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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

#268037 Posted on 2023-04-10 18:21:17

     Nysa was tending to one of the younger critters when she looked at Nature again. A faint smile appeared, but it stayed that way. "So is my mother." she said with a small sigh, "I'm almost a mature mare'd think she would have told me what's she's hiding by now, but she doesn't seem to trust me..that or it hurts too bad to tell.." she said looking down a bit before she gave a nod.

     Nysa watched Nature leave to a different spot before she got back to work. She didn't mind any of this. "Don't worry little ones. Your mothers will be back soon." she said quietly and calmly. Nysa was just like her mother in so many ways. She wouldn't hurt a soul...unless it came to it. She was as gentle as she could be with the critters no matter how small they were. 

     Though Nysa looked up when she too heard the strange howl. She flicked her ears once or twice unsure of what it was she heard exactly, but she looked over at Nature before she noticed all of the critters scared, "Don't worry little ones. Your safe here." she said before she looked back up at Nature. Nysa was about to say something, but Nature had only sunk into the ground, "Well there she goes.." she mumbled to herself before she tried calming some of the animals.

      Nysa looked up noticing Nature was back, but she could see the change in her. Nysa's ears lowered slightly. There had to be something going on. "S-should I get my mother? S-she might be able to help..or my aunt.." she asked unsure of what was going on, but she knew Nature was getting a bit aggressive. Nysa just wasn't sure on what to do, "I could go inform the herds to stay alert.."

      Though Solstice decided to go over to Eclipsetess once she noticed her friend was alone. Solstice seemed to have something on her mind, and she had been thinking about it for awhile now. She just never said anything. Though Solstice was silent for a moment, "Eclipsetess..." she said unsure if she should say anything in that moment or not, but she had to talk to someone.

      "I...I think I might be pregnant again...." she said quietly so that only Eclipsetess could hear, "I-i don't know, but I've just been feeling a little off like with Nysa before I even started could just be my nerves.." she said unsure of what she was saying at that point, "J-just don't say anything to anyone...please." she said as she was still quiet and a bit nervous, "I'm not even sure I am yet...only time will tell.." she sighed.

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#268038 Posted on 2023-04-10 18:55:41

"Nysa.. Maybe you should do it, but you be careful! I'm gonna watch from the shadows, and the dirt if anything was to go on, you know how special this Isle is to me? What am I talking about..? You can definately see that for yourself; but raising an Isle ain't easy, at all if you were born to become some part of the Isle, no sirre. But go tell the herds, I'll just make sure that your all safe." Nature told Nysa, she was very careful and really protective of Nysa now, it was also possibly because Nature was attached to Nysa since she started helping Nature out with the animals- critters, which is sweet and nice.


"What?! How- scratch that.. But what?!" Eclipsetess was drawn back and surprised by this new information that Solstice told her, but Eclipsetess didn't shout out to the world that Solstic- could possibly be pregnant- but she wasn't sure, and neither was Solstice.

"Well your right, but your hid better be safe if either of us accidentally blurt it out, I mean I made sure that I said nothing about it. But still.. If you are pregnant, then I'll be the best aunt to your new foal, bet on that. Though any high chances that your foal may be a colt? Odds are odds, hey you might not know, but I'll make sure that I stick to your side at all times. Like with Nysa, well.. Given birth really, but everyone will give you the space that you need and we'll take it slow; hoofsteps." Eclipsetess shouted at first, but she stopped and became rational about the new information.

Eclipsetess wasn't even herself if she became this rational in a situation, like she was changed but still remained the same, but more knowledgeable about these types of situations, though Eclipsetess did summon a book.. This time the title read "Nysa's Baby Album", Eclipsetess then handed the book to Solstice..

"For you.. I was just finishing this up in private, and well.. Nysa's almost a full mare, so I might as well let you take the rest of the pictures yourself, Oceanus helped me out with the baby pictures actually. And I made the book myself.. I hope you like it." Eclipsetess told Solstice, that was the most sweetest thing that Eclipsetess could ever given to Solstice, an album for Solstice to remember Nysa when she was young, even the pictures have Nysa's name imprinted on them; for Solstice to not forget then.

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#268040 Posted on 2023-04-11 05:47:51

     Nysa nodded, "I will. I've explored the Isle enough I know my way." she said looking back where the herds stayed before she looked back at Nature, "You're connected with the can feel it in a way. I know how special it is to you." she said with a smile before she turned away and picked up to a canter as she made her way back to the herds. Though her hooves were gentle as they touched the ground with each step. Everything about her was gentle.

      Solstice quickly hushed Eclipsetess even if she wasn't super loud. "I'm not sure...but some days I just don't have the energy to do much. Just like when I was carrying Nysa." she said looking around a bit nervously. "You know what Namir and Orion would do if I am.." she said, "I trust you Eclipsetess..more than anyone else and you know that. You can't tell anyone..please.." she said nervously.

      Though Solstice looked down for a moment before she looked back at Eclipsetess, "You know I can handle myself, but I already know that won't stop you." she said with a small chuckle, "But you already are a good aunt Eclipsetess." she said with a smile as she nudged her friend playfully a bit. "Though I'm nervous if I am again...if something will go wrong again, or something bad happens.." she sighed looking down before she noticed the book Eclipsetess summoned.

      "H-how did you make this..?" she asked as she looked at the book, "How did I never notice?" she asked mainly to herself as she looked at Eclipsetess, "This means a lot Eclipsetess...really. Feels like yesterday she was still she's all grown up..well almost..these past two years went by too quick.." she sighed before she looked over noticing Nysa coming over in a rush as Solstice hid the book.

     Nysa found her mother and her aunt before she found Scorn, so she went to them first, but she could tell there was something they were both hiding, but she ignored it for now. "I was with Nature helping her with some of the animals, but now she thinks there's something going on..something bad. She told me to warn the herds and to be careful..." she said nervously unsure of everything still.

     Though Solstice looked at Eclipsetess nervously, "Alright..thanks for telling us." she said getting up. "I'll keep a look out, but make sure no one leaves if there is something going on, and please stay in the herd. I don't need you getting hurt." she said worriedly. Nysa just rolled her eyes a bit, "I'm still your mother Nysa whether or not your not a filly anymore. My job is still to protect you."

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#268042 Posted on 2023-04-11 07:24:42

Eclipsetess giggled, though she was now wary about this situation and whether it was really bad or worse, but she did take Nysa's word- as she would with any other horse, but she trot off to find Azulia of wherever she was- with Cronsi, of course that stallion had won Azulia's heart.

