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[tinyember x HorseGirl private rp]

#258245 Posted on 2022-05-28 15:25:18


Settled among rolling hills and stretches of open fields lives a mythical herd. This is the story of two sisters, separated by conflict, who are brought together under unlikely circumstances.

@tinyember's character: Gaia - Elemental Mare - 5 years old - Outcast from herd due to her mother fraternizing with the lead stallion's brother, resulting in Gaia's conception. Gaia was cast out when she was weaned and has lived alone in the mountains miles away from her homeland. She does not know about her sister. She is stubborn, a tad ornery, and a flight risk. She does not stay in one place for long and doesn't trust easily. Due to being cast out at such a young age, she has not learned how to tap into the powers that most of her herd members learn how to harness at a year old.

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#258247 Posted on 2022-05-28 15:36:33

Cheyenne (foal ref) - Will lighten to a light gray with pink markings, and her mane and tail will turn pink. A white horn may also appear. She was born into a magical herd, and never knew about her older sister who was cast out. The herd stayed in a rather open area. She can be shy, and it takes a lot for her to make a friend. Though, she is brave and willing to do what's right. She is kind, but prefers to stay with her parents. Couple months old at the start of the role

Last edited on 2022-05-28 at 15:36:56 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#258248 Posted on 2022-05-28 15:40:53


A smoky grey-blue mare stepped over a jagged rock, her eyes focused on the well-worn path before her. She was high above the earth, conversing the mountain terrain with deadly precision. Gaia had lived in this area for the past year and had made it a priority to make sure that she knew which way to run if she needed to. The wind was crisp and stung her nose as it whipped by, howling in her ear. Her white and grey mane blew in the wind, thin and stressed due to the elements. She huffed as she snagged her tail on a rock and pulled it loose. She was headed towards the outlook, a clearing near the top of the mountain that allowed her to see for miles. It was where she rested and slept on most nights. The sun was in the middle of the sky but Gaia had been on the move for a while, and the trek had taken it's toll on her body. Her muscles rippled under the sun and the scars she had earned over the five years of her life glimmered with each step she took. 

When she reached the clearing, she let herself relax for a few moments. She turned and looked out across the open land. She couldn't say that she missed her home. She had always felt like an outsider. Many of the mares of her herd took pity on her. Gaia couldn't control who her father was. She had wished he didn't exist for most of her time in the herd. The hardest part of leaving had been leaving her mother, who had always tried her very best to keep Gaia safe from the reality of her fate. For a moment, a pang of pain crossed Gaia's heart, but the mare shook it off and turned away. There was no use dwelling on the past, she would never be able to change it. 

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#258250 Posted on 2022-05-28 16:01:06

     Cheyenne nursed from her mother. She was only a couple months old, and didn't know anything about some of the secrets the herd had. She could hear some of the mares in the herd mention somebody by the name of Gaia, but she didn't know anyone by that name. Whenever she asked her mother who Gaia was, she would just say, "Somebody." After she finished nursing, Chey had walked around staying clear of the other foals. She wasn't very social and she was very shy. The filly walked around staying close to her mother.
     Chey was born a couple months ago. Her mother strayed a short distance from the herd to peacefully give birth in the middle of the night. Her mother was always calm, and would step up to a dispute and put it to an end. Cheyenne was clueless about what her future held for her. The filly was clueless about her cast out sister who lived in the mountains. Chey often gazed at the mountains, but she didn't know why she was drawn to them. Though she would learn very soon. Cheyenne's life was only a few days away from changing forever.

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#258251 Posted on 2022-05-28 17:58:41


Gaia was nearly dozing off when the wind picked up. It angrily licked at her sides, stinging her skin and jolting her awake. She turned her nose to the breeze and her eyes to the sky, a quick feeling of dread settling over her. The sky had darkened drastically and the sun was nowhere to be seen. A distant roll of thunder boomed and Gaia cursed softly to herself. The worst part about living in the mountains was that storms were exceptionally dangerous. Mudslides and rockslides posed to be the most dangerous disaster and Gaia did not have great luck when it came to storms. She was almost always escaping danger by the skin of her teeth. Gaia then made the mistake of letting her mind wander back to her herd. A pang hit her heart but she quickly shook away the feeling and began to make her way down to the base of the mountain. She wanted to find cover before the rain hit.

