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"Falling in love with you..."

Little Dragons Stables
Hi, thanks for coming! At Little Dragons Stables, I breed Miniature Horses for stats, and Chincoteagues and Shetlands for color (with a Gypsy Vanner line in the works). I am currently expanding my barn, and working on improving and expanding my lines; each horse is given a background and registered to the appropriate club for their breed as soon as they turn three. I'm the owner of the Miniature Horse Club, PM me with any ideas or suggestions for club activities or improvements. I've been here since 2015, and am always open to answer a question, accept a friend request, or just chat, so go ahead and send me a friend request or PM! I am also on Furry Paws (by the same username) if you want to find me there.

Proud artist and EVAC member!

About Me
Artist | Writer | Horse Lover | Amateur Pony Plush Collector
I love birding, reading, writing, photographing, roleplaying, drawing, and digital art-ing, not to mention being on here with all you amazing players! 
Examples of my art

To Do
Tall Oak's tag

Breed a horse that reaches International 1  Shimmersilk
Breed a horse born at International 1
Breed a horse that reaches International 5
Downsize Miniature Horses
Obtain Appaloosa Pony Plush
Commissions are: Closed (to catch up with orders)
PM me to order a custom art piece or character! Please note that (1) I am a busy person and I can't always finish right away, so I reserve the right to take 2-3 weeks to complete your order if necessary, and (2) I am still learning and improving, and I can never promise I'll be able to do what you want. Still, I will always try.
I do not do lineart for designs at this time, so if you order a character design I will use free lines. If you have a certain lineart you want me to use, make sure to specify.

Horse tag (solid background, 1 horse): 50k
Horse sig (solid background, 1 horse): 100k
With background: +25k
+1 horse: +25k
For every horse after two: +50k
Character design (1 sided, 2 or less simple markings, no addons): 75k
+1 simple marking: +5k
+1 difficult marking: +15k
+1 simple addon: +10k
+1 difficult addon: +25k

Coding by Kala #89252

I've Got Quality Miniature Australian Shepherds on  I've Got Quality Whippets on

The Herd

Icons by Bronzehalo from DeviantArt, coloring by me/wey


PitaPata Horse tickers

Account Information
Member Name Dragonfly
Member ID 89253
Account Type Deluxe (314 days left)
Joined August 5, 2015
Last Active 2021-04-26 05:51:53
Member Information
Money on Hand $111,025
Money in Bank $46,981,454
Player Level 17
Horses 109 / 110

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 2949889
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $511,945

Member Level
Level 17 Experience 449302 (50%) EXP Required 883006 EXP Left 433704

Dragonfly's Horse Divisions
<3 LOCKED 12 horses
Not trained today
Chincoteagues LOCKED 9 horses
Not trained today
Gray Gold - Gray Shetland Ponies Project LOCKED 11 horses
Not trained today
Gypsy Vanners 4 horses
Not trained today
Miniature Horses LOCKED 23 horses
Not trained today
Shetland Ponies LOCKED 21 horses
Not trained today
zFrozen LOCKED 29 horses
Not trained today

Club Memberships

Cream Horse Society

Show Creation Coalition

Shetland Pony Club

Coloured Horse Club

Miniature Horse Club

Equiverse Color Association

The EV Art Club

Greatest Grays

Writers Guild

Preferred Specialties
Miniature HorseDrivingStats
Shetland PonyDrivingColor
ChincoteagueShow JumpingColor