Anyways, Azulia was off taking a nap since her mate was somewhere within the herd, probably talking with a group of stallions, typical of him. But Eclipsetess found Azulia sleeping in the sunlight- but next to the forest, and Eclipsetess woke up Azulia as she jolted awake and ready.

"What's wrong? I can tell by your feelings that you've been told something.." Azulia asked Eclipsetess concerned, Eclipsetess then told Azulia what's going on, but after that- Azulia only nodded and began to find Cronsi and their daughter Raven, the three never separated when something was wrong anyways.

Though Eclipsetess took a break to sigh and relax before running off again to find another horse to tell the situation too, and that was when Eclipsetess had the thought of telling Trickster and Carrion- those two went to study in their burned cave that Carrion transformed into a study..

But as soon as Eclipsetess took a step towards where the cave was located, she heard some horse screaming weirdly, though it was Trickster as she landed face first, Eclipsetess just lifted Trickster up and on the ground with four legs. Then Eclipsetess started to heal Trickster, that mare was surely full of surprises anyways..

"So.. Mind telling me why you fell from the sky?" Eclipsetess asked the mare, Trickster giggled before looking down, that mare does love to play tricks but also is rather serious too. Though Eclipsetess glared at Trickster as she was silent, probably thinking of a way to tell Eclipsetess what she and Carrion did.

"Well.. Carrion found a way to have horses that don't have wings: Can fly without wings!! But.. It's rather in its prototype phase for right now, so we can't tell you anything about it until its.. Releasable.. So that's all I can say really, and the only reason that I fell from the sky.." Trickster giggled and laughed at the end, she does love to try new things, but she at least caught a break now. Eclipsetess sighed and shook her head as she was done healing Trickster.

"Hm, well go to tell Carrion this.." Eclipsetess caught Trickster's attention, the mare began listening as she rushed off to Carrion when Eclipsetess was done telling the mare, Trickster does keep everything to herself, but does share information with Carrion.

"Well at least they'll be warned if something happens.." Eclipsetess told herself, though the mare began walking and that was when Nature popped up from the ground and began looking at the sky all crazy-like, and this didn't just catch Eclipsetess's attention, it caught the whole three herds attention.

Scorn and Greycloud were just talking until the two noticed Nature, as well as Mesa and Buckwheat's attention, but Mesa didn't want to hear it.. But she had too since one of her herd members was pregnant, alongside one of Buckwheat's mares was also pregnant, which wasn't good for the foals- if in distress..

Though Nature calmed down and was about to walk back to her home, to protect her animals, until she was stoned, her whole body unmoving, it was just for a second as Nature broke out of the stone and disappeared into the ground, to try and find out whoever tried stone her..

Though the herd was in shock, but it was only one horse, and there was nothing in the sky either.. So what was happening..? Some mares gathered around to talk as soon as the herds went into high alert, Trickster and Carrion were teleported into Scorn's herd and stayed there.. Esmeray and Moonlight came running over to them to hug their parents as well as stay next to them.

"Well now we're in grave danger, and whoever decided to try and stone Nature was in for a whooping, now where should I look? I got to keep the herds safe.. Unless Azulia and Nature already felt the horse, thing, then the herds can tell.. Where the horse- creature was.." Eclipsetess thought, she was thinking hard as Minette ran over to her mother to stay safe, Eclipsetess hugged Minette and told her to be brave. For everyone really.

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#268045 Posted on 2023-04-11 09:38:21

     Nysa just pinned her ears slightly, "Fine. I'll stay in the herd." she said. Why was her mother always so protective of her? There were things about Solstice that just never made sense to her. Especially her statue...Solstice always avoided her questions about it. Though Nysa didn't ask anything. Instead she just looked over at Eclipsetess as she trotted off worriedly. Nysa was mainly worried because she never experienced something like what was about to happen.

     Though Solstice made sure Nysa stayed in the herd before she flew off. Well she didn't really fly off, she just flew above the herds to keep an eye out for anything strange. Solstice could sense things every now and then, but there was nothing. Not one thing that seemed out of the ordinary to her. Solstice sighed before she started flying around the areas closest to the herds. She flew lower to the ground so she could get a better look, but there was still nothing with all the trees.

     She sensed something was wrong. She knew that much, but she couldn't sense the source of it. Solstice was good at spotting things from above, but this time there was nothing. After spending some time searching for anything, Solstice returned to the herd with nothing. Though she stayed alert. Nysa stood not too far from her mother worried seeing the change in her mother once she told her that something might be wrong.

     Namir noticed the change in herd's mood and he looked over seeing Eclipsetess wary and nervous. He called Orion over and told him to make sure no one leaves the herd. Orion nodded and went to do just that. The two stallions seemed to get along better then they did before. That or Namir just didn't give Orion as much crap as he did before. Though Namir was always going to test Orion in some way.

     Though Nysa looked over when she noticed Nature as she was about to go over to her, but then she was turned to stone within seconds. Nysa froze horrified by what she witnessed, but somehow Nature broke out of it and left. Nysa was stuck in place. She was deeply scared. Solstice was surprised by what happened, but she trotted over to Nysa, "Mom..what in the world is going on!?" she asked sccared.

     Solstice didn't give her a response. Instead her horn and necklace started to glow as she spread her wings out. A robe and armor on top of the robe appeared on her body. The same robe and armor that appeared on her body when she fought Dra the first time...and defeated him. Though Nysa just backed up realizing her mother must have been some sort of warrior once she saw the armor. "Mom...?"

     Solstice kept her wings spread out as her horn and necklace continued to glow only her eyes were doing it now as well. Nysa never saw her mother like this, and it was scaring her. Solstice only called out knowing there was someone out there, "We know you're here even if we don't know who you are!" she hollered unafraid of this stranger, "Why don't you show yourself coward!" she hollered again almost threatening the stranger in a way.

     Though Nysa kept her head down as she looked at her mother, "Mom..what are you doing?" she asked quietly as she was terrified. "It won't be safe for the herds. There's nowhere we can go." she said stating facts, "There's too many of us." she said. Apollo was near them and nodded in agreement. He was scared too, but he just went over to his mother once he saw her. Moon wasn't as social as she used to be, but that's beside the point..

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#268047 Posted on 2023-04-11 13:27:26

That was when another horse was stoned, this time they were trying to run away from the stoning, but failed to do so, and another horse was stoned.. Two down, many more to go, though Eclipsetess was getting protective from her two herdmates and was even considering to just go up and around until she found the horse causing all this mayhem.

But as Eclipsetess was about to fly off, she got stoned in a position where she was gonna hit someone in the eye (again), with her hoof sharp and pointed, her wings up and her horn straight, and Minette backed up until she fell backwards. She was afraid that she was gonna be next..