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#258260 Posted on 2022-05-29 14:14:31

     Cheyenne was snuggled up beside her mother for the night as she easily fell asleep. She dreamed about what it would be like outside the herd, and what wonders there were out in the real world. Though midnight fell and a thunderstorm was on it's way coming from the mountains. At the first crack of thunder, Chey quickly woke up and looked around frantically. By doing so she woke up her mother, "It's alright Cheyenne. It's just a thunderstorm," she said softly nuzzling her filly to comfort her, "Now go back to sleep." Cheyenne did so, but woke up every now and then due to the thunder and lightning. This was her first thunderstorm, and she wasn't liking it so far.
     Soon enough, a black unicorn stallion came running towards the herd and shouted waking everyone up, "The storm is coming, and it's not a good one. We have to find shelter quickly!" he called as the lead stallion didn't trust his words, but he quickly gathered the herd and they quickly ran off to find shelter. Cheyenne was confused by everything, and struggled to keep up with her mother. "Perfect," said the stallion as he stood behind the galloping herd with a large smirk on his face. His black horn started to spark with flames as his black mane and tail turned to flames as he cast a spell. On the lead stallion's daughter, Cheyenne, that would trap her in a different world even though it was just like this as a way to get revenge. While doing so he did the same to his daughter by fault.

     Cheyenne struggled to keep up with her mother as she had a hard time running in the mud as she slipped. Her mother hadn't noticed, and kept going with the rest of the herd. As young as she was, Chey was almost completely black so it was hard for her to be seen in the dark sky except for when the lightning light up the sky. The stallion walked up to her his mane and tail still in flames as the spell was completed. Everything went dark for Cheyenne until she opened her eyes. She was right where she was, but the herd wasn't in sight. No one was. The ground was wet, and the morning sun rose. What had happened? Where was everyone? Were the only two thoughts in her head as she looked around clueless.

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#258262 Posted on 2022-05-29 15:00:27


Gaia was finally approaching the treeline when a sudden rush of dizziness hit her like a landslide. She stumbled, her eyes so wide that the whites of her eyes glinted against each flash of lightning. The world spun as rain pelted against Gaia's skin and her legs grew weaker with each breath that she took. 'What is happening to me?' the mare thought to herself as her knees buckled and she dropped to the ground. Although her brain was screaming for her to get up and run from whatever was making her feel like this, her body would not listen. It felt like her mother was embracing her again, like she had done every night up until Gaia was cast out of the herd. It made her heartrate slow. For a split second, Gaia closed her eyes. No more than a second could have passed. But, when she opened her eyes again, the storm was gone. Sunlight gleamed through the trees and bathed her in it's soft golden warmth. Gaia leaped to her feet, eyes wide and chest heaving, muscles tensed. Something was definitely wrong. She couldn't have fallen asleep. This wasn't right. Every alarm was screaming in Gaia's head as she scanned her immediate surroundings. Everything looked the same as it did during the storm. Frozen in place, terrified to move, Gaia waited until she heard any signs of life.  

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#258265 Posted on 2022-05-29 15:41:33

     Cheyenne was too scared to move. She looked around for any signs of the herd, her mother, but the storm had washed out the herd's tracks. The scared filly whinnied to see if the herd was nearby, but she got no response. Finally, Chey decided to go off on her own after she figured that the herd wasn't coming back. The smoky black filly had walked in the mud trying to figure out what way to go. She stopped looking up at the mountains as she decided to go there. It was higher ground after all, and maybe she could spot the herd from up above. What she didn't know was that the herd wasn't there and this wasn't her world. She didn't remember what had happened the night before, but she just wanted to find somebody. She was too young to be on her own as she still nursed from her mother. 

     Chey had found a muddy trail that would bring her to higher ground. It was steep and rocky, but she had no choice but to go up. She slipped several times struggling to get back up as she slowly made her way up the trail. Her coat grew muddy with some scratches and bruises due to the harsh trail. Eventually she gave up as she slipped and landed on a decent sized rock as she let out a rather loud whinny in pain and sorrow. Would she find someone? Anyone?

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#258270 Posted on 2022-05-29 16:36:31


Gaia took a deep breath and slowly relaxed her muscles, forcing herself to begin thinking rationally. Standing in shock was putting herself in a dangerous standstill position. Slowly, she took a couple of steps towards the mountain and then broke into a trot. The ground was wet and it confirmed that the storm had actually happened. Gaia just couldn't remember how it ended. As Gaia worked her way up the mountain, she found herself falling into her usual footwork to navigate the rocky trails. At least that had stayed the same. She was finally starting to gain some ground when she heard a cry. She froze, ears pricked and heart thundering in her chest. It sounded like it was coming from up ahead. On full alert, the flighty mare rounded the bend and scanned the trail ahead of her. 

On the ground laid a small foal, completely alone and covered in mud. Still on high alert, Gaia spoke softly. "Are you alright?" she asked, her grey eyes looking over the filly for any injuries. She couldn't smell anyone other than the filly and it worried her. How could this filly get all this way without her mother? 

