand parents)
so, this is really hard to go through all these by hand.

It's different for everyone, lots of people don't care about the inbred lines and go for color, stats or NSS.

But, for me this is really crucial because, after all that I try to accomplish with these clean lines
and good conformation is, eventually....the color, stats and NSS.

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#266716 Posted on 2023-02-21 13:39:40

I do unfortantely agree with @Wrangler here..

I try and keep my horses from inbreeding from each other but I have caught a horse with two inbred parents that go to the inbred great-greatsires and dams..

But it's Tango and Snippet that are the inbred great-great grandsires and dams, and I don't want that as I want to boost my horses for some.

So it'd be great to have the checker besides going through heck and back to click and check every horse- beware that I only do it if a horse is closely related to another, so I do forget over time about the inbred stuff, until I go to the same horse with Tango and Snippet..

Still it'd be great to have these besides clicking a thousand different pages that lead to nowhere until you find the correct page with the grandsire and granddam..

Oh and Tango is also dead, so horay for Snippet being 21- I was gonna breed him since I had room- 59 days of waiting until nothing, now he's gonna pass with only 5 foals- I was hoping to get to ten before he aged.. Unfortantely my luck- as usual- is always terrible with my goodluck fighting my badluck sometimes.. But it's just life as well..

Anyways I already supported this..
I also forgot that this exsisted as well..

My memory sucks now since I only focused on the pain my bottom right first mauller was giving me, now I feel better at least..
I'll make this paragraph a thread, so yep!

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#266720 Posted on 2023-02-21 14:27:19


I created my own pedigree checker in google sheets but it's a hassle because I have to input all horses' data for the spreadsheet to function properly. Plus I will have to code in more generations for those with long lines. I would love to have a proper pedigree checker that checks the entire bloodline, not just visible pedigree. Until then, I am just avoiding outside lines. It's easier to keep track of my private lines lol

Last edited on 2023-02-21 at 14:28:50 by 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖆

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#266721 Posted on 2023-02-21 14:51:22

i am in support of more ways to see or check for inbreeding, i'm pretty relaxed about it and just try to keep pedigrees clean for the first page but in the span of a year i've bred 2 related pairs together by mistake and ended up with foals who had a bit of red in their pedigree. i may have mentioned this before, but back when horse IDs were listed in pedigrees i kept a little list of extremely overbred horse IDs so i could easily copy them and page search pedigrees to avoid popular lines if i wanted to. but now that it shows horse breed instead of ID it's become harder, i have to check even more manually and can't just page search horse names since those can get changed over time.

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