Scorn saw Eclipsetess turn into stone right in front of him, but as Greycloud was gonna run, she got stoned too, and this made Scorn even madder then mad and got as many chains up as he could and just lunged to where the stone magic was coming from. But the chains were faulty and couldn't pin point where.

And that was when Scorn turned into stone, his chains up and ready, but since Scorn had his chains out, his chain magic was alive and working, showing which direction to avoid the stone magic.. But even so, the stone ramped up and two more - three more horses were stoned.

"Mom!" the twin stallions shouted, their two parents; the great leaders of their father's herd was stoned right next to them, the two stallions eventually started grouping up the herds as Mesa jumped but turned into stoned and horses put a log under her to keep Mesa stable and not able to break.

Buckwheat was the last herd leader but as he shifted bigger, he stopped as he heard something cock (like something you'd hold with two or one hands to- well say a fire sparkler was being cocked, then yeah..) and he stopped as eyes seemed to have gone onto him, everyone notice the biggest stallion stop and looked afraid, his eyes then widened as he turned around and screamed as he was stoned immediately..

Raven got up as Azulia seemed to have wakened up, but as Azulia began running Raven stopped her, Azulia pushed Raven out of being stoned as Raven watched her mother, before her eyes, turn into stone.. Though Raven had gotten a patch of stone on her body and she didn't realize until she heard the stone moving.. Then she looked and saw the stone moving, Minette used her magic to undo the stone effecting Raven. But after that; her magic was disabled for the time being..

Trickster and Carrion were stoned earlier, but no one seemed to notice until the herds looked at them and got scared, but as the stoning kept going, it was just the foals that were grown almost mature, except Marrow, King, and Blizzard- (they were just talking with Minette as they moved together and now this) and Solstice of course.

But as Raven, Esmeray and Moonlight, Silhouette and Roulette, Minette, Marrow, Blizzard, and King looked around, they noticed that Nysa, Apollo, and Solstice were left.. But whoever was sick, wasn't done, they started to slowly stone Solstice, making sure that she wasn't able to break free. Making her experience a bit of pain whilst having- a possible, but distressed foal.

"Auntie Solstice!" Minette yelled, she ran over as the rest of the group were running behind Minette, Raven stood over by Nysa as well as Minette's friends stood next to her as well, Esmeray just stood next to the twin stallions as his older sister Moonlight was somehow left even though she was a mature mare.

"Come on I can undo this, I promise.." Minette told Solstice, Solstice's head was left as her neck and nape were slowly started to climb up her to her head, but Minette tried to undo the magic just like what she did with Raven, but it failed and Minette watched her aunt become a stone statue.

And that was when Solstice's statue re-awoken and it stood up on its two stone legs that transformed to normal-creature-like legs and the statue's front hooves became hands and unsheathed a sword from its scabbard, and it began to swing albiet cautiously with the foal group only left.

Minette tried telling the statue to stop and collect every horse and group up them up together, but it didn't work, maybe only Solstice's voice was enough to control the statue, but Nysa had to be an exception.. So, Minette looked at Nysa, who was possibly more scared then ever in a situation like this.

"Nysa, tell the statue to stop swinging and protect all of us! It at least has to be you, your an exception, a daughter of a goddess!" Minette yelled at Nysa, she might've regretted to yell at Nysa, but she could only do that as the statue was incredibly loud but not enough to crack and break stone.

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#268048 Posted on 2023-04-11 14:49:54

     Solstice momentarily looked at Nysa, but she listened very closely to the sounds around her and she looked out for anything odd. "I know what I'm doing Nysa." she said as that was all she said. Her voice was firm, but she never used that type of tone on her daughter. Though whoever was out there never showed themselves. Not once. Not even a glimpse. Not even a sound came from them.

     Though Solstice looked over seeing a horse stoned when they tried to run, "No no no no no..." Solstice mumbled underneath her breath as she watched everyone turn to stone. She didn't even know what was going on herself. Solstice did remember what Eclipsetess said once...did Dra succeed in his real plan? Either way Solstice knew she couldn't do much other then watch..

     That was when she looked over seeing Eclipsetess about to fly only to be turned to stone. Solstice froze. Her best friend. Her closest friend. Her guardian even. Gone. Just like that. Namir watched his love turn to stone as he lost it, "NO!" he yelled as he ran over, but as soon as he got to Eclipsetess, he was stone. Solstice's heart broke as she watched her brother turn to stone. She didn't know what to do without either of them..

     Solstice then watched Grey Cloud and Scorn turn to stone. Her mind went blank. She didn't know what to do. She was lost. Then Solstice turned to look in a different direction when she heard Buckwheat scream, but by the time she looked over he was already stone. Nysa was terrified. Everyone she knew was being turned to stone one by one..but knew her mother could do nothing..that she was scared too.

     All they could do was stand and watch everyone turn to statues... Next was Azulia, and almost Raven, but somehow Minette managed to reverse the stoning. Solstice watched Minette completely baffled by how Minette was able to do that, but there was no time to talk. Raven was safe..for now at least..that mattered. Solstice looked over seeing Orion, but before both of them realized it, he was stone.

     Apollo was with his mother Moon, when she forcefully nudged him away from her when she knew the same would happen to her. She was right...Apollo backed up once she was stone, and he quickly ran to the who was left. Isis and her brother were stone for a bit already. Solstice lost it when Orion was gone...she was in tears and felt weak. Unsure of what was to come for her..

     Solstice looked down feeling defeated before pain struck her hooves. She realized what was happening, and she knew whoever was doing this wanted her to suffer. Everyone else was stone instantly. Solstice flapped her wings as hard as she could as she tried breaking free, but it was no use. Nysa immediately looked over at her mother once she realized what was going on, "Mom!! No!!" she yelled as she ran over to her.

     Solstice stopped trying to break free once she realized it wasn't going to happen. Instead she looked at Nysa and Minette, "It's no use Minette..." she said sounding defeated before she looked at Nysa, "Find who had done this. Get out of here..leave. Fine help!" she said as her body was pure stone and was climbing up her neck, "Find Faith..Find Oceanus.." she said painfully as the stone reached up to her head, "I love you.." she said just before her whole body was stone.

     Her wings spread out, and one leg up like she would be trotting, but her other three legs weren't. The robe and armor turned to stone with her. Her necklace stone as well. Even her necklace, horn, and eyes were still glowing as she turned to stone, but once she was stone...the glow slowly faded. Her eyes were painful and defeated. Nysa just immediately started sobbing as she wrapped around her mother, "Mom..." she sobbed refusing to move away from her mother's stone body.