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#258271 Posted on 2022-05-29 17:32:36

     Cheyenne struggled to get any further on slightly steep muddy and rocky trail as she slid back whenever she attempted to take a step forward. Her legs were shaking as they about gave up on her. The tired filly had fallen when she heard someone behind her. She looked back to see a mare. Chey didn't know if she could trust this mare, but she had no choice. The filly knew she had to get help from the mare or she wouldn't make it on her own. She was just too young. The storm and mud had washed out her mother's scent. Or would her mother's scent even be on this alternative world? Cheyenne didn't quite know what to say to the mare as she was scared about everything and being off on her own. Chey had started to stutter as she spoke quietly, "I-i d-don't know.." she said as she tried getting up one final time, but her legs just gave out on her from how exhausted she was. Not only that, but some of the mud had dried to her coat making it clumpy. The very minimal pink tips in her mane and tail had been covered by the mud making her seem like any old foal.

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#258274 Posted on 2022-05-29 18:00:55


Gaia watched as the little filly tried and failed over and over to get up, softly snorting. She felt bad for the tired foal, but feeling bad didn't outweigh her feeling that something was definitely wrong with everything going on. "Are you alone?" she asked as she crept forward, examining the foal on the ground. She looked like a ordinary horse which was alarming in and of it's self. She leaned down, still tense, and began using her nose to nudge the muddy filly. "I know you're tired but you can't lay here, we're in the middle of the path. Use me to lean on, there's a clearing up ahead that you can rest at." she murmured, her eyes softening as she looked closer at the filly. She was so small. There was no way that she was supposed to be on her own this early. Gaia hadn't even been this young when she was cast out of her family.

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#258276 Posted on 2022-05-29 18:59:54

     Cheyenne looked up at the mare as she came closer, "I l-lost my herd during the s-storm," she said missing her mother more then anything else. Her tired eyes looked at the mare helplessly. She looked like one of her own, from her herd. Though she was too tired to ask the mare anything at that point. As the mare put her muzzle giving her a soft nudge, Chey felt better. She wasn't alone anymore, at least not for now. With the mare's help, Cheyenne slowly stood up on her wobbly legs as though she was just born. Chey slowly walked beside the mare as she leaned into her side for support. It felt like forever even though it wasn't as the filly didn't take any time to lay down. She felt awful with the clumped up mud that started to dry on her black coat. Not only was she tired, but also starving. She needed her mother, but she had no idea where the herd had gone. Would she ever find them again soon?

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#258286 Posted on 2022-05-30 09:36:38


Gaia led the filly to the clearing that she had been at only hours earlier. With the storm gone, it was now safe to be on the mountain again. But Gaia didn't feel safe. Everything about the past series of events felt wrong and it was a feeling that had settled in Gaia's bones. The smokey blue mare looked over at the small filly and listened to her mumble about being separated from her herd. She cursed to herself mentally. Of course she found a foal from the herd that she had been cast out of. This felt like a sick game was being played and Gaia really didn't want any part of it. "You can rest here for the night and then tomorrow we can try and find your herd." she said, trying to keep the emphasis out of her words when she said 'your herd'. This was the last thing she wanted to do. 

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#258288 Posted on 2022-05-30 09:55:40

     Cheyenne looked up at mare with her tired eyes as a small smile came across her face, "R-really?" she said knowing that she was too young to find them herself. The small filly knew there was something different about this mare, but she wasn't sure what it was. It didn't take too long for Chey to close her eyes and fall asleep. She had never been away from her mother this long before, and she hoped she would find her tomorrow with the mare's help of course. Cheyenne slept for quite awhile until she woke up suddenly. She missed her mom, and it was difficult for her to stay asleep without her mother beside her. The small filly looked around the area whenever she wakened to try and find something to have her remember the feeling of her mom beside her. That night was rough for her in many ways, but things would get easier for her in a little while only for things to get tense again. Though that wasn't going to be for a couple years, or less. When the first ray of sunshine hit the sky, Cheyenne had waken up and slowly stood up. The filly was going back home, to her herd, and she was ready to her mom again as she walked around the area a bit before they started their journey.

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#258290 Posted on 2022-05-30 10:51:19


Gaia didn't sleep much that night, mostly because her nerves didn't allow her to. Anytime that she did doze off, she woke up anytime the filly moved in her sleep. She was worried because on top of everything else going on, she was providing a foal from her old herd a place to sleep. The conflict that would come from that if the filly's family came to find her would be awful. Gaia stirred as the sunlight warmed her skin and opened her unnatural white eyes. The filly was already awake and was clearly itching to get back home. Gaia sighed and shook off the dust that had settled on her skin. "Before we head out, I think we should exchange names at least." she said, eyeing the small filly. "I'm Gaia."

Before she could really think about whether or not she should ask, the burning question at the back of her mind slipped out of her mouth. "And I need to know your parents names... to make sure that I'm not giving you to the wrong herd."

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