     Though she looked up once she noticed her mother's statue started moving. Nysa was completely terrified, "H-how is it m-moving..?" she asked as she still sobbed. Nysa just wished all of this to be get her family back. Her mom.. Though Nysa slowly looked at Minette..well barely she mainly looked down her eyes sore from the tears she cried, "What am I supposed to do? We lost everyone..everyone that can help us...we may not be foals anymore, but there isn't much we can actually do.."

     Nysa knew Minette wasn't going to give her a choice though, so she slowly looked up at the statue.."Mom.." she said hesitantly, but then she looked down. What was she thinking? That wasn't her mom. "Please stop..j-just please stop...get us out of here...somewhere safe!" she said quietly at first, but then she hollered pretty loud out of grief and anger.. Though Nysa just sat down and sobbed at her mother's stoned hooves..

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#268051 Posted on 2023-04-11 17:49:40

Solstice's statue stopped and looked at Nysa, then it knelt down and lowered it's hand until it was officially on the ground, Minette was still crying but not sounding like she was crying, sure she sniffled from time to time, but then Moonlight walked up and nudged Minette..

"Let's go. Somewhere new at least, there's a couple new Isles that appeared. Maybe we can take refuge there?" Moonlight said softly and quietly, she was also sad but she didn't give up hope yet, not so much at least.

"She's right, we should go on and move from here, and stop whatever caused our families to be turned to stone!" Esmeray shouted in excitment, he knew he shouldn't have done that but it at least created hope even more, which was the right move after all.

Though a small laugh sounded throughout the regrown Isle, but the laugh did get louder and louder until Minette looked up at the source, this time.. It was a new horse.. But the laugh didn't sound joyful, no, Minette then got defensive much like everyone else..

"Are you so sure about that?" the stallion asked Esmeray, the stallion's wings were bat-like and his right wing was white, whilst the other one was black, his body black in white markings completely new to everyone, though the stallion was wearing some shoes that were also different, and that he also had sharp horns on the top of his head- right in front of his ears.

Minette also saw that the stallion had golden eyes, a nose ring, and white.. fangs portruding from his mouth, Minette was a little scared by this new horse, this new stallion that was right there, right in front of her and everyone else's eyes..

"And who are you to tell us such a thing?" Minette asked the stallion, the stallion only smiled as his black hair was also ponytailed in something gold that kept his hair like that.

"Well I'm: THE KING OF STONE!!" the stallion declared, he declared himself the King of Stone, something that Dragon Devil wouldn't do at all, but he still didn't tell his name to anyone still. Which Minette didn't care about at all, she was only getting more furious at the stallion, after every second that passed, and it was shown on her grin and her posture- like that of when Eclipsetess is about to rush an enemy straight forward.

Though far out in the forest, another stallion made his way to the Meadows (where the the three herds, and our main cast is in), which is where the unfamiliar stallion, and the group of grown unmature horses were grouped together, this other stallion then frowned as he looked up at the black and white bat-winged stallion hovering in the sky..

Back to our MANE cast, Minette was sick of listening to the stallion only say a few words and not reveal his name, and his voice sounded closely to that of Scorn's and Dra's deep voices, but his was lighter as Dragon Devil's voice was more dead inside, and Scorn's was lively and sometimes deep.

But as Minette stayed in her posture, Esmeray and the grow noticed that Minette was starting to shake as her anger grew, and then.. Minette jumped into the air and flew straight directly to the stallion, the enemy front of Minette was her's alone, but she missed as the bat-winged stallion then looked dead-eyed at Minette.

Minette then started to cry as she kept goign forward until she landed a hit, the stallion didn't move but parried the hit instead, he then let Minette back off, until she got caged and she was too mad to realize what was happening.. But she did let out a burst of magic, similar to Eclipsetess's burst of magic when she made that barrier for everyone, even the Isle itself, how she and all were glowing with sparkles..

But as Minette bursted her magic, she knocked herself out, Esmeray yelled at Minette but he only watched her fall unconscious, the stallion hovering in the air without a hit to him.. He just used cage magic to trap Minette, Esmeray was mad that his friend and herdmate chose to land a hit first instead of strategizing.

Though the black and white bat-winged stallion vanished as Minette's cage went with him, Marrow flew up to Minette and tried to find a way to break her out, but it didn't work as the cage's latch disappeared first, and Marrow didn't have fire magic.. So she watched her friend vanish right before her eyes..

"No.." Marrow was heartbroken at what she just saw, "MINETTE!!' Marrow yelled out, her scream screeched far and wide, everyone had their ears pinned due to Marrow's high pitched scream, but everyone else was saddened by the fact that Minette did what she did- like what happened with Eclipsetess.

"Minette!" Blizzard screamed, his heart was broken too much, and he couldn't take this, and that his father wasn't here already, he had lost three people that he loved already..

Moonlight was taken back by Minette's act of bravery, and that she was like Eclipsetess all over again, saving her friends and acting brave in tough situations, Moonlight then thought of Smoke, but as Moonlight ran over to Smoke.. She was half turned to stone, but the stoning stopped as soon as that black and white bat-wing stallion left.

"Smoke.. Oh my god's.. You must be in pain!" Moonlight shouted, Smoke was in more pain that she could already suffer, but Moonlight helped her up and helped her over to the group as everyone looked at Smoke as she was half stoned on her right body, the poor mare couldn't move her right side at all.

"Come on, we need to head to the new Isle, the new Isle right across from here." Esmeray said, he nuzzled the left side of Smoke as her right side was stone, frozen, and couldn't move at all, her body and of course, organs, were failing all over the place.

Esmeray helped up Smoke with getting on Solstice's statue's hand, Moonlight also helped from behind as she climbed on next, then the rest of the group followed until it was just Nysa and Apollo on the ground, Moonlight then helped calm Nysa and tried calming her down more, though Roulette was doing the samething with Apollo..

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#268056 Posted on 2023-04-12 05:08:27

     Nysa looked at the statue before she just laid down and cried still beside her mother.. Though she listened to Moonlight, "I'm not going anywhere. I can't leave them..I won't leave them.." she said refusing to look at anyone even Minette. How could she leave though? Everyone she knew was now stone. She didn't know what happened to Nature, but she just figured the same had happened to her..

     Though Nysa looked up once a laugh rang out throughout the Isle. Nysa's ears lowered as she got scared again. Then she saw the stallion. It was him. He was the culprit. Though Nysa didn't do a thing. Sure at that time she would much rather be turned to stone, but she did nothing. She could barely even look at him. While she did, she studied everything about him that she could see before she looked down.

     Minette was the one that did the talking. Everyone else in the group was quiet. Nysa couldn't help but to think of the animals, but she couldn't leave. She couldn't bring herself to. She'd rather stay with everyone else. Either way Nysa just wanted her family back. Her mom, her dad. Nysa wasn't even aware that there was a chance of her becoming a big sister..and she wouldn't...for awhile.

     Though Nysa looked at the stallion as he answered Minette's question refusing to tell his name. Though Nysa noticed how he too seemed to look like stone a bit on his side. The way his few dapples looked made it look like the area was once stone...Nysa took this into consideration since it might help in the future. His face was odd though. Strange white markings. Gold eyes. Who was he?

     Nysa then looked over at Minette noticing her body shake. Before she could say anything, Minette already went after this so called king of stone. "Minette! No! Wait!" she yelled, but it was no use. Minette wasn't going to listen. "What's she doing? She's going to get herself hurt!" she said looking at the group. Though Nysa was right...even if it hurt to watch Minette, she witnessed what happened.

     She watched her friend and the only family she had left be caged. "Apollo! Can't you fly up and help her!?" she asked looking at him. The colt just looked at her then Minette, but that was when she let out her magic knocking herself unconscious. "NO! Minette!" she yelled wanting to go to her, but she couldn't. Then before she realized it, Minette and the stallion was gone.

     Nysa broke down. Now she lost everyone. Her whole family. Apollo sighed as he looked at her, "There wasn't anything I could have done. He would have done the same to me." he said, "We need to stay together. We need to be smart on what we do. He clearly wants us alive...that includes Minette.." he said before he looked down. Nysa looked at him, but then she saw Smoke seeing half of her body pure stone. Why hadn't they noticed earlier?

     "Smoke..." she said as she got up. Though Nysa didn't know how to help her. Instead she let the others help her onto the statue. Nysa just looked over and walked away over to her father. She stood in front of him looking at his worried stoned eyes before she wrapped herself around him for a moment knowing she had no choice but to leave. After being with him for a moment, Nysa went back over to her mother.

     Nysa looked at her mother as she sighed, "I'll find him...I'll stop him...I-I'll find a way to bring you back..." she said tearing up again as she looked down. Though she just ignored Moonlight and got on the statue with everyone else. She knew she didn't have a choice, but she was silent. Apollo watched Nysa, but he couldn't bring himself to go over to his mother. Instead he looked at Roulette and flew onto the statue. 

     "Let's go..." Nysa said quietly before she summoned the same spell book her mother had just given her, "I'll see if there's anything in here that can help us and Smoke...until then...I don't know.." she sighed as she looked, "Guess we try finding someone we already know and trust...just like to before she was..stone..." she said almost unable to finish her thought, "I have to find out how she's a warrior of some sort...she must have fought in some battle..." she said mainly to herself, but after that she was quiet as she read the book looking for something to help them.

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#268072 Posted on 2023-04-12 18:06:12

As the statue stood up and made sure that everyone was perfectly balanced while going up, kinda like an elevator, that was just very high and tall, though some of the group members looked down from the sides and seen how far they were up, which was scary to think if someone pushed someone else on accident..

Besides that, Raven was looking around for any signs of how this sentient-protecting statue works and how to use it for protection against an enemy, or any enemies really. Esmeray just watched and got worried as Raven started snooping around, she definately got that from Azulia.

Smoke was lying down in agony, Moonlight just hushed her to sleep and- try to sleep, the song wasn't the best, but she did try and that made Smoke sleep more then she would. Which was best for her to do so really, though Silhouette sighed and began thinking of what Minette was going through.. With that stallion..

"No two ways are the same, but evil is the inheritence of the devilish side that grows." Blizzard mumbled, he must've talked to himself as the group looked at him, a bit concerned by his word choice, and that he lost someone.. He truly loved more than his parents.

"Blizzard.. I know.. We all do.. But none of us can wallow in agony whilst the rest of us fight to save our friend, our herdmate, our group leader.. Our best friend that is just too sweet to give up." Marrow muttered Blizzard's name, then she just told him, like that- straight out of the blue.

"Hm.. Say that your crush.. Oh wait, you and King are already together." Blizzard pouted, Marrow just looked away from him as she didn't want an agrument to break out in the middle of getting carried somewhere, and even when Blizzard has no wings, so he would just..

"Blizzard, stop being so rude. This isn't the time to try and argue." Moonlight told Blizzard, the stallion just muttered the same wording that Moonlight did.

"Why is he so rude now?" Esmeray asked Marrow, the mare looked at him and raised an eyebrow to the stallion, he just backed away somewhere.

"It's only because he loves Minette, the first time he'd seen such a mare with loads of rainbow all over the place, well besides looking at her from the adoption centre/center, but he never paid any mind until now." Marrow told Esmeray, the stallion then looked at Apollo before switching to Blizzard.

"But doesn't Minette have a crush on Apollo and Blizzard..?" Esmeray asked again, the whole group went silent, besides Smoke and Nysa of course, but the group was shocked to hear that.

"Oh.. Right.. I forgot that she knew Apollo more then us, including Blizzard as that mare enjoys playing with him, but I forgot that she even liked the two of them... I don't think there's ever a triad of two horses and a horse in a relationship, probably impossible anyways, but I don't know how Apollo feels about her.. So I have no clue if he likes her or not, he could like someone else or not, its his choice really. Same for Blizzard but that stallion would take Minette over any other mare he'd spot in a group." Marrow lectured a bit, she then chuckled softly as she had no right to dig into Apollo's personal matters, and she made sure to state that out, Esmeray nodded in silence as he accepted the answer straight from the barrel.

Though as the group calmed down, Marrow was napping until she started to dream about dragons, which made Roulette and the group weirded out that Marrow couldn't control her inner thoughts when speaking to herself in whatever style she wanted..

But as Marrow woke up, the sky clear with bits of clouds here and there, though the statue stopped moving and slowly started to land down its hand, which Marrow was eager to see the Isles of the Mountains once more, but as the hand landed gently and soft onto the grass, it was not what she expected at all..

"Hey! This isn't our home! Not even close to it! What gives?!" Marrow yelled at the statue, it just shifted its head before looking back in its original direction of staring.

The Isle that the group was departing from, was covered in a thin layer of ice over some grass that escaped from some holes to breathe air and move around, though as Marrow looked around more, the trees were covered in ice. Leading to the suspicion that the statue wanted to stop here for a break.

"I guess we're having a break, at least some movement and observation never hurt anyone!" Marrow said aloud, though Blizzard was chilling out by himself and munching some frozen grass.

Blizzard looked like he could blend into the scenery altogether, but some his black dots and hair markings stood out to him, he was just a surprise altogether in honesty, but he was also silent and looks dead inside, but he was expecting someone to walk up to him and talk to him, that was his hunch and probably not a good one..

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#268078 Posted on 2023-04-13 06:13:55

     Nysa looked up once the statue started to move. She carefully got on her hooves as she stepped over to the edge. All the stoned bodies in the meadows. Nysa could still pick out who was who, "Bye mom..." she mumbled as her face was dull, "We'll find him..." she muttered before she looked at the others stepping back from the edge. Being high up unsettled her some, but she ignored it.

     Instead Nysa just went back to looking through the spell book looking for anything that would help, but there was nothing. "There's not one thing in this book that can help help Smoke..." she said angrily as she knew Smoke was suffering. Helping Nature taught her plenty of healing things, but never with something like being turned to stone...or having half your body turned to stone. Why it didn't spread, Nysa had no idea.

     Though Nysa looked over at Blizzard and the others as she snorted, "Stop it. All of you. We just lost our families. Minette was all I had left and now she's gone. My cousin. That stallion wants something from us or we'd all be stone." she said in a demanding and slightly harsh tone, "Now keep quiet. Smoke is trying to rest." she said before she turned away. Though that was never Nysa. Not once did she ever talk harshly to anyone, but she just lost everything...everyone. 

     Apollo had just been standing near the edge staying quiet. He wasn't concerned about falling. He was a pegasus after all. Though not a sound came from him. He listened in on the conversation a little but, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He only ever had his mother, and she was gone. Just like that. He never met his father, and he never will. Apollo rarely thought of his father anyway since he found out the monster he was.

      Though that was when they realized the statue stopped. Nysa just looked at Marrow, "Don't yell at it's still my a way..I suppose." she said looking down as she went quiet. Though Apollo had already flown down to the ground, "Someone stay with Smoke. I'm still trying to find a way to help her." she said before she jumped down onto the ground of this new Isle.

     Nysa looked around unsure of where they were or even what this Isle was. Though it made her coat stand out even more with her odd tobiano markings on top of her odd blue ones. Nysa then looked over at Blizzard. She was hardly able to see him, but she did. Either way Nysa slowly walked over to him. At first she wasn't sure what to say since her mind was lost and she couldn't put her thoughts together, but she gave it a shot anyway.

     "Blizzard...we know you're hurting...we all are, but as much as we want to just give much as I want to give up...we can't..whoever that stallion was wanted my mom to suffer unlike the others...I had to watch her struggle.." she paused needing a moment, "Then her statue came to life...I keep thinking it's her, but it's not..she's gone..." she sighed tearing up a bit again.

     "Minette is my cousin, but she wanted to keep us safe. That stallion will keep her alive..I know that much..w-we just have to hope, but we can't argue with each other either." she said as she looked over at everyone else, "We need a plan before we do anything else. We need to find out what we're going to do next if we want to get Minette and our families back." she said now talking to everyone.

     Solstice taught Nysa these things. To be as strong as you can in hard times. Though Nysa now had more questions about her mother then she ever had before. Maybe learning about her past would help them, but Nysa wasn't sure that would happen. Either way she knew they needed a plan of some sort. "We have to stick together too...and help each other..but we can't argue."

     Apollo was just hovering near the group only a few feet from the ground as he looked at Nysa, "She's right...we need to think of something before anything else happens." he said agreeing with her as he lowered back to the ground. Apollo just flapped his wings a little bit before he brought them back to his sides, "Then what do we do next?" he asked Nysa which surprised her that he asked her that.

     "W-why are asking me?" she asked hesitantly as she looked down, "I-i can't make the calls...I need to go through more of my mother's spell book to find something helpful...mainly something that will help Smoke since I don't know how to do the spell Minette did with Raven...or tried on my mother..." she sighed, "I could possibly try it though....I watched her do it..." she mumbled.

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#268090 Posted on 2023-04-13 19:07:50

"Well better then not trying, and if you fail; its alright, you did your best anyways." Blizzard spoke up, he seemed cheery now, after what Nysa had told him, which he did take to consideration very well and seemed like he wanted to help too!! Which was even more grateful!

Though Smoke perked up when she heard something as she was resting, which caught Moonlight's attention and also made her concerned, but she was dependant on staying next to Smoke's side, and she would also be vulnerable if Moonlight wasn't there to protect her.

Though Esmeray was walking back to the statue since he was bored on exploring the white and non-snowing Isle, which was his usual self, but he did notice Smoke looking around as if she was trying to find something. Or most likely pin point her direction of hearing from around.

"Smoke lay your head down, and rest, I'll gently force you if I have too." Moonlight told Smoke, but she did cast a lullaby around Smoke's head only, so that she could rest up when hearing a nice and calm song that was also used for tantrums- if that came to be.

"Hey Moonlight, do you think there was some type of creature here on this Isle? It just seems empty and quiet, which wasn't good for an Isle, but we don't know this one at all." Esmeray whispered, he then got to a normal whisper where the two could lower their voices but still be loud enough to hear each other.

"I-I don't know, we weren't around to know this one at all. The only ones that knew the Isles- well, different Isles would be the god's, Scorn, Greycloud and Mesa, since they were around the longest- while albiet also immortal." Moonlight answered Esmeray's question, to the best of her extent really, but she still didn't know because she lacked the knowledge to know since the books that kept the knowledge were burned, except for one really.

Though Esmeray and Moonlight began getting an odd feeling from being on the Isle, which has also effected Raven and Blizzard, before long the rest followed by the entire same feeling in the group, it was a true odd feeling alright, but it also made Blizzard speak out and say that he felt being hunted by something. The group could also feel it as well.

"Well the Isles did recover their drowned sections, so it rebuilt itself with Nature helping of course, but she also made sure that the species was here before going extinct would be reincarnated back into their normal well being." Roulette spoke up, he was right, the Isles did resurge back into its old self after all, but whatever creature was hunting the group would probably be a carnivore instead of being pacifists/herbivores.

Though not even long into the silence, a pack of fluffy creatures jumped out, some had spears and could use them with ease that it looked like, they also looked exactly the same before they allied with Dragon Devil. But they were shorter then direwolves, so they must've been normal wolves then.. But the group didn't know that.

"Oh... No... We should have just skipped this Isle in entirely!!" Raven shouted, though Smoke was starting to wake up and the lullaby was gone after it was set on a timer, which was a bad time to wake up too, but Moonlight did her best with trying to get Smoke back to sleep.

But the wolves just stood ready to pounce the group, they were small so they wouldn't attack a horse out of the blue, meaning they were just being tough to scare the group away, but Esmeray tried charging and the wolves just ran away from him.. Their spears just matched that of the direwolves spears that were sharper then sharp itself.

"Who are you all?!" one wolf asked demandingly, they had a bow out and the wolf was in the brush, so Esmeray couldn't pin point the direction and location to where the bow-handling wolf was at.

Then another wolf asked of what species the group was, it was plain to see, but it seemed like the wolves were ready to die in order to protect their valuable grass that was left to feed on prey that dared to enter the Isle of how it was..

But another wolf stepped up, this one had a stone sword on their back, and seemed smaller than the pack of wolves, meaning the small wolf was either a runt or had a mutation for being small, or magic or curses could've did it as well. But the little wolf was still close to being as tall as the other wolves, just barely..

Esmeray seemed interested in the little wolf, but he backed up as another wolf- a female, came and got the little critter.. So wolves knew what horses were after all, and it was seen on their faces that they dared not to try and attack, which was good as Raven walked over.

"Do you know what we are?" Raven asked, of coures the question earlier was already answered, but she just wanted to clarify as the wolves backed up when Raven stepped up a couple more inches to the pack.

"Of course we know, and that question earlier is already answered, but we knew exactly who you creatures are; horses, the majestic and tough prey that we dare not to attack or we fear that our lives are gonna be gone in minutes, whether a fight broke out or not." the same bow-handling wolf asked, which a wolf with a sword took the words and told Raven.

"Because we're stronger then you, means you can't kill us? Mostly because your smaller and you feed on deer, rabbits, and other things that you can attack whilst it doesn't have a good defense." Raven said, the wolves just looked at her like she was also forgetting something.

"Including foals; we can't attack them or your gonna come after us, which we don't want to suffer casulties nor even want to try, you horses are no importance to us. Meaning we don't even care about you, only other food to survive on, excluding our half-breeds." the same wolf said, excludings half-breeds? That meant foxes, coyotes, and the god's know what else that came from the wolf, making them half-breeds.

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#268109 Posted on 2023-04-14 20:13:40

     Nysa looked over at Blizzard again as she sighed, "Alright...just let me try to remember it a bit...if I can figure it out a bit before I try...I don't want to hurt her more.." she said looking over at Smoke. How she was still going was incredible, but she was lucky...very lucky. Though Nysa stepped away a short ways trying to remember ever little thing Minette had done to reverse the spell on Raven...even if it pained her more.

     Nysa tried pulling out the spell book again as she kept trying to find something to help Smoke or even the whole group, but so far she found nothing. Maybe she just wasn't looking in the right spots? She already knew there was something in this book, she just had to find it. Though Nysa came across a page she hadn't noticed yet. It was different then the others..the page seemed newer too..

     There was a drawing of a alicorn. Nysa looked at the mare noticing the necklace then the markings quickly realizing it was her mother. She looked up at the statue before she looked at the group, but she just kept quiet and put the book away as she stepped back over to the others, "I know I'll find something in this book, but I just have to keep looking...for whatever it is I'm looking for..." she sighed trying her best to keep herself together.

     Though Nysa looked at the others before she looked around, "Well I would say something would live here. It doesn't seem that bad here.." she muttered a bit. "I don't think my mom even knew much about these new least that I'm aware of." she said curious about the Isles she hasn't seen. Nysa knew this wasn't anywhere near the time to get curious or excited about something either.

     Nysa then got a odd feeling, and she knew everyone else felt it too. "There's a lot that Nature does to ensure the safety and beauty of our home. Caring for all the critters all the least until I started helping her, but I was never with her when she brought back species...but she mentioned a few like..." Nysa paused as she looked over seeing strange creatures come out with spears.

     Apollo flew back over to the group as Nysa pinned her ears. She looked at Esmeray though, "Esmeray stay back. If they wanted to attack us then they would have already. Their wolves." she said finishing her original sentence. She really did learn quite a bit from Nature. Nysa just got a bit protective as some of her markings and her horn glowed. It was odd that her markings glowed though.

     Nysa didn't give these wolves an answer yet. She knew they knew what they were, and it was clear they knew better than to go after a horse. Nysa listened to the conversation that seemed to have started as she eventually spoke, "Look...we're only passing through. We won't be here long, but our families just got turned to stone...we're the only ones that made it out..well partly.." she sighed as she looked back at Smoke.

     "We just need to make some sort of plan and we'll be out of your hair. We're still young...and it's been a hard day..we don't mean you any harm." she said looking down a bit as she spoke, but her voice was quieter than normal and was duller than normal. Either way everything she said was true. Though Nysa's markings and horn stopped glowing as she stepped up to the wolves.

     Hesitantly she spoke again, "Do you know anything about the King of Stone? After everyone was...turned to stone..he showed himself, and that's all he really said before taking our friend and the only family I had left. We hope she's still alive, but anything will help...I...we..just want to get our families back and our normal lives..I understand if you don't know anything or don't want to tell us.." she said respectfully before she turned away facing the group. Nysa needed to be alone, but she couldn't bring herself to leave the others scared about what would happen if she did.

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#268115 Posted on 2023-04-14 21:38:14

A wolf perked up before readying his spear, he seemed agitated by alone from some of Nysa's words that she asked, but the pack then looked at the agitated wolf, but he put his spear down and began walking back to his home, wherever it was located at.

"Thanks for the understandment ma'am, lady, miss." a wolf was confused on what to call Nysa by, but she was right about the wolves not knowing much, but their Isle was resurrected from under the sea after all, so they wouldn't know nothing about now.

"Wait wait.. Stone? We have a few wolves that were stoned by a flying horse with bat wings when he passed over, he was pretty evil." another wolf asked Nysa, the same wolf stepped up as he released some information that the pack behind him didn't want to share.

"Say is Dragon Devil here anymore? Our ancestors were with him, and we wanted to know if he was around." another wolf spoke up, the entire pack seemed more friendly then being aggressive at first, but first impressions are always difficult to manage with new people- other horses to be exact.

"Well anyways, we can have you camp at our home, so that you can rest up while your stone staue just.. Stays there.." a wolf perked up and walked up almost behind Nysa, but not completely, now they were just the opposite of feral and dangerous creatures, which the opposite would be friendly and playful.

"We'd have to take it up to the alpha, you nit wit." a wolf bonked the other wolf on the head, the one that had suggested the group to stay over at their pack's home, most of the wolves seemed terrified, exceptions from the rest that want to allow the group of horses to stay over.

"But the alpha said that he'd be coming over to check on what we found, so we get to ask him anyways!" the wolf told the other wolf, most of the wolves surprisingly resmebled every horse in the herd, and the group right now, though Nysa's wolf version of her didn't show up yet.

Esmeray was just watching the wolves bicker and talk to each other quite fast, which was impressive but he soon realized that their pelts shifted over to a more look-a-like's in the group and herd, which was pretty weird and made no sense for a wolf or two look exactly like a horse..

"Hey were your coats always that color? Just gray hiding it?" Esmeray asked the two bickering  wolves, they stopped to look at him before looking at themselves, the rest of the pack was quiet even more, which was strange but they knew that their pelts changed because of the alpha arriving..

As a big giant wolf walked up and to where the two bickering wolves were, the big wolf had a magic barrier around him, which was seen as a wolf was half in the barrier and half out, his rump being gray and in the barrier was his pelt's real color, and it was astonishing magic.. That even Esmeray didn't know that even wolves could perform spells!

"You can use magic?! When?!" Esmeray was in awe and shock, Roulette and Raven trotted up to take a closer look at the wolves and the big giant wolf with his barrier, they must've gotten magic somehow, and there was only one reason for that actually.

"Well my ancestor branched off from a wolf X horse couple that were fighting in the Great War between the Wolves and Horses, and that same ancestor that branched off her family; actually created this pack, the couple that started the line was off of great wisdom and foresight. The couple predicted that their foal-pups that branched off from every angle and started a line, that included a mare that was seal brown, with pale blue eyes? And had a blue necklace that had kept her power and life force within." the giant wolf told Esmeray, the stallion was still confused and shocked even more to where he had more growing questions then answers really. But the giant wolf basically told Esmeray that Nysa's mother had contained some wolf in her, and blantly told him that Solstice's ancestors would contain vital information later.

"But we must go, come on you youngster's, we aren't leaving a group of horses out in the Icy Tundras. Mostly because the sheer wind and snow will freeze you up, so come on." the alpha told the group, he waisted no time into going straight into the forest.

"But we can't! We can't leave Smoke out here! She can barely walk! And.. it'll be painful for her.." Esmeray shouted at the direction the alpha walked in, he then returned to Smoke's side as the mare was breathing steadily and was sleeping good this time.

Then two wolves walked up next to Esmeray as he was looking at Smoke, who was sleeping peacefully, but Esmeray looked at the two wolves; the alpha made a stretcher for Smoke, so that she didn't have to walk, but instead had to sleep more. Still it would be incredibly painful if she even got up at all.

"Just slide her into the stretcher; at your best, if not. Can you see if you can teleport her? I know she's half stoned, but she would still be in pain anyways, but we need to help you guys out so that you don't have to watch out 24/7 out here in the tundras." the main wolf told Esmeray, the stallion looked at the group before looking at Moonlight, the mare just wanted Smoke to not be stoned and be more alive and well in her youthful state that she was in.

"Everyone has to vote, majority wins and we'll help each other out with Smoke, we're not doing this alone or by ourselves. We want our herdmate to be in the most comfortable of places that she can be in whilst not being in pain, well slightly because of her stoning that stopped. But we all vote or no one goes." Esmeray told the wolf, he was pretty linear about everyone voting, so that everyone can be accounted for without going out of sight.

"Aright then, we'll just wait." the two wolves nodded and began getting comfortable, Esmeray took up the votes that said Smoke should be more carefully placed in the stretcher and in her most comfortable of positions that can keep her knocked out for awhile.

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#268127 Posted on 2023-04-15 07:34:28

     Nysa just turned away from the wolves as she looked at the group for only a moment before she looked down closing her eyes. She just needed a moment, but she knew she couldn't just leave. She was scared. Scared about what would happen next. Scared about what was to come. Apollo looked at the others before he looked at Nysa. He could see how much she was hurting..

     Though he then looked over at the wolves seeing one seemed to get agitated as their spear was ready. Apollo tensed up slightly, but the other wolves handled it before anything happened. Nysa faced the wolves again, but she kept her head down giving a small nod. Though she looked up as soon as one wolf spoke up, "T-that's him...he took my cousin before we came here..." she said, "Our entire herd and even two other herds were stoned.."

     Nysa was thankful that the wolf spoke up at least, but the name Dragon Devil threw her off as she looked down thinking, "I've only heard that name once before...I'm sorry..I..don't know anything about him or your ancestors. All I know is that my mother might have something to do with him.." she said, "But she never told me anything. Sorry I can't help.." she said before looking at the group.

     Nysa then looked up at the statue, "Yeah...I don't even know how it seems to be alive...keep thinking it's my mother but it's not.." she mumbled unsure if the wolf had heard her or not, but she looked back at the wolf, "You don't have to do that...I'm sure we'll figure something out I said..we won't be here long.." she said looking at Apollo as he walked over to her.

     Apollo just looked at her, "Nysa we could use some rest including Smoke, and we don't know this place..maybe we doesn't seem that they'll attack us. Plus we aren't used to the cold..we'll freeze out here." he said flapping his wings a bit before he looked at the wolves, "Guess we'll just have to wait and see what the alpha says then.." he mumbled a bit.

     Nysa just looked at Apollo giving a small nod. She didn't really say much of anything after that. Though Nysa looked up at the wolves noticing their pelts changing. She thought it was odd, but Apollo was right. They all needed rest. Though she looked over at Esmeray as he asked her same question. Nysa looked at all the wolves, but they all went silent. Then a larger wolf appeared...

     Nysa took a small step back, and so did Apollo. Only he took a larger step back. Nysa was unsure of the barrier, but Esmeray said something before she did. Though she listened to the story the alpha told. A horse and wolf in love? It made no sense, but towards the end of it Nysa's eyes widened. Apollo looked at her nudging her softly in a way to tell her to not say anything...yet.

     Though Nysa smiled and nodded a bit as the alpha welcomed them. Esmeray was right though..they couldn't leave Smoke. Nysa walked over to the sleeping mare and sighed, "I still have to try that spell, but I can't until I'm confident enough I know what I'm doing." she said wanting Smoke to be healthy again. She didn't want her to suffer, but Nysa also didn't want to hurt her more.

     Nysa looked at the stretcher the alpha had made before looking at Esmeray, "The stretcher is the only way for us to move her causing the least amount of pain. We can't stay out here either. The alpha and Apollo are right. We'll freeze out here. Let me try doing a spell Nature taught me helps reduce pain, but I don't know how well it will work in this situation.." she said unsure, but she was willing to give it a shot. "It should help her until I can try the other spell."

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